Vote NDP! Or tell me why not!

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RevolutionPlease RevolutionPlease's picture
Vote NDP! Or tell me why not!

There needs to be a change. Why did you shut this Catchfire? Was there disagreeable content?


I'm challenging babble to show a concern for change.  Not this crank it up at elections. Are we really working for change? I want to come back to my rabble folks but Ièm scared. Scared my voice is not welcome here. Wow, seems frenchéenglish came on. Probly the CAPTCHA, they finally got me.

RevolutionPlease RevolutionPlease's picture

The apathy in that thread was EXACTLY the rabble reaction I was hoping to get.

Why the closeÉ


RevolutionPlease RevolutionPlease's picture

I blame it on Unionist and bagkitty, my keyboard has gone en francais. Je careful.

bagkitty bagkitty's picture

What am I being blamed for now? A link would help!!

(oh, and is this a good time to point out that I haven't been CAPTCHA'd yet?Wink)


I don't recall anyone ever saying anything about your voice here.  What, validation every once in awhile gives you a warm and fuzzy?  There's a better way.  Visit any one of the NDP related threads and say what you really think of the party, then sit back and wait for the usual fireworks.  Presto, warm and fuzzy.


RevolutionPlease wrote:

The apathy in that thread was EXACTLY the rabble reaction I was hoping to get.

Why the closeÉ


RP, try holding down your left "Alt" key and tap the left "Shift" key while doing so. That may help restore your colonial British keyboard. Let me know.



It's funny, RP, that they never actually advocate for an anti-NDP Party to oppose the effective opposition in Ottawa. They oft scurry off when facing a fair fight themselves. They know that just 37 NDP MPs are worth more than hundreds of old line party stooges, colonial administrative floaters and over-paid backbenchers without purpose or portfolio combined. Cowards that they are. Wink

RevolutionPlease RevolutionPlease's picture

It magically repaired itself Unionist.  Dunno what I was thinking bagkitty. Love you Fidel.

bagkitty bagkitty's picture

I dunno either, guess I will console myself with the words of Oscar Wilde


There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.