Conservatives are just more beautiful?

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Conservatives are just more beautiful?

Rightwing candidates are better looking than their leftwing counterparts, something they benefit from during elections, according to a study conducted by Swedish and Finnish economists.


Interesting, but I don't know how applicable it would be elsewhere, It certainly wouldn't be replicated using Canadian politicians. Laughing


how do you judge who is "better looking" anyways though?  better hair, nicer suit, age?  all these  seem pretty superficial and totally unrelated to how they would perform their jobs.  Also seems sexist as it seems they focus more on women than male politicians.

does anyone ever contemplate if steve harper is good looking?  what about chretien?  but for sarah palin it's milf jokes.

bagkitty bagkitty's picture

milo204: Objectively? Well you measure them to determine the degree of bilateral symmetry they exhibit.

I really did enjoy the opening paragraph of the article:


"One possible explanation is that people who are seen or consider themselves beautiful tend to be more anti-egalitarian and rightwing," Niclas Berggren, one of the three co-authors of the study, told AFP Wednesday.

It is too bad, though, that this study took place in Scandinavia. I think they would have gotten equalling entertaining results had they examined UK Labour party leaders on the basis of "neatness" of their coiffures in order to determine their placement along the ideological spectrum.


Ken Burch

Well, Michael Foot was left-wing, and Tony Blair is, by most standards, right-wing.  And it wouldn't surprise me if Tony considers HIMSELF "beautiful".


I think I'll just have to personally interview each member of the Finnish men's cross country ski team to ascertain how right-wing they are.


And like I said before, how do you quantify beauty?

Jacob Two-Two

Though results may vary, studies do show that there a number of attributes that random selections of people do agree on as being "beautiful" in the strict physical sense. What people are attracted to, mind you, is much more subtle (though studies also show that men are more susceptible to "beauty" than women).

Off the top of my head, I would attribute this righty-beauty phenomenon to the fact that, broadly speaking, right-wing politicians are a tad more likely to be figureheads picked by powerful interests for the purpose of being good speech-readers and campaign-winners, while lefties tend to more often be activists and bureaucrats. 

Brian White

Sineed wrote:

And like I said before, how do you quantify beauty?

Well, you get a jury to decide.  In the case of canadian politicians, it needs to be composed mostly of females to make up for the gender unequality of the male politicians?  (They probably have to be from another country for objectivity). They you give them random pairs of right and left wingers to compare. Pick the most attractive in each case.

Then you compare the wingness of the result.  How do you measure right and left though. Some are right on economics and left on social stuff and visa versa.          Where would you put left wing dictators like the guy in Libya?

Papal Bull

If the NDP is looking for a sexy candidate they should look no further than good ol' Papal Bull.


I know of at least two people who aren't my mom that have called me handsome.

remind remind's picture

"the guy in Libya" is a leftwing dictator????? Who knew...

Funny...I have always perceived the actual left`- not the mock left, and that other propaganda `left" used by right wingies, as non-dictatorial.

This is based upon the fact that egalitarian awarerness, which is the true left, and true socialism, does not contain dictatorships, in any way shape or form.

Brian White

I agree mostly.  The guy in Libya did have some left wing policys, believe it or not.  He was chummy with the guy in Venezeula too.

remind wrote:

"the guy in Libya" is a leftwing dictator????? Who knew...

Funny...I have always perceived the actual left`- not the mock left, and that other propaganda `left" used by right wingies, as non-dictatorial.

This is based upon the fact that egalitarian awarerness, which is the true left, and true socialism, does not contain dictatorships, in any way shape or form.

sknguy II

They could use this for modeling the data.


Right-wing beauty:

Left-wing ugly person: