Ta-da! One freshly sequenced panda!

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Ta-da! One freshly sequenced panda!
G. Muffin

Awesome!  So we need no longer fear AIDS, cancer, heart attacks and stroke.  Good News Indeed.

Snert Snert's picture

If science announces that the giant panda is dying of some or other panda disease and is about to become extinct we'd all cry crocodile tears. 

When science announces that it's studying the giant panda, and could some day be able to prevent such a die-off, we laugh. 

Worse still, I bet we do a lot of things, and spend money on a lot of things, that don't cure HIV, cancer, heart attacks or strokes.

Is it the left that's reflexively hostile to science, or just babble?

G. Muffin

Snert, I think if I stopped posting for a while you would like me better.  I'm actually on your side more often than not. 

Logging out now.


This sort of thing can be very much relevant to human health. An effort is underway to sequence the naked mole rat. Besides being the ugliest little creature you ever saw, it lives a lot longer than it should for its size and never gets cancer. Finding out how they do that could be really helpful.

As I mentioned, this is also relatively low-cost research now. Getting the human genome cost $3 billion - that cost has since dropped 3000-fold and that progress is going to continue.