Gaza Flotilla Stormed by Israel, Part 5

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Thanks Unionist



If Turkey wants to condemn another country, perhaps Turkey should officially recognize and apologize for the Armenian Genocide, planned and organized by the Turkish government?

Settle down there, sport; you're muddying the slough of hasbara.  Zionists don't much care for all that "Armenian holocaust" talk, since it undermines the exceptionalist postition of their own victimhood narrative.


Unionist, you chose to insult  and name call, but you failed to address any of the points I made, either in this or any previous posting. I don't know which group you refer to as "my people (who) have survived so learning to live with all other peoples, respecting them, sharing weal and woe with them, sympathizing with and supporting their struggles", but it most certainly is not the Palestinians, whose schools and children's television shows preach hatred; who mount terrorist attacks on civilians; and who subjugate and terrorize their own population. And, who of course, with more than half a century and a gazillion dollars still have not managed to build a functioning public infrastructure


N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture

LDW wrote:
... Palestinians, whose schools and children's television shows preach hatred; who mount terrorist attacks on civilians; and who subjugate and terrorize their own population...

Aren't racist/ethnic slurs prohibited on babble? Send him to hell.




LDW wrote:

Unionist, you chose to insult  and name call, but you failed to address any of the points I made, either in this or any previous posting.

That's right. I don't debate with computerized speaking points. I only namecall. Your comments about Palestinian ineptitude, repeated after 3 years, are racist to the core. I'm not calling you racist, because that's a feature of human beings, and the jury analyzing the algorithmic nature of your posts is still out.

What is really amazing is that you think you can come onto a progressive discussion board and defend these murderers and condemn their victims. Tell your programmers that you have failed. Ask them to turn on the debugger and see what went wrong. Human genius is unlimited. Someone should be able to re-program you so that you can successfully defend the indefensible.



Harper and Netanyahu: Canada's Gaza Flotilla - by Yves Engler

"...The Canadian embassy in Caracas took over Israel's diplomatic relations there. Canada officially became Israel, at least in Venezuela. What can we expect this time after more and more countries expel their Israeli ambassadors? Will Canada become Israel in Turkey? Jordan? Bolivia?

When will Canadians wake up and demand that Ottawa stand up for international law and justice for Palestinians?"

[email protected]

Cytizen H

LDW> A piece of advice based on recent experience. On a thread discussing some of the attrocities comitted by Israel, discussing attrocities (real or imagined) committed by other countries or groups is frowned upon as it is a distraction from the discussion at hand. I, personally, think there are valid criticisms to made of Turkey's treatment of the Armenians and Kurds, Hamas' rhetoric, etc.... but this is not the place for them. If you want to talk about them the best thing would be to start a thread specifically about those concerns or points of view. I can't promise that it will go well, but it would be better than posting them here.


Hmm. Interesting new tag-team tactic. Bears watching.


Cytizen H

Bear watching? Sounds like fun. I vote for grizzlies.


al-Qa'bong - Some Turks don't like the word 'genocide' applied to their actions, because they feel it is too extreme a term for what happened. Some Jews don't think the term holocaust should be applied to the Armenian genocide by the Turks, because the larger political circumstances surrounding it are not the same. In this, they may have a point. You don't find groups who seek to glorify and continue the Armenian genocide, as the modern-day Neo-Nazis and Skinheads do wish to continue to 'exterminate' Jews. The deep and pervasive anti-Semitism that has been around for centuries and has existed in many countries (and still does) has no real parallel with the Armenian situation, even though both tragedies share many elements.

It's a tried and true political manoeuvre: when times are tough, direct the population to focus its bile and hatred on an identifiable social or political group, and preach that the world would be a better place without them.

But are you saying that the Turkish government should not be called to account for its actions just because there is a semantic dispute about the charges?


Please no one arm those bears. Their friends seem to be well armed enough.


Unionist, I make no claim of Palestinian ineptitude, only of Palestinian corruption. Perhaps you think the government in the West Bank and Gaza is democratic and fair to its citizens? Or at least as democratic and fair as the governments of, say, Canada or Israel?


LDW wrote:

It's a tried and true political manoeuvre: when times are tough, direct the population to focus its bile and hatred on an identifiable social or political group, and preach that the world would be a better place without them. 

I guess having nuclear weapons illegally is not as evil as maybe developing one.


I guess LDW and Cytizen H have nicely disrupted this thread, each with their own form of obsession. I plan to ignore both from here on in and would invite others to do the same, other than advising the mods if we continue to hear any personal attacks on babblers or racist comments.



Hamas doesn't have enough arms to be a true democracy like Canada, the US or Israel.  

Hamas is an illegitimate government but the Karzai cabal is legitimate.  No corruption in the Afghan government. Only non US allies have corruption. Western allies have governance issues not corruption.

Cytizen H

Unionist> I was trying to help with that advice to LDW! Don;t lump me in with him. And as soon as I was asked to I moved my "obsession" to another thread. It has turned into a fruitful discussion. I would gladly welcome your input over there. Sorry if I offended.


...still have not managed to build a functioning public infrastructure

And what they did have just imploded of its own accord last January? 


Palestinians suffer from bulldozer syndrome.


Cytizen H - You suggest I take my comments to another thread, but the posters here are convinced that the Israeli blockade and the Israeli enforcement of that blockade are illegal, and I disagree. Without discussing the reasons for the blockade in the first place, and the motivations of those who seek to 'run' it in the second place, there is not a possibility of a real debate, only one long anti-Israeli screed, which I find unacceptable. 

I do not agree with everything the Israeli government says or does - most certainly not. But it seems to me that the Palestinian leadership, over the last 60 odd years, has taken every opportunity to make war, not peace. And it seems to me that Israel is called to a higher standard than any other country in the world for her actions. There is a political advantage to winning points on the 'Arab Street' for Turkey, and Turkey thinks they can maintain European allies and still forge stronger relations with Middle East allies by presenting themselves as champions of the peace activist movement. This new image can only exist if things like Turkey's 1974 invasion of Cyprus are conveniently forgotten, and Turkey's political manoeuvring glossed over as humanitarian action.

There is a great hue and cry about starving deprived Palestinians, but the Palestinian elites live in luxury, deprived of nothing. And the Palestinian elites have about as much interest in peace as the Gin Runners had in the lifting of Prohibition, or as much interest as the Drug Lords of the world have in the legalization of drugs.


Obviously this was a boatload of anti-Semites trying to deliver caviar to the ruling elite in Gaza.  The IDF bulldozers on the other hand are merely part of a beautification program that Israel is undertaking to enhance the life experience of the average Palestine.

Cytizen H

LDW wrote:

Cytizen H - You suggest I take my comments to another thread, but the posters here are convinced that the Israeli blockade and the Israeli enforcement of that blockade are illegal, and I disagree.

Defending the blockade is an indefensible position as far as I am concerned. The blockade of Gaza is collective punishment, and it is a systematic attempt to crush an entire people.


Kevin Neish will be speaking in Vancouver on Friday, June 18.  I'll post more details when they are available.


Kevin Neish was on The Current this morning. You can hear him by going [url=]here[/url], then clicking on the audio at "Pt 3: Letters", and it starts at 06:38 into that section - about 8 minutes in total.


Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Hi LDW, I don't believe I've had the pleasure. I don't see you engaging this thread with anything but misdirection and a few ethnic slurs thrown toward Palestinians for good measure. That doesn't really jive with babble policy. So why don't you stay out of these Flotilla threads from now on. Speaking of which, this one is going to be closed for length. Continue discussion here.


Topic locked