The Afghan People Will Win Part 22

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The Afghan People Will Win Part 22
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[url= kill 4 NATO troops[/url]


[url= bomber strikes in Kabul; intelligence officers apparent target[/url]


[url=][col..., NATO squabble over which of them are the most blood thirsty[/color][/url] Counting civilian casualties a low priority for murdering murderers in 2010 wrote:
And instead of uprooting its Taliban and Al-Qaeda creations, the US and NATO continues to kill our innocent and poor civilians, mostly women and children, in their vicious air raids.



Taliban Ready to Lift Ban on Girls' Schools

"Afghanistan Minister claims leadership has undergone 'cultural change' and no longer opposes female education.."

M. Spector M. Spector's picture

[b]Canadian casualties in Afghanistan:[/b]

2010: Wounded in action 86, killed 14, non-combat injuries 331

2009: Wounded in action 124, killed 29, non-combat injuries 330

Total since 2002: Wounded in action 615, killed 154, non-combat injuries 1,244


Toronto Star wrote:
The Canadian Forces has a policy of only releasing the numbers of wounded soldiers once a year. Officials say that providing a running tally of injured Canadian troops risks giving enemy forces an indicator of the success of their operations....

There was a record-high death rate for coalition soldiers in the war in 2010. There were 711 military deaths in total last year, including 499 Americans, 103 British and 109 killed from other partner nations, according to the website [url=][/url].[/quote]

Bec.De.Corbin Bec.De.Corbin's picture


M. Spector M. Spector's picture

What a stupid cartoon that is. How many Afghan women have been sent to college by the "Coalition" of foreign invaders?




Father's rights advocate Glenn Sacks wants the Soviets back as cold war foes, [url=]Why I Miss the Cold War[/url]

Glenn Sacks wrote:
When the Soviet army went into Afghanistan in 1979 to save its allied government from falling to the Mujahedin (Afghan rebels), the US showered the rebels with billions in aid. US intelligence, along with the Saudis, Pakistanis, and others, recruited Muslim militants, including bin Laden, to help the Mujahedin.

The Soviets argued that their military intervention was justified because, in addition to its security concerns, the Soviet-backed government offered Afghans--particularly female Afghans--a better way of life.

In this the Soviets were ....?

What, Glenn? What were the Soviets? There used to be a good essay on Sacks' site from 2001. He described a journalist's interview with a veiled woman in Kabul who wept as the mujahideen took control of Kabul in 1992. He asked, was that person a poor peasant woman who had lost family members during attacks on the city? No! She was the lead medical officer of the country's largest hospital and forced to quit on orders of the US-backed mujahideen!


Afghans Consign Another Superpower To the Dustbin of History



Good article.

NoDifferencePartyPooper wrote:

Afghans Consign Another Superpower To the Dustbin of History

Zia Sarhadi wrote:
The real problem in Afghanistan is the lies spun about the reason for the continued presence of US-NATO troops. It has nothing to do with al-Qaeda — the Americans created and nurtured it for decades, and in any case there is no al-Qaeda in Afghanistan anymore. Talking about the presence of 45 al-Qaeda members in Afghanistan, as Bob Woodward does in his latest book, Obama’s Wars, hardly justifies the presence of 150,000 foreign troops and an equal number of mercenaries at a cost of some $1 trillion so far.

And let's face it, a trillion dollars is nothing compared to the socialist programs for rich people in the US of recent history. Any make-work project for corporate America does not have to make fiscal sense as long as profits are privatised and losses socialized among all Americans. It's referred to as Keynesian-militarism. They've copied the Nazis on a little more than half the US economy since the 1940s. 9/11 was just another excuse to spend wildly on upside-down socialism for rich people in America and continuing corruption of hand-picked stooges in Central Asia going on 31 years.


Here's a feminist perspective on Afghanistan:

Our friend Fidel has a very subtle understanding of Afghanistan.


I understand a lot from reading that one, FormerSoldier. Thanks.

