Will Moe Sihota become the next Premier of BC

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Centrist wrote:

James should just have forgot about Sihota and focused upon David Levi as party president - Levi is not only the son of former long-time MLA Norm Levi (has political instincts from that background) but is also president of Growthworks, managing $1 billion in assets.

Levi would have had the financial connections to assist in retiring the provincial party debt, provided a moderate direction for the party, and boosted the party's image. Not Sihota. 

Is there any reason to believe that he had any interest in the job??


Stockholm wrote:

So, do you think there are ANY social democratic parties in the western world that meet your standards for being able to be considered part of the "socialist movement internationally"???

I quit beating my spouse last week.  Any other tricky questions you would like to try and close down debate with?

The BC NDP is publicly stating that it is not socialist and the idea that they would govern as socialists is absurd.  I believe that and think it is right to tell the truth.  I just think they should stop saying as an aside to leftists, "psst we really are true believers we just need to get elected, so send us your money and give us your time."  The people who own the BC NDP brand need to stop lying about who they are and that would help them a lot in credibility.  It might even win over those elusive voters who can't help spitting every time they hear the word socialist.


The word "socialist" is not part of New Democratic Party.


Stockholm wrote:

The word "socialist" is not part of New Democratic Party.


I will post this once more since you seem to have missed it in the other threads. Bolded words are important. I agree with you that it shouldn't be but it is.





The New Democratic Party believes that social, economic and political progress in Canada can only be assured by the 

application of democratic socialist principles to government and the administration of public affairs. 


The principles of democratic socialism can be defined briefly as follows: a) the production and distribution of goods 

and services shall be directed to meeting the social and individual needs of people and not for profit, b) the 

modification and control of the operations of monopolistic productive and distributive organizations through economic 

and social planning, towards these ends, and c) where necessary, the extension of the principle of social ownership


The New Democratic Party holds firm to the belief that the dignity, freedom and equality of the individual is a basic 

right that must be maintained and extended. 


The New Democratic Party is proud to be associated with the democratic socialist parties of the world and to share in 

the struggle for peace, international co-operation and the abolition of poverty. 




"The New Democratic Party is proud to be associated with the democratic socialist parties of the world and to share in 

the struggle for peace, international co-operation and the abolition of poverty. "

...and those would include such parties as the British Labour Party, the Australian Labor Party, the Israeli Labor Party, the New Zealand Labour Party, the German, Dutch, Austrian, Belgian and Scandinavian social democrats etc... have I left anyone out?


Stockholm wrote:

The word "socialist" is not part of New Democratic Party.



NDP Doesn't Hide Its Divisions

Carole James is no autocrat -- and her party, for better or worse, lacks discipline


Much note has been taken in the press of the conflicting speeches of Jim Sinclair and Carole James at the recent NDP conference, with Sinclair representing the BC Federation of Labour and James speaking for herself and those who support her. I was surprised that columnists don't understand that this sort of thing is endemic to this party.




NDP Doesn't Hide Its Divisions

Carole James is no autocrat -- and her party, for better or worse, lacks discipline


Much note has been taken in the press of the conflicting speeches of Jim Sinclair and Carole James at the recent NDP conference, with Sinclair representing the BC Federation of Labour and James speaking for herself and those who support her. I was surprised that columnists don't understand that this sort of thing is endemic to this party.




Long thread.


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