US military on the internet: bloggers beware - you may be punk'd by the Pentagon

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N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture
US military on the internet: bloggers beware - you may be punk'd by the Pentagon

Bloggers beware: you may be punk'd by the Pentagon from Russia Today


RT wrote:
That annoying teen with a strange political bent on your blog may in fact be an aging US army sergeant spewing American propaganda, while also impersonating a 13-year old girl on your buddies Twitter.

A new US military spy operation takes manipulation to a new level, using social media to tackle the online world. America's new 'sock puppet' software allows the military to simultaneously create multiple fake online identities to spread a pro-American message.


Also mentioned here.


N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture

Thanks for the links. As anyone who posts anything progressive on wikipedia knows, there's a veritable army of reactionaries out there - ready, willing and able to sabotage and kill anything green and living.


[url=]... soldier is a potential blogger[/url](pdf)

James B. Kinniburgh, Major, USAF, and Dr. Dorothy E. Denning wrote:
Hacking the site and subtly changing the messages and data—merely a few words or phrases—may be sufficient to begin destroying the blogger’s credibility with the audience. Better yet, if the blogger happens to be passing enemy communications and logistics data, the information content could be corrupted. If the messages are subtly tweaked and the data corrupted in the right way, the enemy may reason that the blogger in question has betrayed them and either take down the site (and the blogger) themselves, or by threatening such action, give the US an opportunity to offer the individual amnesty in exchange for information.

[url=]Coint..., Provacateurs,Disinfo Agents[/url] (YouTube) Violent provocateurs discrediting the 9/11 truth movement with theories like "Beam weapons destroyed WTC" Who does the corporate newz media give the spotlight to? - that's right, they focus on the far out conspiracy theorists and violent provocateurs "for 9/11 truth"