Ann Jones and Tom Engelhardt wrote:
Last summer in Afghanistan I talked with many progressive men and women who were running for parliament, hoping to push back against the inordinate power of the Afghan executive in the person of President Hamid Karzai. To them, he seems increasingly eager to do deals with the most extreme Islamists in opposition to all their progressive dreams for their country.

Yet in August, when President Karzai flagrantly stole the presidential election, President Obama telephoned to congratulate him and the U.S. officially pronounced the fraudulent election results "good enough." We might ask: In this contest between entrenched Islamist extremists and progressives who favor equality and democracy, why is the United States on the wrong side? Why are we on the side of a mistaken notion of Afghan "tradition"?

It's a very good article on Afghanistan's past and recent history. A mistaken notion indeed. This essay is a good candidate for bookmarking.

Todrick of Chat...

The NDP should changed that image to a Canadian helicopter, the current image is of an  American helicopter.


The NDP should changed that image to a Canadian helicopter, the current image is of an  American helicopter.

What difference does it make? The Canadiians call in American air strikes and artillery, the take orders from American officers, they do the bidding of their American masters. They are mercenaries who serve the agenda of the American elite, so it's actually accurate to portray an American weapon. 

Oh, and they love to accept American medals in recognition of their willingness to serve the bankers.


and below the chopper the slogan "WE SUPPORT NATO"

more of the same:

Taliban Might Be Among Afghan Trainees: [Finish them off with a Canadian PGO attack! (Pro-Governmental Organizations)]

"Canadian soldiers participating  in the post 2011 training mission in Afghanistan may end up training future Taliban insurgents, NDP Leader Jack Layton said Friday. The NDP strategy, which Layton outlined Friday in a speech at the University of Ottawa, would have Canada focus on development and diplomacy [ whatever the US wants] with no military component.

When asked whether his party was amenable to a future coalition agreement with the Liberals, Layton insisted his party is always interested in 'cooperation' despite what he said was the Prime Minister's attempts to 'demonize' such efforts and Ignatieff's desire to 'run away' from this. 'I think the notion of working together is fundamental,' he told CBC's Solomon. 'It's what Canadians want us to do instead of playing these games up here."



Ya how dare the NDP suggest that our stooges in Ottawa be anything other than the obedient lap poodles for uncle Sam that they've been since forever and a day.


IEA: 2011 Will Be The Year Of Victory For the Afghan Mujahid People

"far from turning away from the support of the Mujahideen, the common people's unstinting support for the Mujihideen increased manifold in comparison with past years. The support was so strong and close that the invaders were not able to tell the common man from a Taliban.

On the other hand, the Americans spread the rumours and conspiracy of negotiations in 2010, claiming that some officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have had contacts with them and that some rounds of the talks had already taken place in some undisclosed places and the next rounds were to be held soon.

This ploy of the Americans also went awry with the help of the Almighty Allah (SWT) and had no achievement. They were not even able to lure one active group commander or any low ranking official of the Islamic Emirate to entangle in their cobwebs. "

IEA: Peace Council's Efforts Symbolic and Dictated

"...the very structure and endeavors of the peace council is cosmetic, being part and parcel of the American war strategy -  they do not consider the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan as their main objective, nor recognize it as an important and vital item on the agenda.

However, it is the essential demand of the people of Afghanistan.

And the region..."

Out Now!



US-NATO Killings of Civilians in Afghanistan

shame on anyone who supports membership in this evil alliance


NoDifferencePartyPooper wrote:
shame on anyone who supports membership in this evil alliance

Thanks, and I'm pretty sure that NoDiffPartyPooper is referring to me and anyone who votes for the NDP as I do. Fair enough.

But using this logic and line of reasoning, could it not also be said that anyone who objects to changing NATO from within might conceivably be, no,  probably is pro-NATO and therefore concealing their own imperialist fangs from view?

And only you knows who you are.

But then again, I have to admit to not really believing that NDPP is pro-NATO or a closet imperialist. No, I don't really believe that after reading so many of that poster's excellent posts and contributions to babble. And I really don't wish for that poster to think ill of me or the party I vote for at the same time.

