American war resister win another victory in federal court

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Krystalline Kraus Krystalline Kraus's picture
American war resister win another victory in federal court

American war resister win another victory in federal court

July 23, 2010 | By Krystalline Kraus |  

Jeremy Hinzman has won the right to appeal his deportation order, setting the stage for a new immigration review process for all those American soldiers who came to Canada as conscientious objectors.

Issues Pages: 

Cowards and traitors.

If you sign the dotted line, you may be asked by your military and government to perform on a mission and possibly one you don't like or agree with. They knew the rules when the signed up.

Don't join the military hoping that you'll just sail through with no wars or missions to fight and walk away with a pension.

Send them home.


Sentinel73 wrote:

Cowards and traitors.

If you sign the dotted line, you may be asked by your military and government to perform on a mission and possibly one you don't like or agree with. They knew the rules when the signed up.

Don't join the military hoping that you'll just sail through with no wars or missions to fight and walk away with a pension.

Send them home.

Young people join the military because they believe the old lie "Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria More" - It is sweet and honorable to die for one's country. Yet when they went to Iraq and/or Afghanistan (and the vast majority have) and see that we are maiming and murdering innocent Afghanis and Iraqis for no good reason (not one single Afghani or Iraqi was involved in 9/11 - not a single one), then their consciences will not allow them to participate in these obscene, immoral, unjust and illegal murder fests known as the Afghan and Iraq wars.

Some feel so strongly about the issue that they try to end war the best way they know how: by going public that they are currently serving antiwar veterans/veterans for peace. Having the courage of one's convictions and taking a stand for what is right is the greatest form of courage there is. Veterans speaking out against war is going to have a far greater impact than civilians doing so.

Send (bring) ALL our troops home NOW!

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

Some of my best friends in the 1970s were conscripted for the war in Viet Nam, but came north instead. Good for them.