super thermite found in 9/11 dust from WTC towers: Part 3

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Cueball Cueball's picture

You know, I don't really have a stand on this issue. I guess I think that the towers collapsed because of errors in the construction process, compounded by age, and the fires caused by the jet liners crashing. I am open to reading anyones views on the subject. After all if I really knew who did 9/11 I would not be posting on babble. Wink However, I really think the naysayers have been engaging in a kind of disruptive trolling. A few jabs and jokes were fine, but its been pretty much constant thread abuse, trolling and derailing without content since thread one.

Jacob Two-Two

oldgoat wrote:

 Please carry on discussing 911 theories, and hold to your hearts how much fun you'll have if ever publicly proven to be right.

Man, people are so weird about the WTC attacks. There are no end of conspiracy theories thrown around on this board (as it should be), and many of them kookier than anything in this thread, but only this topic seems to generate this level of scorn.

Oldgoat, won't you be happy if those who allege complicity of the Bush administration are proven right? Won't you be pleased that the truth came out? Or proven wrong for that matter? If we finally have a credible investigation then we can all stop speculating, can't we? Because that's all you're doing when you reject these theories, as much as they are when they construct them.

Personally, I never thought much of the demolition hypothesis. Not that they wouldn't do it, but it seemed complicated and unnecessary. Wouldn't it be enough for the planes to hit the towers? Would they have to be utterly destroyed to get the political lever that they publically stated they needed to carry out their agenda? On the other hand, the Bush administration demonstrated time and again that they believed they could get away with absolutely anything (and so far, it seems they are right). So why not? If you want to make a big statement, make it as big as possible.

If these researchers are correct about the presence of explosive materials in the WTC dust, however, it gives the theory a lot more credence to my mind. I can't think of any rational explanation for that, except the obvious one: the towers were blown up with explosives. I hope this is followed up on. I'm curious to see how it evolves.

Jacob Two-Two

Oh, and Unionist. It's one thing to be a childish jerk, spamming up threads that you have no interest in participating in, but reporting jas to the moderators like he is a problem when you freely admit you're only here to disrupt discussion? That is sad and low behaviour. I thought I'd seen you at your worst but it looks like I was wrong.


What I find amazing with all the detail planning conducted for 9/11, that some organization was sloppy enough to not create a good cover story or speaking points of why WTC 7 building collapse.

It is my belief something/someone was in building #7. The north and south towers were part of the deception plan, something to keep everyone away from the real target which was building #7.


Jacob Two-Two wrote:

Oh, and Unionist. It's one thing to be a childish jerk, spamming up threads that you have no interest in participating in, but reporting jas to the moderators like he is a problem when you freely admit you're only here to disrupt discussion?

Do you agree with his statement that Caissa and I were accusing all truthers of anti-semitism?


I think the point needs to be made, strongly, that in the last thread about 9-11 (which was closed before I noticed), there was some major trolling of the thread by Caissa and Unionist.  I understand jas's frustration in that light, and Caissa and Unionist, if you don't want to discuss the topic, then how about just staying out of the thread instead of mocking everyone participating in it to the point where no discussion at all can be had.

However, jas, your remark about "anti-semitism" here seems to have also come out of nowhere and seems to be aimed in particular at Unionist.  It's understandable that he feels targeted by your gratuitious mention of anti-semitism when he hasn't been discussing it in this thread.  So you were out of line too.

This is one of those cases where it all comes down to tone.  If everyone wasn't so busy pissing all over each other and ridiculing each other, you could actually have a real discussion.


In jas' defence, there was a gratuitous remark made about Mossad in post #72 of the preceding thread. Although I think it was made in a playful manner. And I think most of us are careful not to mention that charitable bunch of do-gooders for fear of being labelled something or other.


I think the point needs to be made, strongly, that in the last thread about 9-11 (which was closed before I noticed), there was some major trolling of the thread by Caissa and Unionist.  I understand jas's frustration in that light,

I think jas can take his fake outrage and go jump in a septic tank. Did you happen to catch his act over in the now-closed hockey thread?
He posted this image a few times:



Come to think of it, his contributions to this thread aren't much more sophisticated.