So therefore, I can't fathom why NDPP would put words in my mouth let alone twist and distort those of Jack Layton.


 you quoted me correctly and it means what it says. Never mind the beliefs and follies of your fearless leader  Santa Jack. Do YOU support NATO? As for the rest it's gibberish and even for you a remarkably tortured bit of chop-logic, Fidelio.


you seriously believe that the NDP can change NATO from within? Seriously?


No I'm saying your's is chop logic which you apparently don't enjoy being applied in the reverse direction.

All we know about you is this:

a) that you don't like the NDP much, and

b) you object to changing NATO from within,

And so should we jump to the conclusion that you prefer things the way they are as far as NATO is concerned? tsk tsk

So what else don't we know about you?



NoDifferencePartyPooper wrote:

you seriously believe that the NDP can change NATO from within? Seriously?

Realistically? No, not within the next two or three years. New question:

Do you think NATO needs changing? Or was everything about NATO fine with you until Jack Layton came along? And,

Do you change your socks daily, or do you wait until someone tells you they need changing before dealing with the issue?


Press TV Claims Afghan Girl Raped, Killed by US Troops

"the daughter of an Afghan politician has reportedly died of her injuries after being raped by American soldiers stationed in Afghanistan's southeastern province of Farah. Medical reports indicate that a young girl died as a result of severe bleeding that was caused by tears in her genitals from violent sexual penetration.

Two other victims were admitted to a nearby hospital and are currently receiving treatement for serious injuries they suffered following multiple rapes.."


Canadians Taking Al-Qaida Training in Pakistan: Report

"The RCMP is investigating a claim that a dozen Canadians in al-Qaida training camps in Pakistan are preparing to mount terror missions in Canada.."

Modern day Mac-Paps in Waziristan? This could easily be made up nonsense.  But what we could say with absolute truth is that many more from here are "preparing to mount terror missions" in Afghanistan for US/NATO ,and have done for the last nine years. On the other hand, perhaps they won't just let us continue invading, occupying, killing and torturing their people with impunity forever? Justice,roosting chickens and all that..


71% of Quebecers oppose extending the mission in Afghanistan says Le Devoir


NoDifferencePartyPooper wrote:
Canadians Taking Al-Qaida Training in Pakistan: Report

"The RCMP is investigating a claim that a dozen Canadians in al-Qaida training camps in Pakistan are preparing to mount terror missions in Canada.."

Modern day Mac-Paps in Waziristan? This could easily be made up nonsense.

I believe it is contrived nonsense. Our idiots have gone right along with anything Uncle Sam instructs them to do, whether it's laissez-faireization of the economy for corporate America's benefit, or marching the Canadian army into Poland, er, make that Afghanistan for the benefit of corporate America and Will McKinley wannabes like Brzezinski and Brzezinksi junior central scrutinizers in the war planning department.

And our vicious toadies in Ottawa will probably want to create US-style "anti-homegrown terrorism" legislation such as this one:

[url=]Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007[/url]

They are probably seeking broad and sweeping powers to investigate ordinary Canadians of the leftist persuasion(otherwise known as terrrorists in their tiny minds) and to spy on the lives of lefties and run domestic security apparatus similar to the very anticommunist USian COINTELPRO spookerization of the general public. It's the fascism.

Yes we know the terrorist training camps are still there in Afghanistan and Pakistan, because our largest trade partner funded the creation of them and still do according to various US whistleblowers.

Fidel wrote:
Joya scoffs at any suggestion that the Americans are fighting the Taliban out of any principled opposition. As she says, “They created the Taliban.” For Joya, the move by Karzai and the occupiers to engage the Taliban in negotiations is further proof that “democracy” is not on the US agenda; all they are interested in is “completing the circle of warlordism, druglordism and fundamentalism”.

