Some Basic Racist Ideas and some Rebuttals, & Why We Exist

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Cytizen H
Some Basic Racist Ideas and some Rebuttals, & Why We Exist


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Cytizen H

Some Basic Racist Ideas and some Rebuttals, & Why We Exist by Thea Lim, from Racialicious


Anti-racism and people of colour organizing is not about being friendly, being appealing, or educating white folks. While individual anti-racist activists may take those tacks to achieve their goals, the point of anti-racism is to be for people of colour.

Anti-racism is about carving out a space for people of colour; decolonising and reappropriating the spaces which have been taken from us by racism. So sometimes people put Mohawk stickers on their laptops (or wear yellow pride t-shirts or support black music) because that is a way for them to affirm to themselves who they are, within a dominant culture that tries to ignore and erase their pride in their own cultures.


The bottom line is, if you are white, you benefit from white privilege, and if you live on native land, you benefit from the native genocide.


Cytizen H

Here's the blog post the above article is commenting on:Feminist Intersection: On hipsters/hippies and Native culture


great articles, thanks!