Yes, I did.  And that's what drew my attention to what Caissa was doing in the other 9-11 thread, but I came along after both were already closed.  Yes, jas shouldn't have done that, but she was making a point about the trolling that Caissa was doing in the 9-11 thread.

Does everyone feel better now that everyone's been scolded by teacher?  Can we move on now and continue the thread?


Michelle wrote:

  I understand jas's frustration in that light, and Caissa and Unionist, if you don't want to discuss the topic, then how about just staying out of the thread instead of mocking everyone participating in it to the point where no discussion at all can be had.


I [b]do[/b] want to discuss the topic. I have discussed it many times, offering my view that the conspiracy theories:

1. Are premised on the omnipotence and omniscience of the U.S. ruling elites.

2. Are contemptuous of the view that a handful of adventurers could actually wreak damage on the colossus.

3. Are often inherently chauvinistic, by stressing that the deaths of Americans going about their business is some world-changing catastrophe, by contrast with the deaths of Amerika's victims around the world.

4. Are major distractions from the worst crimes of the U.S. against its own people and people abroad.

I make serious points, and I also ridicule the most exaggerated and ludicrous paranoid claims of some of the truthers.

If you don't consider that as appropriate commentary on this issue, let me know - I'll disagree with you vehemently, but I won't defy moderators' decisions the way jas has done. Jas's comments are personal and filthy, and s/he refuses to retract them. This is not the first time or the first thread where this has happened.


But you never-ever address the issue that the US and its NATO minions of doom have been accused of false flag terrorism before in 1991, when Daniele Ganser's news story broke in Europe. Of course the US, a leading NATO nation and leading the imperialist occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Pakistan, denied it. However, European Houses of parliament acknowledged the post-war stay behind terror groups and renounced them.

That's what some of us are saying, including several 9/11 Truth groups, US military officers for Truth etc,  that 9/11 was an elaborate false flag operation. There are some people with credentials suggesting that the US military and Pentagon bureaucrats are very capable.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Webgear wrote:

What I find amazing with all the detail planning conducted for 9/11, that some organization was sloppy enough to not create a good cover story or speaking points of why WTC 7 building collapse.

It is my belief something/someone was in building #7. The north and south towers were part of the deception plan, something to keep everyone away from the real target which was building #7.

Perhaps the Nano-Thermite factory was in the basement of Number 7?


Perhaps, there was a Thermite factory was there.



Marvin Bush's scabby private security outfit perhaps?


Maybe there was a secret KGB cell operating there, ohhh wait the KGB never did anything bad.




That'd be FSB nowadays, webgear. And, what if the Russians were accused of perpetrating false flag terrorism in recent years? Would it make this  phenomenon any more believable as far youre concerned?



FSB/KGB/NDVK are all the same organization just with a new name.

Fidel, you have hardly add nothing value to these threads. Several people have asked you questions yet you have avoided them with your usually comebacks.




Webgear, are you trying to tell us that your reply to Cueball above: "Perhaps, there was a Thermite factory was there" required pains-taking effort on your part? Are you saying there was a thermite factory there, or that perhaps there was a thermite factory there?

Jacob Two-Two

"What I find amazing with all the detail planning conducted for 9/11, that some organization was sloppy enough to not create a good cover story or speaking points of why WTC 7 building collapse."

But it wasn't sloppy at all, was it? The only people questioning anything are a bunch of cranks nobody listens to, so there didn't need to be any explanations for anything, really. Is congress tirelessly delving into the question of WTC7? Of course not. They didn't get an explanation for WTC7 and they just don't care. The Bush administration counted on people accepting what they were told and they were dead right, just like they counted on people accepting that Saddam was linked to the attacks without any evidence. They didn't need cover stories because they understand that people want to be told what's what, and not have to figure it out themselves. As Unionist and Cassia are displaying quite ably, people will not only not require explanations, but show overt hostility towards those who seek them. No cover stories necessary. Human nature does all the heavy lifting. They understand how people tick, and it's exactly what has allowed them to commit so many crimes against humanity and escape unscathed.


Jacob Two-Two wrote:
As Unionist and Cassia are displaying quite ably, people will not only not require explanations, but show overt hostility towards those who seek them.

