James Trek II - The Wrath of Kwan

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Brian White

NorthReport wrote:

Come on Brian - we all know what bekayne meant, and he is correct, the next BC election is scheduled by law for May, 2013

Yeah, well I was hoping he knew. "By Law"?   The "law" is easily removed. This is Canada. Our rulers are not bound by law. They ARE the law.

Back in holey ireland, we had the supreme court to hold parliament in check a bit. In Canada, the checks and balances of modern democracy are missing so they can make bad laws and repeal them as they wish. Kind of like the greek gods.  Kind of like James,  neat segway, eh?  Words mean what she wants them to mean.  Concilliation means do what I bluddy tell you. You ungreatful wretch.

Anyways, pardon me for being a bit excited.  It is great to see our democratically elected representives (The MLA's) trying to throw off the shackles that Sihota and his backers have put on them. It is kinda like plowing a frosty field in spring. There are a bunch of shitty perrenial weeds hanging on, and a bunch of rotting detritus but once it is plowed under, you can have a super harvest come next election.





Brian White wrote:


Sometimes bad people or incompetent people take over political partys and lay waste to them. 

Pray tell, how is Jane "8%" Sterk such a great leader?

Erik Redburn

JKR wrote:

Erik Redburn wrote:

Would you please stop putting the blame on her opponents?    James and her backers are the ones who have used strong arm tactics throughout.  If James wants unity in the face of the enemy then she is still in the unique position to bring it about.   Try reading what is posted, by those who know the situation.

James and her backers are not solely to blame here. Jame's opponents also bear responsibility for taking the BC NDP to the brink.

The biggest losers from this fiasco are the multitude of BC'ers who don't pay attention to internal political squabbles but put their faith in the NDP.

Will the NDP's leaders, within the legislature and without, be able to set aside their egos and avert disaster?


Asking a leader to put their mandate to the members can only put a party 'on the brink' if said leader refuses and threatens to toss them out instead.  BCers who pay no attention to politics however do deserve some of the blame.

I personally would be quite content to vote for whatever political realignment comes about if shes she's dumb enough to think she can just bull her way through.  Who knows, if the rightwing vote splinters as well, electoral reform may be back on the agenda again.  So maybe some positives can come from all this regardless.


NorthReport wrote:

The only problem is that BC Liberals are signing the petition. Frown 


Carole James resorts to online petition in bid to hold on to B.C. NDP leadership


You'd think the names would be checked against the membership list.

Erik Redburn

Brian White wrote:

Back in holey ireland, we had the supreme court to hold parliament in check a bit. In Canada, the checks and balances of modern democracy are missing so they can make bad laws and repeal them as they wish. 


Not entirely true.  Our Supreme court has been vested with such powers since Trudeau's rewrote the constitution, (not that Supreme courts are immune to partisan, elitist and populist influences, just look at the States), our appointed Senate theoretically has the power to block and amend bills, which they show signs of doing now (for better and worse), and there are a variety of NGOs, interests and media pressures, along with conflicts between federal, provincial and municipal branches of government, and public opinion when it can roused, which can limit executive power somewhat.   The US system looks better on paper but in practice just seems to lead to more politics taking place on golf courses than Congress.   What has thrown it most out of balance in our lifetimes has been the complete abandonment of journalistic independence and diversity.  That problem seems to be almost everywhere now.

Erik Redburn



JKR wrote:

Brian White wrote:

How about Dion for James?     I guess even they are too close.  How about Marie Antoinette for James?

Or John the Baptist for Simpson?

If Shakespere was alive today, would this be concidered a comedy or a tragedy? Guess he would be writing a combo.

So far it's looking like a tragedy. I think the Bard has already written some of Jame's lines:



To be, or not to be– that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep
No more – and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to – ‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep
To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub,

Actually it has elements of farce.

Brian White

Erik Redburn wrote:

  What has thrown it most out of balance in our lifetimes has been the complete abandonment of journalistic independence and diversity.  That problem seems to be almost everywhere now.

Thats very good.

The newspapers especially are on life support. About 6 months before an election the BC libs carpet bomb them with advert money

"the best place in the world".  Only a few of us see that as our very own  "sponsership scandal".

The rest of the time the newspapers suck up as payback for this huge subsidy.  They have gone easy on them over bc rail and right now they are trying to report James as the good guy. (Just so they have Sahota as a sure fire lightning rod come next election). 

James as leader of the NDP keeps the liberals in power (and the "best place in the world" money coming in). 



All I can say is - WHAT A FRIGGIN MESS  - after observing BC politics for 30 years.

Maysie Maysie's picture

Closing for length.


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