Bikes Vs. Cars, it's that time of year again

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Bikes Vs. Cars, it's that time of year again


Yes, the eternal debate is back. 

I was driving in West End Toronto last weekend.  More than I wanted too.  On the way out, I missed my turn that would take me to the 401 via Blackcreek drive, so I got to experience St. Clair West, and Weston road more than I would have liked to.

Clearly, Toronto expects far too much from it's roads.  They can't be all things to all people.  As it is, these roads don't serve any interest-- motorist, bikers, or transit ridders well at all.

Seems to me one simple no cost improvement that would free up space for everyone would be to eliminate on street parking on major and secondary arteries.


St Clair West is a nightmare these days, not so representative of other streets not under perpetual construction.  (And if you're not used to it, driving in downtown TO feels like being inside a video game.)

If Toronto were more bike friendly, it would help congestion, IMO; there have been numerous surveys showing that more people would bike if they felt they weren't taking their lives into their hands.  But eliminating all parking isn't good for the businesses, some of whom sell products that aren't conducive to bike or transit, or would have trouble taking their deliveries.

On Roncesvalles, the TTC wants to put in these bump-outs and buy lower streetcars to be more accessible.  Sounds nice, but these bump-outs mean that the street is reduced to one lane in one direction.  So if a streetcar breaks down or is blocked, then the whole street is blocked, and it can back up really really fast.  And some of the businesses adjacent to the bump-outs have no back alley and therefore take all deliveries in front.  So their suppliers would have to haul, say, these enormous kegs of beer for at least two blocks.

But your basic premise is correct, Tommy.  Toronto's older streets were built when this was a much smaller city.