You are shockingly confused. Check the hostility in this thread and who it came from (HINT: [b]jas, No Yards, and YOU[/b]). My stand is: 1) purely political, showing how the wacko conspiracy theories help U.S. imperialism; and 2) mocking and ridicule of the more zany aspects (like, the view that every single member of Congress is "in" on the plot - wow, good one).

The hostility comes from those who have only questions, no answers, and who don't like the obvious answers - the answer that Sunera Thobani gave in October 2001, for which she suffered persecution. Let me know if you've forgotten what she said. It is as true today as it was then.



I think it as sloppy, why not make an air tight story, why give the people doubt about what happen.

Why give the crack pops had anyhthing to go on.


Okay, so we think you non-truthers are all whackos who swallowed the imperialist koolaid side of things during the cold war and are too ashamed to admit it now. So there, we've saved you from having to beat around the BUSH much furrrrther.

Jacob Two-Two

"Do you agree with his statement that Caissa and I were accusing all truthers of anti-semitism?"

I took that comment as deliberate overstatement to mock your irrational harrasment, much as your own relentless over-the-top exaggerations about what "truthers" believe was intended to mock their positions. I don't believe for a second that jas really thought you were making that accusation, nor do I believe that you believe it.

And your sudden assertion that you really do want to discuss this topic, after three threads of doing nothing of the sort, is just pathetic. I can only hope you are not kidding yourself with that nonsense, but if you are, then you are the only one.


Unionist wrote:

Jacob Two-Two wrote:
As Unionist and Cassia are displaying quite ably, people will not only not require explanations, but show overt hostility towards those who seek them.

 My stand is: 1) purely political, showing how the wacko conspiracy theories help U.S. imperialism;

How you people have come to understand this I'll never know.  You people might as well suggest that you disagree with two of the 9/11 panelists - that they are wrong - and that the sham of a 9/11 investigation was legit. Nothing about why you think the 9/11 panelists, including the chairperson leading the investigation - thinks there was obstruction of justice and evidence withheld by the Pentagon and FBI. Nothing.

There are lawyers for 9/11 truth telling you that basic procedures for producing evidence were not followed as required by US constitutional provisions.

Of course, all this could be rolled into one legal proceeding against the war criminals who gave the a-okay for the renditions, the military to use torture by governmental permission, the executive death squads running around three countries in the Middle East and Central Asia, the kangaroo justice at Gitmo etc. I can tell this is all beyond you and your superiority complex by now, so I'll stop off there.

Jacob Two-Two


I think it as sloppy, why not make an air tight story, why give the people doubt about what happen.

Why give the crack pops had anyhthing to go on."

Sure, technically, it is sloppy. The point is that it doesn't matter. If I had done this, then I would have built a cover story, thinking I'd have to cover all my bases, but they didn't bother because they knew that nobody is going to care. Think of all the crimes they've commited, right out in the open. Do they bother to justify them? Sure they make a little noise here and there, but basically their message to the American people has been "We'll do as we like and you are too cowed to stop us". And they were right.

Of course, there is an official explanation for WTC 7. It collapsed due to fire. That explanation doesn't make a lick of sense, but they know that it's not relevent. I can hear them in their secret meetings right now: "How will we explain the third tower?", "Oh, it doesn't matter. We'll come up with something when the time comes. It doesn't have to make sense. They'll believe it because we say it". And of course, that's exactly what happened. Their whole attitude from the beginning has been "We don't have to justify, explain, or appease. We are in charge and you will do as we say and think as we tell you to". Their statements on all their crimes are never rational or credible, but they always work. It doesn't matter that they lie, it just matters that nobody is willing to question it.

Jacob Two-Two

Unionist wrote:


You are shockingly confused.

The only thing I was confused about was having some measure of respect for you, but my head is clear now. Thanks for that.



Interesting point of view, thank you for the reply.


I've read Chomsky's comments on the truth movement. And I agreed with his comments for some time. And then I realized that Chomsky and a slew of anti-Republican US lefties endorsed Obama during the election campaign.

And the dirty truth is that Liberal Democrats have been complicit in the warmongering and imperialism abroad for a long time. And I believe they are just as guilty in creating "al Qe'eda" for the purpose of destabilizing parts of the world where the demockratizers and corporate jackals are interested. The US dollar hegemonists in the WB and IMF, WTO, EC, BIS etc and so-called "free trade" capitalists dont really believe in what they preach to developing countries' leaders or even us, including too many Liberal Democrats on the take from big business and Wall Street fascists.