[url= also questions the Taliban’s anti-imperialist credentials.[/url]

The Taliban was never against the US. When the Taliban say “Troops out of Afghanistan” they only say this from their own point of view. The only reason they’re fighting them now is because of money and power. Sometimes they negotiate with them. Already there are Taliban in the parliament. Mulla Salam did massacres and he’s now in power.

She knows them very well. The US Military has never installed a democratic government anywhere. Phony war!


Fidel wrote:

NoDifferencePartyPooper wrote:

you seriously believe that the NDP can change NATO from within? Seriously?

Another question. Do you really believe that if Canada withdrew from NATO that the US CIA and military and US-led NATO would stop interfering in Afghanistan going on 31 years?

Would Uncle Sam cease propping-up right wing fundmantalism in Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Would they finally allow Afghanistan's civil war to unfold as Afghans themselves would decide things?

Would the US-backed military dictatorship in Pakistan cease trying to gain "strategic depth" in Afghanistan?

Because if so, it is delusional and incredibly naive.

But this bit of nonsense seems to be a given in the Public Statements on Afghanistan thread where pot shots against the NDP are taken for whatever reasons and in addition to posting actual 'public statements' concerning Afghanistan.


Why would the NDP go from a longstanding and widely supported principled position against membership in NATO to support? The 'change from within' is a pathetic and completely unsustainable excuse for such a sellout. Perhaps yourself or one of the other ndp bitter-enders can tell me if you voted in such a policy change? Who supported it? Who opposed it? There must have been great and widespread debate about such a fundamental policy change no?


NoDifferencePartyPooper wrote:

Why would the NDP go from a longstanding and widely supported principled position against membership in NATO to support?

30 years worth of US meddling in Afghanistan, war, conflict and chaos after vaulting right wing extremists into power and US-backed warlordism going on 31. And that's just one country.

NoDifferencePartyPooper wrote:
The 'change from within' is a pathetic and completely unsustainable excuse for such a sellout.

A sellout? From what? What was there to sell besides nothing? There was nothing to sell because most everything is going NATO's way in case you hadn't noticed. Afghanistan is just one country where the US Military and-or its NATO allies rule the roost.

So what you're really saying is that the US Military dictatorship and US-led NATO has not changed its tune in 62 years of its existence. They've been carrying out illegal attacks on sovereign countries and various gladios since nineteen-fourtyeffinnine, and you're worried that Jack Layton is going to make things worse? And now you're mad cuz Jack Layton says NATO needs changing?

Don't make us laugh. What took you so long to become upset about NATO? Will Canada withdrawing from NATO in some fluke way mark the beginning of the end for NATO?


Sellout from what? From a principled opposition AGAINST membership to support FOR membership, on the outrageous and untenable grounds that they'll have a word with Hannibal Lector about changing his ways. I knew a guy who became a cigarette salesman, took up smoking too, became a bigshot at Imperial tobacco and he used to tell people he could bring more positive changes to tobacco marketing 'inside' the company, than all the protesters outside could. Anyway, you're an ndp true believer and can rationalize and justify almost anything.  So be it. I'm not.



It's not just throwing blind support for NATO. In order to believe that, you would have to ignore everything else they've said about it. That's dishonest.

But apparently holding our collective breath until NATO goes away hasn't worked very well.  62 years and the end of a cold war later, and they are still here and occupying a number of countries militarily. Nope, ignoring them doesn't seem to work.

Perhaps the ol' Gladio Gang Inc. can be democratized from within. I'm all for trying a new tack. But saying and doing nothing from the inside of one NATO country has achieved exactly nothing immediately next to zero. They want challenging from within, just like someone's wife nagging them to change their ways.

Like the pop singer William Broad once said in lyrics, it's a nice day to start again.



Military Defends Road-Building Project

"This week a delegation of Afghan government officials claimed a recent military effort in Kandahar has come at an astronomical cost: upwards of $100 million in damaged fruit crops, livestock and property. 'As a result of military operation 'Omaid', significant property damage has been caused to the people in Arghaidab, Zhari and Panjwaii districts in Kandahar province, the group said, in a statement. 'This project contributes to the overall improvement of Afghan lives from an economic and security viewpoint, the military said in a statement."

