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I am really disheartened by the muncipal elections in Toronto...I cannot stand my local councillor and I hate all the mayoral candidates...WTF can I not vote for:


by crossing out all the names and if 51% did so...the parties (elites) would have to give a whole new slate of candidates...  As I am tired of the media circus and also the ineptitude  and ignorance that seemingly abound...this time around.

Issues Pages: 
veronika desnic

 Hi I am the mum of Dan Murton and I loved the description of me.Because I have dealt with the poverty industry I

make it my business to see that I will be fed and cared for in all circumstances.I also care for others and dont have

roaches in my home.If TSHTF who would be hungry me or you.I would not begrudge you food

   He is a good person who has cared for his autistic brother Boris since the age of nine and advocated for his rights

and those of others with autism.His beliefs and mine are completely different.If you wish to know what he thinks

on issues contact him and he will let you know.Please dont assume

Cueball Cueball's picture

Roberteh wrote:

I am really disheartened by the muncipal elections in Toronto...I cannot stand my local councillor and I hate all the mayoral candidates...WTF can I not vote for:


by crossing out all the names and if 51% did so...the parties (elites) would have to give a whole new slate of candidates...  As I am tired of the media circus and also the ineptitude  and ignorance that seemingly abound...this time around.

You could alway vote for Gomberg for mayor, he is a nice guy. I had a chat with him the other day. Mind you when I asked him about him about Joey Pants he said that Pantalone was the one he would share a foxhole with.

I agree with the overall sentiment, and indeed feel voting for Joey is a None of the Above vote. That said, I would love to start a None of the Above party.

Ken Wood Ken Wood's picture

NONE OF THE ABOVE is one of the choices I advocate in a mandatory voting system to ensure whoevergets elected trulyhas the 'will of the people'. Right now, relying on just about 20% of voters in any ward and hoping that apathy continues, anyone can get elected.

Just go to http://www.ward18.ca to see why

Cueball Cueball's picture

I think Robert's point was that None-of-the-Above is an OPTION that allows people to condemn the corruption of the democractic system overall. Forcing people to vote makes them complicit in the system.



None of hte above is a copout.

Snert Snert's picture

I think Robert's point was that None-of-the-Above is an OPTION that allows people to condemn the corruption of the democractic system overall. Forcing people to vote makes them complicit in the system.


Bit of a catch-22 there, if the best way to protest the system is to join it.


Isn't abstention sufficient? Not voting doesn't require one to dirty one's hands.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Voting must be voluntary.  Ones vote is one own. If one wants to throw it in the trashcan that is your right forcing people to vote is to make their vote the property of the state.

Snert Snert's picture

I don't disagree with that at all.  I guess I'm just noting that if people have to check off "None of the above" in order to protest, they're still sort of being forced to vote, yes?


I think voting should be compulsory just like i think the completing the long form of the census should be compulsory. They have compulsory voting in Australia. You must appear at a polling station - you can formally decline your ballot if you want, but you must do something - or get a fine. They end up with 94% turnout levels.

BTW: I think its a myth that a higher turnout helps the left. In the New Brunswick election last week - the turnout was very high. In fact in the riding of Tracadie-Sheila where the NDP leader was running the turnout was 87%!! (He still lost to a Tory).

Cueball Cueball's picture

Hey, maybe the compulsory long form census should also ask questions about people personal opinions and political views.

Snert Snert's picture

I think voting should be compulsory just like i think the completing the long form of the census should be compulsory.


There's a valid reason why the census cannot be "opt-in": for the census data to be of value, it needs to be comprehensive.


Voting doesn't have any such need. So long as those who opt not to vote are OK with the results of others' voting, we can and do elect governments. Those who choose to abstain can be thought of as voting for everyone; clearly they're satisfied with whomever wins.


So why do we NEED the same full compliance with voting that we do with the census? I always have the sense that those in favour of compulsory voting really just want to punish those that they see as apathetic, or to teach them some kind of lesson about civics.


I live in Ward 37. I am screwed. There is not one decent candidate to back here, not one, and I'll be damned if I am giving my vote to Michael Thompson. What an ass.

Cueball Cueball's picture

You can work for Pantalone.


I ordered my sign already (still waiting for that) but you're right. I could volunteer.


Snert wrote:

Isn't abstention sufficient? Not voting doesn't require one to dirty one's hands.

And how would you differentiate yourself from someone who forgot or who doesn't give a hoot about politics? Sending out hate rays is all well and good, but for things to change, you have to, you know, actually do something.

Snert Snert's picture

If you just wish to make known your dissatisfaction with the system, you can always spoil your ballot. 


But I was responding to the claim that "Forcing people to vote makes them complicit in the system." If so, I would think that forcing them to vote "None of the Above" makes them complicit in the system too. I was just suggesting a way by which nobody would have to sully themselves by marking a ballot.


Sending out hate rays is all well and good, but for things to change, you have to, you know, actually do something.


Agreed, but I'm not sure that just indicating that none of the options pleases you is really doing much. Even if ballots had a "None of the Above" option, what would the use of that option tell political parties? That some members of the electorate don't approve of them because they're too "left", too "right", have a funny name, don't have a policy for when the Aliens eventually come... what, specifically? Seems to me that if none of Canada's ten or so registered political parties appeals to you you're probably better off running for office yourself than you are simply expressing your dissatisfaction and hoping things magically change as a result.

Ken Wood Ken Wood's picture

I am running for City Councillor in ward 18 (one of 12) and my platform does include democratic renewala like:

  • Mandatory voting
  • Choice of 'None of the Above' on the ballot
  • Ranked Ballots (indicate priority choices)
  • Term Limits
  • Prohibit publication of polls during campaigns
  • Will spend $20,000 ofcouncillor salary in first year to kick start initiative to reach constituents in their own most fluent language
  • Monthly Town Hall meetings to hold me accountable

Check it out: http://www,ward18.ca

writer writer's picture

Stargazer, join my PANTSCOMM2010 team! Yay!


Where do I sign up? I support Pants 100 percent but none of the people I know care one bit about this election and if they do care it is to support that idiot of a man Ford. They keep harping on about how property taxes are going to rise of someone like Pants gets in. These people I consider relatively smart so I am not sure how the hell they think a vote for the right is going to help them one freaking bit. They don't want to pay a dime more in property taxes but can't seem to understand that with Ford, Rossi and Smitherman they'll be paying a hell of a lot more for essential services, or go without them altogether.


I am so thoroughly disappointed by people. They are bloody idiots. One thing I have noticed is that the majority of the Rob Ford crowd are from the 905 and outer borough areas and they all have one thing in common - they hate downtown Toronto and Ford is their leader in that hate fest.


The only thing that consoles me is that, without a doubt, the majority of so-called Ford supporters do not vote - ever. So I realize that this man's numbers seem high but when it comes to to actually vote for this clown, a lot of his so-called supporters won't vote.


writer writer's picture

Stargazer, I'll send you a private message!

Cueball Cueball's picture

Stargazer wrote:

Where do I sign up? I support Pants 100 percent but none of the people I know care one bit about this election and if they do care it is to support that idiot of a man Ford. They keep harping on about how property taxes are going to rise of someone like Pants gets in. These people I consider relatively smart so I am not sure how the hell they think a vote for the right is going to help them one freaking bit. They don't want to pay a dime more in property taxes but can't seem to understand that with Ford, Rossi and Smitherman they'll be paying a hell of a lot more for essential services, or go without them altogether.

Ask these people where Ford promised not to raise taxes. Indeed he said he would raise them by the rate of inflation: The tax and steal right.