What the 9/11 truth movement does do, I have discovered, is push people to search for the truth by internet and other means, and to discover the vicious empire's real political and business dealings, and spanning not just this recent time period in question, but the whole ball of wax. The truth is dangerous as far as imperialists are concerned. So is hope.


Jacob Two-Two wrote:

And your sudden assertion that you really do want to discuss this topic, after three threads of doing nothing of the sort, is just pathetic. I can only hope you are not kidding yourself with that nonsense, but if you are, then you are the only one.

I don't know why you have adopted such a vicious and hateful way of speaking about another person, Jacob. You think there have been just three threads on this nonsense? I have argued my position at great length, especially with Fidel, over several years here. You weren't around, but that doesn't mean the tree made no sound when it fell, you know. And please quit this over-the-top dehumanization about "lost all respect" and so on. Did I insult your religion or your family or something? Cool off.



I've noticed wrt 9/11 Truth movement, you[Unionist] tend to argue selectively against the weaker conspiracy theories while avoiding themes most difficult to deny or counter, like the CIA's blowback story which goes something like, "Yes, we did support bin Laden and Islamic militants. But they went against us"  The left and not-so left have mocked that one left, right and centre for years.

Jacob Two-Two

No, I was around actually. If you go back you'll see me in those threads. And you were the same disruptive, unproductive presence in those threads as you have been in these. It was irritating, but no big deal. I told you then that we all know your position and spamming up the threads with mockery wasn't making it come across any better, nor was it making anyone agree with it more. But like I said, pain in the butt but nothing to get upset over.

What has made me lose respect for you is first spamming up these discussions, deliberately trying to prevent them from happening (which you have admitted to in the past), and then running to the mods after your provocation eventually gets a response, and finally trying to deny that you were doing what everyone can clearly see you doing, which is disrupting, not participating. You want to be a jerk? Fine. But at least have the decency to cop to it.

Jacob Two-Two


Jacob. Interesting point of view, thank you for the reply."

You're welcome. In fact, let me elaborate a little.

Think of the period leading up to the invasion of Iraq. They knew they were fabricating a pretext for war out of nothing at all, and as was freely admitted, they settled on the WMD story not because it was any more credible than any other explanation, but simply because it was the pretext that everyone involved could get behind. So they built a huge, falsified body of evidence and used it to justify their invasion. Now surely, the question came up: What if we don't find anything?

Now, you or me would be really worried about this. Our credibility will be shot, the American people will want our heads, the Republican party will be disgraced. We'd decide that we'd better not risk this unless we knew we'd come up with something, and since there was no credible intelligence supporting the presence of WMD, then we'd figure this was a bad risk and pack the whole thing up. But these guys don't think that way. They knew that they could use any pretext they like and if nothing turned up, then they'd move on to a new pretext like nothing ever happened, which is exactly what they did. You see? To these guys, explanations aren't important. Power is important. People don't want to be convinced, they want to be bullied. Tell them what to think and they'll think that way, because authority is more important than rationality.

Now, if you had laid this down for me several years ago, I would have thought that was a horribly pessimistic view, but we've seen the evidence with our own eyes. The lies coming out of the White House could not have been any more obvious, but it really didn't matter. They knew that enough people would think the way they are told to think that it would make the existing dissent irrelevent and they were right. Especially the elites with the power to go after them, because they have the most stake in the staus quo.

They don't need explanations because most people don't want them. I think the last eight years have proven this quite conclusively.


As Fidel knows (and you don't, Jacob, you were emphatically [b]not[/b] around for those threads), I support Sunera Thobani's analysis. Her words terrified the Canadian ruling classes. Her speech rings as true today as when it was first delivered on October 1, 2001. Read it, and tell me which part you disagree with:

[url=][color=blue][u]The Speech that Shook the Country[/u][/color][/url]

Then please read her follow-up address, in which she responded to the frenzy of character assassination:

[url=][color=red][u]War Frenzy[/u][/color][/url]

Read, please, Fidel and others. These ringing anti-war words, this clarity of analysis, were pronounced almost five (5) years before you and your party got around to calling for withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan. And today, once again, you're wavering. Don't.