Re; Al Qaida Canadians: a bs story likely as suspected

Jihad Follies

"Yet even if the whole story were true, and 12 'pur laine' Canadians have decided to attack their fellow citizens, what does that add to our collective insecurity statistically speaking? Nothing, absolutely nothing. The risk of our being victims of a terrorist attack remains statistically insignificant'


Fidel wrote:

Will Canada withdrawing from NATO in some fluke way mark the beginning of the end for NATO?

We are at an interesting point in history.

Right now we are at the equivalent of 1918 going onto 1919.

From 1919 to 1940, the majority of Americans felt they had been duped by Europe to enter WW1. One of the reasons the League of Nations came to an end is the U.S.A. never joined it, it was ignored by Japan (starting) in 1931, Italy (starting) in 1935 and Hitler in 1935 when he left the League and started his Brinksmanship actions. Ingoring Russia (wasn't inducted until 1936) during the 1938 Munich Crisis also harmed the League.

Now it is Europe with its membership in NATO that feels it has been duped into the Afghan war. Canada (until the Harper administration), France, Germany, Holland, Italy and Spain were always very reluctant about either a combat role if not reluctant about engagement itself in Afghanistan. Holland first disengaged from Afghanistan now surprisingly, it looks like it is going to re-engage. Germany is indicating it will disengage from Afghanistan this year. Of all the countries mentioned plus Australia, New Zealand and the other Western European countries, all their publics have indicated in polls that a majority are opposed to the war and want their troops out now: In the U.S.A. it's 63%. In Canada, it's a little lower at 56%.

I think that if Canada and the other countries disengage from Afghanistan now, it could mean the death of NATO through aenemia. Once again the U.S.A. would be (more-or-less) all alone in Afghanistan just like it was in Vietnam in the '60s. This could hasten peace negotiations where the U.S.A. at least withdraws the majority of its troops from Afghanistan. The U.S.A. can't afford it financially, morally and politically to go it alone in Afghanistan. That is why the U.S.A. used NATO to strong arm other countries to commit troops to Afghanistan.

An important question to ask to inform our dicussion of NATO is to ask what its purpose is: The purpose of NATO now, right from its inception and always was to have hegemony over the foreign deployment of member countries' armed forces, thus to have control over this area of member states' foreign policy so America can build its Empire.

The Rwanda genocide, the genocides in Serbia and Kosovo and the Afghan war are Pentagon/CIA Operation Himmler gladio ops, the last two of which NATO was/is involved.

Another question that needs to be asked is what is NATO needed for?

I don't think NATO can or ever will be changed.

If it was changed what would its purpose be? What would it do?


NofDifferencePartyPooper wrote:
From a principled opposition AGAINST membership to support FOR membership, on the outrageous and untenable grounds that they'll have a word with Hannibal Lector about changing his ways.

Did Lecter not help agent-in-training Clarice Starling to catch notorious serial killer Buffalo Bill? I think first we have to get inside Lecter's mind and find out his innermost secrets. It would be a filthy, dirty job and worthy of a segment on that TV series, World's Dirtiest Jobs, or something. But someone has to try. But willing away Hanibal Lecter wasnt going to do Clarice much good, was it?

So tell us, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?


Frmrsldr wrote:

Another question that needs to be asked is what is NATO needed for?

I don't think NATO can or ever will be changed.

If it was changed what would its purpose be? What would it do?

Since there appear to be no moderators around, I'm going to appeal to Frmrsldr and NDPP to not get derailed by this person. This series of threads has been around for too long, and is too valuable, to get constantly hijacked. Frmrsldr, in case you weren't aware, NDPP started a [url= specifically to discuss the NATO issue.



Unionist wrote:

Frmrsldr, in case you weren't aware, NDPP started a [url= specifically to discuss the NATO issue.

Yes I know.

I think (and hope) the Afghan war will bring an end to NATO.

I shan't go beyond these questions.

Their purpose is to offer food for thought and perhaps a different perspective on the issue.


