"Don't be skanky ladies"

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remind remind's picture
"Don't be skanky ladies"

yes, I really just heard that on TV.

remind remind's picture

Sorry no link, was just on etalk and people can catch it in the repeat later if they want confirmation.

The piss ant male commentator on how people are supposed to "dress" for the tiff festivities, had the audacity to state that women who exposed too much skin, or a back tatoo,  should not be dressing like "skanks" at tiff

Time for a letter writing campaign to CTV and this little punk puke who thinks he has a right to label women skanks on public TV.

I am personally am demanding an apology from him and a retraction at the very least, firing him would be a better bonus though.


oh yeah it's horrible when they do it at tiff, but does this guy complain on a daily basis when they're forced to do it on TV?

then again etalk i'm sure will say anything to start a rumor, they fit in nicely with TMZ etc.

remind remind's picture

No this is an absolute attack upon girls and women by the punk puke at etalk. Who I repeat needs to be fired.

men like him are a serious part of the problem  in respect to violent acts against girls and women.

Skanky for having a back tattoo? or a backless dress?

Words have consequences and words like his lead to  men and boys thinking they have a right to assault a girl/woman, because afterall she is a "skank".

 Assaults like the one in Calgary do not happen from a vaccuum, they happen because  girls and women are objectified and dehumanized by negative labels of the the "skank" sort.

So what are men who have tattoos?




Was it Ben Mulroney?


remind remind's picture

No, some "fashionista" with glasses.




Ah. Sounds like Dan Levy. Eugene Levy's son. 

Not sure what qualifications he has other than that. 

remind remind's picture

whomever he is, he is a POS, who needs to be fired.


Why not start a letter writing campaign to register your frustration?  You could write the network, some advertisers, the hosts.  who knows they're obviously not thinking that much, maybe they can be influenced?

remind remind's picture

Did write letters.