ETA: And Jacob, if you can drop your apparent contempt for me for one moment, check out [url= thread[/color][/url], for example, which I opened in order to defend Lesley Hughes against the vicious attacks of the Liberal Party (Stéphane Dion in lock-step with the Zionist establishment) just because she wrote some loopy blog about 9/11 years ago. She was attacked (including by some babblers who should know better) as being "anti-semitic", which is ludicrous and offensive. I defended her and her right to speculate on 9/11 all she wants. In case you care, Jacob.

Jacob Two-Two

" I defended her and her right to speculate on 9/11 all she wants. In case you care, Jacob. "

I do care, and I'm glad to see it.

And thanks for the Thobani link. It was good to read that again. I'm a little concerned that you're losing your grip though. I agree with every word in the speech as I did when she first gave it. What about this thread makes you think I wouldn't exactly? I don't get it.


Unionist wrote:

Read, please, Fidel and others. These ringing anti-war words, this clarity of analysis, were pronounced almost five (5) years before you and your party got around to calling for withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan. And today, once again, you're wavering. Don't


I'm going to do as you do now and begin talking through, around and above your non-sequiters and disinterested commentaries. What I dont do is refer to you as a whacko, as much as I'd like to do in kind, and as youve done before with me and others in frenzied haste.

So, why would Unionist suspect that 9/11 Truthers are for US and NATO military occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq, and increasingly, Pakistan?

North Americans and the rest of the world have been lied to on a constant basis with regard to:


1. when, how, and why militant Islam began to flourish in Central Asia

2. NATO's role in false flag terrorism throughout the cold war

3. US involvement in destabilizing several countries, and continuing to aid and abet militant Islamists in several countries ie, "al Qa'eda"

4. constant lies wrt their alleged need to order CIA renditions, torture, and kangaroo military trials at Gitmo and amounting to an American inquisition to supported a phony global war on terror. And,


5. The lies concerning 9/11 and pattern for Iran-Contragate repeated with the muijahideen fighting in Bosnia against the Yugoslav army, which should be acknowledged and addressed by all legitimate anti-war groups around the world.


The Islamic terror network is a US creation. 


Jacob Two-Two wrote:

 I agree with every word in the speech as I did when she first gave it. What about this thread makes you think I wouldn't exactly? I don't get it.

I was talking to Fidel. He tends to promote the view that the U.S. runs everything. The "phoney war on terror"; "Al Qaeda" is still a U.S. front; so are the Taliban; so was 9/11. The trouble with this vision is that it ends up, bizarrely, justifying intervention in Afghanistan and elsewhere. That's why I keep reminding Fidel of what Sunera said. She said it all - before the U.S. and Canada even sent troops. Somehow, for some people, that's not enough - it's not [b]bad[/b] enough - they need to see the U.S. mass-murdering its own citizens on Sept. 11 in order to really get worked up into outrage. I don't.


Unionist wrote:
I was talking to Fidel. He tends to promote the view that the U.S. runs everything. The "phoney war on terror"; "Al Qaeda" is still a U.S. front; so are the Taliban; so was 9/11. The trouble with this vision is that it ends up, bizarrely, justifying intervention in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

So, which of us, you or I, is suggesting that the USA's colder war enemy, "al Qa'eda", is a legitimate enemy of the vicious empire, and thusly perpetuating the Bush neocon 9/11 narrative that they must fight this legit enemy on foreign soil like so much Joe Goebbels propaganda? Sticky bit that eh, comrade?

That's why I keep reminding Fidel of what Sunera said. She said it all - before the U.S. and Canada even sent troops. Somehow, for some people, that's not enough - it's not [b]bad[/b] enough - they need to see the U.S. mass-murdering its own citizens on Sept. 11 in order to really get worked up into outrage. I don't.

And if you continue to insinuate that I am pro-war, pro-imperialist occupation,  in these threads when I AM NOT,  I will complain to the moderators. I was tossed for a week for less than this, I'll have you know.


