Beer cheaper than water in the UK

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Beer cheaper than water in the UK

i think if we can just get all the beer drinkers and sports fan in one area, we can get interesting results... it has worked before and is one way to thin the species....


Gas is cheaper than water. Figure that one out....

bagkitty bagkitty's picture

While I realize there are large parts of this country under "boil water orders" and the like who have little choice other than to purchase bottled water, the vast majority of the population could profit from reading this opinion piece from The Guardian... and then they could pressure their elected representatives to ensure that resources should be put into assuring potable water to everyone.

Snert Snert's picture

If only there were a way to filter the water out of beer.

G. Muffin

Snert wrote:
If only there were a way to filter the water out of beer.

Then you'd have dehydrated beer.  Like dehydrated water.  Just add water.  I think you're onto something, Snert.  You'll go far, young man.

Work!!  It's the curse of the drinking classes.


Beer is a sign that God loves us and wants us to be happy. -- Ben Franklin


Hello, G. Pie. Do you remember me?