Liberals and Conservatives both trying to muzzle watchdog created to counteract secrecy

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remind remind's picture
Liberals and Conservatives both trying to muzzle watchdog created to counteract secrecy

More evidence that Liberals and Cons are exactly the same.

Conservatives and Liberals alike have been calling to muzzle Page and his office. Parties of both sides have been attacking his efforts to inform all Canadians how government spends our money.

Unbelievably, opposition MP Liberal Carolyn Bennett said that Page has behaved as if the reports were his property. What a curious accusation since most level-headed Canadians would likely come to the opposite conclusion.

Is it not the politicians and bureaucrats who have been acting like our money is theirs to spend as they wish? Is it not government which all too frequently has been avoiding accountability and keeping truth from the public they ostensibly serve

No politician or bureaucrat should be allowed to selfishly hobble the truth because they wish to hide how our government spends our money in our country.


Page's salary is money well spent, imho.


Mr. Page is very brave. Not only is he doing honest work that is a great service to Canadians and facing strong Conservative government resistance, but he is facing strong Liberal Party resistance on top. Down with all anti-democratic fascists!

remind remind's picture

Ya seriously, what are they thinking, as their actions pretty much say, "we want to use your money however we want to feed our pigs at the trough".