Fidel, you can complain all you want. Until 2006 you did not support withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan. Then thankfully you came to see the light. That's the truth. If it bothers you, it shouldn't - it should just be a reminder. As for me "insinuating" that you're "pro-war, pro-imperialist occupation", I have never done so, so stop making things up. I am definitely insinuating that you and many others see the U.S. as a far more powerful, invincible, all-knowing, worldwide controlling conspirator than it really is (IMO). And that's one of the features of the overemphasis on finding out the "truth" about 9/11. I only hope that story ends earlier than the "who really killed JFK" nonsense did.



Unionist wrote:

Fidel, you can complain all you want. Until 2006 you did not support withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan. Then thankfully you came to see the light. That's the truth. If it bothers you, it shouldn't - it should just be a reminder.

And thank you for reminding me of my pro-USSA, pro-NATO-Gladio history here on babble. Viva La Revolucion!
I am definitely insinuating that you and many others see the U.S. as a far more powerful, invincible, all-knowing, worldwide controlling conspirator than it really is (IMO). And that's one of the features of the overemphasis on finding out the "truth" about 9/11. I only hope that story ends earlier than the "who really killed JFK" nonsense did.

So as Naomi Klein said recently, that national security state in existence since 1947 has a terrible record for warfiteering first and asking questions much later. At some point, people have to consider that the mistakes are not really mistakes at all.
If the USSA and vicious empire are incompetent imperialists, then why is America home to more concentration of wealth than any other country in the world and followed by Canada and several other western countries with billionaire oligarcghies, which are basically run by a financial elite and a handful few multinationals?
How have the developing countries remained in perpetual development mode and indebted to a western financial elite and bastardized Keynesian institutions since 1946? Are the brown people really inferior compared to our white overlord masters of the universe and now deeply involved in a financial 9/11 whereby they socialize their stupidity at taxpayer's expense?  And that brown people simply can't rise above their own grinding poverty and corruption among themselves? (Now I've talked myself into believing that the plutocrats believe we're all really stupid and incompetent as citizen X'ers and "sheeple")
If the vicious empire is so incompetent, then why do the richest and most powerful control nealry 100% of the news media, radio and television broadcast rights in the imperial master nation and dictating Canada's national energy policy to our stooges in Ottawa?  
In fact, some lefties in the truther movement have said plainly that the plutocrats are so uninterested in transparent and accountable government that they boldly hand down slip-shod reports like the "official" 9/11 investigation without considering who's paying attention. If it wasnt for citizen's groups pushing for that investigation, the imperialists werent going to produce one. Can you imagine that? 3000 of their own people are murdered in one day, and modern day Caligulas didnt even want to look into the matter in detail. They still dont and prefer to perpetuate lies surrounding their phony 9/11 narrative.
I tend to believe this current batch of globalizing imperialists have not fallen down on the job as you imagine they have, Unionist.
 I only hope that story ends earlier than the "who really killed JFK" nonsense did.

Oh come on! Roman emperors were murdered all the time by scheming senators. Everyone and their dogs know JFK's murder was a coup d'etat.


Nice to see the thread back on topic and people having a discussion. Thank you, Unionist, for explaining your position. You might want to consider that not everyone is going to automatically know that position each time a 9/11 thread comes up. I certainly don't.

I think many Babblers here respect Sunera Thobani, and remember the events around that speech she gave. I'm not too clear on why you feel the need to link to it here, as if posters in this thread would not be familiar with or already subscribe to that view - which I certainly do, and it seems to me most people here do. Are you thinking that we are interested in an investigation into the WTC collapses only because we were suddenly outraged that such violence should occur on North American soil? And that we've never given a thought to the daily violence that is perpetrated off American soil? Do you honestly think that? That we "need" 9/11 to get outraged? (and, I would add, Unionist "doesn't"). ETA: if this is actually what you think, then no wonder you don't understand what these threads are about. You've got some personal idea about the motives and intent of others that simply isn't the reality.

You complained that no one was meeting your demands in the previous 9/11 threads, so that's why you weren't going to take these ones seriously. Do you maybe wonder why ?



I think Unionist is all out of 9/11 gas. Unionist is anti-war, and that's what counts. A more thorough investigation with people held accountable is what's needed at this point. No matter which party of war criminals have been the US government since Nagasaki and Hiroshima, theyve all eluded justice. And there seems to be no shortage of people who want to give them get out of jail free cards, time and time again.


