Study shows that Powerful people are more hyprocritical than ordinary people!

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Brian White
Study shows that Powerful people are more hyprocritical than ordinary people!

It is quite interesting.  Powerful people are both more highly critical of others and more likely to cheat than ordinary people.

bagkitty bagkitty's picture

And in other breaking news, rain is wet, the sun is hot and windy snowy days are cold.

remind remind's picture

Three ad­di­tion­al ex­pe­ri­ments fur­ther ex­am­ined the de­gree to which pow­er­ful peo­ple ac­cept their own mor­al trans­gres­sions ver­sus those com­mit­ted by oth­ers. In all cases, those as­signed to high-pow­er roles showed sig­nif­i­cant hy­poc­ri­sy by more strictly judg­ing oth­ers for speed­ing, dodg­ing taxes and keep­ing a stol­en bike, while find­ing it more ac­ceptable to en­gage in these be­hav­iors them­selves, the re­search­ers said.

Galin­sky said hy­poc­ri­sy has its great­est im­pact among peo­ple who are le­git­i­mately pow­er­ful. In con­trast, a fifth ex­pe­ri­ment found that peo­ple who don’t feel per­son­ally en­ti­tled to their pow­er are ac­tu­ally harder on them­selves than they are on oth­ers, a phe­nom­e­non the re­search­ers dubbed “hy­per­crisy.” The ten­den­cy to be harder on the self than on oth­ers al­so char­ac­ter­ized the pow­erless in mul­ti­ple stud­ies.

“Ul­ti­mately, pat­terns of hy­poc­ri­sy and hy­per­crisy per­pet­u­ate so­cial in­equal­ity. The pow­er­ful im­pose rules and re­straints on oth­ers while dis­re­gard­ing these re­straints for them­selves, where­as the pow­erless col­la­bo­rate in re­pro­duc­ing so­cial in­equal­ity be­cause they don’t feel the same en­ti­tle­ment,” Galin­sky con­clud­ed.


Interesting the writer of the report came to the conclusion that the powerless are  "collaborators" in their own social inequality because they do not feel entitled  like the powerful do....


This is an important public report that will be buried

Brian White

I think that thats the key point of the study. (well spotted)

We certainly should not ignore it. The socially downtrodden just grimace and take it and say "we are not worthy".  I do not know if that is cultural, or ingrained behavour in primates.  Maybe it even accounts for why poor people do not vote in the propper numbers.   For anyone who leans towards the ndp, there is lots to learn from the study. If you can make those people feel personally entitled, perhaps they will vote more!

I bet there is a higher conviction rate among poor people too. Maybe that is part of the reason for harpers "fighting crime" stance.  If your brother or cousin is in jaol, perhaps you will feel a little less entitled. And that will stop you standing up for your rights and perhaps even stop you voting.  You can bet that the conservatives  have stacks of computers working overtime figuring out every nuance of what their policys will do to people.

The less entitled the poor feel the more corruption Harper can get away with.  Your job should be to find ways to give those voters their esteem back.

remind wrote:


Galin­sky said hy­poc­ri­sy has its great­est im­pact among peo­ple who are le­git­i­mately pow­er­ful. In con­trast, a fifth ex­pe­ri­ment found that peo­ple who don’t feel per­son­ally en­ti­tled to their pow­er are ac­tu­ally harder on them­selves than they are on oth­ers, a phe­nom­e­non the re­search­ers dubbed “hy­per­crisy.” The ten­den­cy to be harder on the self than on oth­ers al­so char­ac­ter­ized the pow­erless in mul­ti­ple stud­ies.

“Ul­ti­mately, pat­terns of hy­poc­ri­sy and hy­per­crisy per­pet­u­ate so­cial in­equal­ity. The pow­er­ful im­pose rules and re­straints on oth­ers while dis­re­gard­ing these re­straints for them­selves, where­as the pow­erless col­la­bo­rate in re­pro­duc­ing so­cial in­equal­ity be­cause they don’t feel the same en­ti­tle­ment,” Galin­sky con­clud­ed.


Interesting the writer of the report came to the conclusion that the powerless are  "collaborators" in their own social inequality because they do not feel entitled  like the powerful do....


This is an important public report that will be buried

remind remind's picture

Interesting observation brian, and yes I agree the NDP should be, and perhaps are to some extent trying to do that.


However, operant conditioning is not so easy to overcome. As that is what I believe is at work, as opposed to "collaboration" in their own disempowerment. And perhaps a bit of limbic brain activity.


The middle classes and elite class are collaborators in the operant conitioning of the lower classes, and have created a system that re-enforces the operant conditioning and/or triggers limbic brain activity.


Now I am not saying all of course, as the many do not even understand their part in its continuance.


Three addi tion al experiments further examined the de gree to which pow er ful peo ple ac cept their own mor al trans gres sions ver sus those com mit ted by oth ers. In all cases, those as signed to high-pow er roles showed sig nif i cant hy poc ri sy by more strictly judg ing oth ers for speed ing, dodg­ing taxes and keep ing a stol en bike, while find ing it more ac ceptable to en gage in these be hav­iors them selves, the re search ers said. - (formatting errors from cut and paste)
Conrad Black anyone? 

remind remind's picture

Yes, indeed it could be said of almost anyone who achieves any type of power, on any level, unless one is very careful, and/or understands, or sees what occurs, with the dispesation of power dynamics.


That subjective judgement and "overlording' even occurs with test subject delegation of power is indicative of how deeply it indwells within us all. Or at the very best of human endeavor in this realm, is that many do not realize that they take the power bestowed for granted and thus never think about it, and what it implies.



Brian White

I have had up to 10 people under my direction on occasion and it is very tough to keep an even hand.  A few times i reluctantly listened to my inexperienced  underlings and their suggestions improved things!   (That is humbleing, and you say, am I really that bad)?  Memmo to ahole a mio, listen more!

So you have to do a lot of soul searching after something like that happens and guard against your own worst behaviour.

Since then, you try to review everthing.  Looking back on bosses i had in the past,  there have been a few who listened, a few who pretended to listen and one in particular who did not hear.   "(We must cover that wall with plastic because there will be a hard frost tonight)"  "OK" and the wall ended up not being covered. That went on for a while.

 (Power insulated him from his subject AND from his duty to the customer).  The only job where I quit without giving notice!

Maybe we  all need some sort of self review process in the light of the report.  Maybe it even puts a limit on ideal company size?  

I have helped a few labourers make the conversion from labourer to stone mason. The initial stage is quite interesting. "Why should I make you look good?"  (It doesn't because training someone slows you down, eventually it can add more than 50% or 60% to their hourly rate). Or" why are you asking my questions about what to do next?"  (to let your mind know that there are options available and to get or keep your mind on the job and to guard against my tendancy to ignore their input).

Later you might get thanks (some of them are better than me now) but initially there is a big fight against stepping up the rungs.  That ties in with the report too, I think.

Perhaps we need to look at our animal nature and ingrained tendancy to submit to a leader a lot more!