Nature Bats Last

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Nature Bats Last

Nature Bats Last

"Not only are a majority of people unaware of the predicament we face--thanks to the media, every level of government, and our own self-absorbed preference for the bliss of ignorance--but there's simply no leadership in the industrialized world as we face an inevitable but unprecedented economic contraction...

There's still something worth saving from the ravages of civilization. But is there world enough and time? And, despite mounting evidence to the contrary, are there enough of us who actually care about saving the living planet?"


Our Heat is Turning the Arctic into An Alien Landscape

"The symptoms of our planetary fever are becoming more obvious with each passing year. Now a place that has been locked in solid ice since our ancestors were swinging from the trees is turning to liquid, way ahead of previous scientific predictions. Robert Correll, one of America's leading climate scientists, warns: "If you want to see what happens to the rest of the world, look to the Arctic. It happens there first."


Arctic Seas Turn to Acid

"Carbon-dioxide emissions are turning the waters of the Arctic Ocean into acid at an unprecedented rate, scientists have discovered. Research carried out in the archipelago of Svalbard has shown in many regions around the north pole seawater is likely to reach corrosive levels within ten years. The water will then start to dissolve the shells of mussels and shellfish and cause major disruption to the food chain..."