[url=]9/11 commission told of Atta cover-up[/url] Intelligence officer goes public in Able Danger exposé - 2005



The statements by Shaffer shatter the official story of the September 11 attacks, as devised by the Bush administration, endorsed by the entire Washington political establishment, and parroted obediently by the media. By the official account, Islamic fundamentalist hijackers entered and re-entered the United States repeatedly over a two-year period, made substantial preparations for the terrorist attacks, including obtaining pilot training on US soil, organized themselves to hijack four commercial airliners simultaneously and crash them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, all without any US police or intelligence agency being aware of their activities.

It is now clear that those who have rejected this account-including the World Socialist Web Site-have been proven right. The future hijackers were detected by US government agencies, including the CIA and military intelligence, yet nothing was done either to arrest them or disrupt their operations.

There is only one politically serious explanation of this now-indisputable fact: powerful forces within the US military/intelligence complex wanted a terrorist incident on US soil in order to create the needed shift in public opinion required to embark on a long-planned campaign of military intervention in Central Asia and the Middle East. Whether or not they knew the scale of the impending attacks and what the precise targets would be, they acted in such a way as to block the arrest of known terrorist operatives and allow them to carry out their plot.


Unionist wrote:
I am definitely insinuating that you and many others see the U.S. as a far more powerful, invincible, all-knowing, worldwide controlling conspirator than it really is (IMO).


But US governments are notorious among NATO countries for pulling false flags. It's not like anyone has to prove this to non-truthers. Jesse Ventura said that he remembers Lyndon Johnson giving a morbid speech on TV about Gulf of Tonkin and that "American bodies are floating in the water." FF to this decade, and former US military General Robert McNamara is telling public audiences that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a total fabrication. The US Navy was not attacked by Vietnamese. It didnt happen! 58, 000 of that American generation were sacrificed for an event that did not occur in order that thousands of US military contractors would have purchase orders from the government for several years of warfiteering. ie. The American people, and the world, were deliberately lied to so that US hawks could wage an immoral war against a nation of poor people. Does this sound familiar? Absolutely. Yes!


Buddy Kat

Well for what it's worth is my theory. Kerosene burns at 300C ..steel melts at 815-1370C but natural gas (89% methane ) burns at 1949C. Hence the reason for gag orders etc. as everyone in north america has access to that product.

The natural gas leak in the towers would pool in the corners of rooms..the only corners of importance would be the corners where the beams that hold the tower in place are....and only one floor would have to be ignited sufficiently to burn the beams and cause a collapse. It's totally feasable that a floor was picked that when the beams melted the weight would be sufficient to cause a total collapse from the above floors . The super thermite would provide the ignition source and voila..instant demolition via natural gas.


My guess would be all info regarding natural gas and the world trade centers would be kept secret as even in the democratic world all things to do with natural gas are covered up much less in the covert world.


Groan I think it's plausible but highly unlikely?


Are you saying that the natural gas came over the border from Canada?


Of course there is an alternative way to stop terrorism, and save the time, great effort, and cost of a transparent and accountable trial for those who refused to do their jobs. The people could hold their own show trials.


Buddy Kat wrote:

My guess would be all info regarding natural gas and the world trade centers would be kept secret as even in the democratic world all things to do with natural gas are covered up much less in the covert world.

Are you saying they'd use their market control to try to corner gas?



Fidel wrote:

[url=]WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition And 'Inside Job'[/url]

From the linked article:

A former chief economist in the Labor Department during President Bush's first term now believes the official story about the collapse of the WTC is 'bogus,' saying it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7.

"If demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at the World Trade Center on 9/11, then the case for an 'inside job' and a government attack on America would be compelling," said Morgan Reynolds, Ph.D, a  former member of the Bush team who also served as director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, TX.

Reynolds, now a professor emeritus at Texas A&M University, also believes [b]it's 'next to impossible' that 19 Arab Terrorists alone outfoxed the mighty U.S. military[/b], adding the scientific conclusions about the WTC collapse may hold the key to the entire mysterious plot behind 9/11.

