super thermite found in 9/11 dust from WTC towers: Part 2

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Again, look at how WTC 7 was situated. Structural damage? Why didn't the buildings next to it fall?




WTC7 fell in 6.5 seconds. That's not possible from burning.




Caissa, how is it that WTC 7 was damaged so severely as to collapse in 6.5 seconds, but the buildings adjacent to it suffered little, and did not have to be pulled down?





-6. The planes did it.


The plane, boss! The plane! Which did not hit WTC 7! But never mind that! It was the plane! The plane!



I'm glad you are finally seeing the light, tatoo. The question is which one of us inhabits fantasy island.


WTC-7 fell down to the ground due to chain reaction fear of being hit by a plane. They say some buildings are haunted.


WTC7 was blown up for the insurance once they saw the towers go down. Everyone knows that.



jas wrote:

WTC7 fell in 6.5 seconds. That's not possible from burning.


This evidence supports the NIST contention that the building collapse progressed from the penthouse out as columns were weakened by the fires. The slow sinking of the penthouses, indicating the internal collapse of the building behind the visible north wall, took 8.2 seconds according to a NIST preliminary report. Seismograph trace of the collapse of WTC 7 indicates that parts of the building were hitting the ground for 18 seconds. This means the collapse took at least 18 seconds, of which only the last approximately 15 seconds are visible in videos: 8 seconds for the penthouses and 7 seconds for the north wall to come down.


Oh, sorry, HF. 18 seconds then. That explains EVERYTHING.


Good. Glad to help you clear that up.

Snert Snert's picture

I'm starting to think that the mere fact that there's a rational answer for [i]everything[/i] is what proves it's all a big coverup.  Since when can everything be explained rationally?


Conspiracy sites point to the building falling straight down as proof the buildings were blown up. Even Professor Jones uses this in his paper as an indication of controlled demolition.

This is HANDS DOWN my favourite. Morans who seem to think that a giant concrete and steel box is going to topple at ground level like a tree being felled. That anyone hasn't figured this out yet, eight years later, boggles my mind. It's honestly up there with Creationism for me.

As to the question, "Why has no one discovered earlier that there was nano-thermite in the buildings?" The obvious answer I was expecting was "Because no one was looking for it! No investigation was done!!"

Ya, I guess they were mostly going with the "got hit by two giant jets" hypothesis and forgot to look for microscopic compounds planted by Donald Rumsfeld and Mossad. Ooopsie!
Thing is, usually when you see hoofprints you look for a horse. Rarely, you might look for a zebra. You're all indignant that they didn't go looking for a fucking UNICORN, and in fact are using this as part of your "proof" of the Great Unicorn Coverup.



Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, born in 1947, Afghan military and political leader and prime minister of Afghanistan (1993-1994; 1996). Hekmatyar was born in Baghlān, a member of the Pashtun ethnic group. He first became involved in politics as an engineering student at Kābul University and joined the political Jamiat-i-Islami (Islamic Society) in the early 1970s. After Muhammad Daud overthrew the Afghan government in 1973, Hekmatyar went to Pakistan. There, with the clandestine support of the Pakistan government, Hekmatyar put together a small but well-trained group of mujahideen (guerrilla) commanders to fight the regime in Kābul. Following a rift with Jamiat-i-Islami members, Hekmatyar founded the Hezb-i-Islami (Islamic Party) in 1976.


WTC 7 levelled in 6.5 seconds according to NBC and CBS videos of the collapse


Fidel wrote:

WTC 7 levelled in 6.5 seconds according to NBC and CBS videos of the collapse

The video evidence you are using clearly shows the building taking at least 14 seconds from the first visible change in the building at the penthouse level to the disappearence of the building. I'm using the very first video as a reference.


Ok, so, yes. Attention please, folks. Heywood Floyd says that WTC7 collapsed in 14 seconds. That's still not possible from merely burning.



True. It takes unfought fires, an odd structure, and significant damage from the impact of parts of the twin towers.


Webgear wrote:

Hekmatyar seized power in 1990's Afghanistan with US backing. When the Soviets pulled out of Afghanistan in 1989, the CIA began bypassing Pakistan's army intel in favour of using Hekmatyar as a direct conduit for continued billions of dollars in US aid to militant Islamists. The Afghan PDPA government finally fell in 1992 and actually outlived the USSR by over a year. Pakistani and US news agencies predicted PDPA would fall to the mujahideen much earlier, and no more than six months after Soviet withdrawal.

Hekmatyar's first assignments were to assassinate Afghan Marxists and academics in 1970s Afghanistan. He gained notoriety with the CIA for throwing acid in the faces of female students.



I'm timing from the first visible change on the penthouse, in which a portion of the left side disappears, to the time the building has disappeared.

This correlates with the seismic data, which says that it took 18 seconds.


HeywoodFloyd wrote:

Fidel wrote:

WTC 7 levelled in 6.5 seconds according to NBC and CBS videos of the collapse

The video evidence you are using clearly shows the building taking at least 14 seconds from the first visible change in the building at the penthouse level to the disappearence of the building. I'm using the very first video as a reference.

The site says 6.5 seconds.

I timed both NBC and CBS videos on my puter, and it's about 6.5 seconds. As in, top of the building in full view to desaparecido from sight in ~6.5 s..

Are you on dialup or still using an older computer?



Did you forget that itty bitty piece of office memo paper still visible in the corner of the screen by film's end?

Anyway... That's not even the way NIST measured elapsed time for WTC 7 demolition from start to finish.


Also, the last two aren't really useful for timing as you can't see the penthouse changes like you can in the first. I can see how you get 6.5 seconds if you look at the last two but they don't show the whole thing,


So, where in the official 9/11 report do they mention 18 seconds?


I don't know if they do or not.

Back to the video: are you seeing the change in the building at about the 2-3 second mark?


So if the official report says something like 10 seconds from start to fini, it's in glaring conflict with your 18 seconds. Apparently you have good reason for a follow up investigation of 9/11.


I see no need for a follow-ip investigation. If, as you say, the report says 10 seconds then it says 10 seconds. I don't know what they used as a start point for the collapse of the building.


And do you see the change in the building at the 2-3 second mark in the first video?



Flies his metaphorical jet into this sky scapper of a thread.


REASON IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To arrive at 6.5 seconds as NBC and CBS videos clearly show, clock the time from building visible to the naked eye to 99% invisible.


Like I said in post #124, those videos are confusing because you cannot see the changes at the penthouse. You can see the change in the first video. That is the only one that I am using.


Ya right Tommy, no known thread has ever collapsed from a jet liner impact.

Maysie Maysie's picture

Closing for weirdness and length.


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