Excellent commentary from Former Soldier as usual. Just two things though. I was under the impression that NATO countries were tricked into Afghanistan because the US Military wanted to concentrate on Iraq. And there are whistleblowers who've said that members of Bush's government were very interested in finding any reason to march into Iraq. Cheney and Rumsfeld are still running around North America telling rich people at high brow dinners that Saddam not only had WMD, which is still false, and that Saddam's Iraq was a haven for al-Qaeda, which was false but became true only after the US Military moved in.

FrmrSldr wrote:
I don't think NATO can or ever will be changed.

And I think that the NDP recognizes, really, that changing NATO from within will not fall on any one Canadian or other NATO country's shoulders. The spirit of democracy has to come from within each country. The NDP simply has to continue putting the hard questions to government's like Paul Martin's as to the secrecy surrounding Canada's change of mission role in late 2005 from one of peacekeeping and security in Kabul to that of relieving US troops in Kandahar and fighting US style combat missions. It was important that the NDP indentified Paul Martin's Liberal Government tight-lipped secrecy and lying to Canada's Parliament then. And it was important that JAck Layton and the NDP demanded that no more Canadian troops be sent to Afghanistan on the say-so of one man, Paul Martin, who was George W. Bush's lap dog in Ottawa at the time.


Towards 'Afghanisation' of US Imperialism

"With each passing day, the invading and occupation forces earn more hatred, ire and resistance from the Afghan people. They are finding the Karzai regime too weak to serve their needs. They are trying various other methods, simultaneously, to tide over the situation. 'Afghanisation' of war is one of them.

Karzai formed a 20 member 'Peace Council' to bring a so-called reconciliation and political solution to the Afghan problem. It only means that he is engaged in the attempt to prepare at least a section of Afghan people opposing the US occupation to strike a deal of compromise and surrender with the US imperialists.

The game of 'ending' the combat missions, played by the US and NATO powers is another method. Nato also made clear that 2014 was not a hard and fast deadline for the end of combat operations. Mark Sidwell, NATO's top civilian representative in Kabul has announced '2014 is a goal not a guarantee.'

'Iraq is a pretty decent blueprint for how to transform Afghanistan' said one NATO official. True. As happened in Iraq, the US and NATO troops are not going to leave Afghanistan. Their talk about the end of combat operations at the end of 2014 is aimed at creating illusions. One must be clear that the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan are a part of a greater strategic design to grab and control rich and inexhaustible natural resources, not only in Afghanistan..."



Why NATO needs the Afghan war:

With each passing day it looks more and more like there's going to be a spring election.

Be prepared to hear a lot about our christian crusader troops fighting in Afghanistan to protect the rights of women there from Herr Harper, Iggy and Conservative MPs and hopefuls, Liberal MPs and hopefuls and possibly some NDP MPs and hopefuls.


I see Louise Arbour is still working for the Man..


War Displaced People in Kabul Slum Cry For Help

"No education, lack of food and winter clothes. In Afghanistan's capital Kabul, hundreds of war-displaced children and their families are crying for relief assistance...'We do not have enough food and clothes. We need help,' Wakiltawos Khan, head of the slum told Xinhua reporters. 'Nine months ago, my five sons were killed by US airstrikes in my hometown and my daughter lost an arm. Kabul is safe, so we moved here. But we cannot afford a house..'"

End the Occupation! NATO Out Now!

Enduring Extraordinary Rendition, Torture (and vid)

"Saad Iqbal Madni looks decades older than his 33 years when he shuffles into the room, head down and eyes averted. 'There are a lot of times I start to cry.' It has been 2 years since the Pakistani Islamic scholar left Guantanamo Bay. After six and a half years of imprisonment as a suspected enemy combatant he was released without being convicted and without an explanation..."

CIA found his name on some old AQ documents in Afghanistan. Speaking of which - sure don't hear much on the Canadian detainee issue anymore...