Only the U.S. military can defeat itself. The rest of the world is racially or technologically inferior. It's the same self-important imperialist thesis that proclaimed that the U.S. "defeated itself" in Vietnam because it fought the war with "one hand tied behind its back". How could a bunch of pyjama-clad g**ks destroy the mightiest force in the history of the world? Right?

Likewise with Lee Harvey Oswald. He had to have some incredibly powerful U.S. backers - no?

Likewise with every war the U.S. has lost since WWII - and make no mistake, they have lost every single one of them so far.



Youre pepetuating your own myth about VietNam, Unionist. The Vietnamese certainly did make their case against the illegal occupation of their country. As Jerry West said about it in reference to the Taliban, is all they have to do is not give up. Jerry is a veteran of the VietNam war.

But to suggest that the Vietnamese won that war in totallity is not altogether true. The massive loss of life and damage to infrastructure was totally lop-sided after the ten thousand day war to kill an idea in VietNam. The imperialist invaders never paid one thin dime in reparations to the Vietnamese. They are still recovering, believe it or not, from the massive loss of life, the [url=]poisoning of farmland in VietNam[/url] by the US military, Monsanto, Dow and more

warfiteering corporate jackals who profited by the US government's deliberate lies concerning that country and its civil war,


And Vietnam veterans have said they were lied to about why they were sent to Vietnam, just as US and Canadian soldiers are being lied to today wrt Iraq and Afghanistan, the phony WMD, "al Qa'eda", etc ad nauseum.

And like the official lies about Saddam having WMD, the phony sonar data concerning NVA torpedos launched at US warships laying in wait for a dust up in Tonkin, were deliberate lies, too.


So, I dont buy this baloney which says the US government, and Pentagon bureaucrats are incapable of lying to the world for the sake of selling an expensive and immoral war to the American people. How many times in a row can enough Liberal Democrats be fooled/lobby'd into voting for war, death and destruction for the sake of propping up an economy based largely on war?

It's mind boggling.


But the real reason the VietNam war ended was due, largely to the Vietnamese relentless resistance to the occupation. A thousands of years-old culture would not succumb to a ten thousand day war, as we know. But at the other end of the war, the American people themselves had had enough of the official lies, and the plastic bags sent home to US families containing their loved ones. The madman was on the brink of being impeached for war crimes and illegal political maneuvering. He and the doctor, and the wariteers, didnt really want to end the war It was that they had little choice in the matter with a compartmentalized fascist bureaucracy which needed insulating from cosmetic blame for the White House. Nixon had completely lost his mind at that point, and there was talk of civil war in America unless the immoral war was brought to an end




1. Fidel, do you grasp that there are U.S. nutbars to this day that say the U.S. "could have won" in Vietnam if they "really wanted to"?

2. Do you agree that "19 Arab terrorists" could not outfox the U.S. military? That's what your opening article said. Do you subscribe to that? [In 10 paragraphs or less.]


Unionist wrote:

1. Fidel, do you grasp that there are U.S. nutbars to this day that say the U.S. "could have won" in Vietnam if they "really wanted to"?

I think the nutbars have it half right. US hawks, MIC, and the really dangerous idiots certainly did have the will and the means to carry on warfiteering in VietNam. The American people did not. And that's one of the few times that a US government became afraid of the people and the movement to impeach Nixon, the protests, sit-ins becoming bolder with not just hippies, but Joe construction worker and ms nurse daring to carry signs closer to the Pentagon and other carefully targeted government symbols of power. 

2. Do you agree that "19 Arab terrorists" could not outfox the U.S. military? That's what your opening article said. Do you subscribe to that? [In 10 paragraphs or less.]

I'm with Jesse Ventura and the US military officers for Truth,  US intel whistleblowers etc on this particular one, that the security apparatus were instructed to "stand down" on 9/11, "take a walk" or whatever. There were air traffic incidents in the US when errant small passenger aircraft were spotted within minutes of flying erratically by the billion dollar US air defence system and escorted to the ground by war planes scrambled in minutes. Ventura, a former navy seal and others with US military training say that people in high places have lost their jobs for far less than dereliction of duty the likes of 9/11. Not one security official or air defence person lost their job as a result of 9/11. Lot's of why's and how's but few answers. And I think they are legitimate questions that have been deliberately ignored by an non-transparent and unaccountable shadow government as well as cosmetic leaders then and now


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