Afghan official expects court to void election:

Rod Nordland wrote:

KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghanistan's attorney general expressed hope on Tuesday that a special court appointed by the president to look into election fraud would throw out the results of the country's parliamentary elections, and predicted that the court would delay this week's planned inauguration of a new Parliament.


"The Afghan people will win." I think Keynesians would say something like, "in the long run."


JTF2 Command 'Encouraged' War Crimes Soldier Alleges

"A member of Canada's elite special forces unit says he felt his peers were being 'encouraged' by the Canadian Forces chain of command to commit war crimes in Afghanistan, according to new documents obtained by CBC News"

this older, following piece is also illustrative of the problem of JTF2 and the Detainee issue. Clearly the politicians are in on the suppression of this story via various strategems. These are war crimes and a process must be found to bypass the gatekeepers.

Canada: The Torture Was Intentional and JTF2

"Federal government documents on Afghan detainees suggest that Canadian officials intended some prisoners to be tortured in order to gather intelligence, according to a legal expert. Such actions would constitute a war crime, said University of Ottawa law professor Amir Attaran, who has been digging deep into the issue and told CBC News he has seen uncensored versions of government documents released last year.

'If these documents were released [in full], what they will show is that Canada partnered deliberately with the torturers in Afghanistan for the interrogation of detainees,' he said.

'There would be a question of rendition and a question of war crimes on the part of certain Canadian officials. That's what's in these documents and that's why the government is covering up as hard as it can.'

It also turns out the infamous 1993 'turkey shoot' of two 'infiltrators' in Somalia (and the close range execution style killing of one of them) was a JTF2 'demonstration' led by the same Rainville, to show visiting Canadian and US Special Forces brass their worth.."


FrmrSldr wrote:
If it[NATO] was changed what would its purpose be? What would it do?

Dissolve itself, like the former Warsaw pact countries did? Democratize the UNSC or make every other country in the world voting members?

I agree with you that currently elected leaders of NATO countries would probably never do it themselves. But I t think that forces outside of NATO would stand an even smaller chance of reforming or dissolving NATO.


A War In Search of a Raison D'Etre  -  by Tim Black

"The revelation that British troops are in Afghanistan simply to 'keep busy' exposes the surrealism of a disastrous war...Cowper-Coles writes that the Afghan War gave the army 'a raison d'etre it had lacked for years and resources on an unprecedented scale.' It has created a conflict of brutal surreality, where the military means have become their own end."



A War In Search of a Raison D'Etre

At the start, it was a war against al-Qaeda. Then it was against the Taliban. In fact, so freighted by shifting objectives was the conflict, from liberating women to democratisation, that by 2006 it had even become part of an ‘anti-narcotics campaign’. More recently it has been characterised by both US president Barack Obama and then British prime minister Gordon Brown as a ‘war for security’, a sort of ‘war against terror’ but with the Bush-era shrillness taken down a notch.

Laughable. And even then, extremist Taliban represent about 20% of the insurgency. They make no mention of the fact that most of the resistance is local tribal leaders and anrising number of indigenous Afghans who are not religiously motivated and merely wanting to give the heave-ho to foreign invaders.

But there is a reason for this war/military occupation, isn't there? Some babblers will tend to tell us there are all kinds of good reasons for this pointless war between right wing extremists to continue, and that Jack Layton and the NDP should butt out of Central Asia/CIA affairs.

M. Spector M. Spector's picture

Fidel wrote:

I agree with you that currently elected leaders of NATO countries would probably never do it [dissolve NATO] themselves.

Nor apparently would Jack Layton if he ever became one of those elected leaders.

Fidel wrote:

But I think that forces outside of NATO would stand an even smaller chance of reforming or dissolving NATO.

A military alliance only [b]dissolves[/b] when its members leave – either one by one, or all at once. The only way for Canada to advance the cause of [b]dissolution[/b] of NATO is to leave it!

An imperialist miltary alliance cannot be "reformed" into something benign. Leftists should call for Canada to withdraw from NATO, as an example to others, and to join anti-imperialist alliances like ALBA.  


Topic locked