Bush in Toronto September 20

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Bush in Toronto September 20

George W Bush in Toronto September 20: Keep War Criminal Bush out of Canada


Bush in Toronto on September 20, 2011. Bush to make promotional appearance in Toronto for Christian college. The former US president has a stopover in Toronto next week that will include a Sept 20 breakfast gathering on behalf of Tyndale for an invited audience of 150 at the Toronto Hilton Hotel.."

spread the word!


George W Bush Comes and Goes, Toronto Barely Notices


"We had no protests,' confirmed Michael Miller, a spokesman for Northbridge Financial Corp, which jointly presented the event with its parent company, Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.."

yeah well, what DON'T they 'barely notice' here?

Lens Solution

I thought he decided not to come because he was worried about being charged with war crimes?

So he did come afterall?


I have a theory: hitler won ww2. the proof is that bush cheney and that bunch are running around w/out getting busted. The pigmedia hides the million plus deaths they caused. The USSR was destroyed 20 years ago- Stalin is always mentioned as typical political gangster (hitler only killed 6 million, and they mostly liberals, says righhtwing loudmouths charles adler/jordan petersen etc)...Even here at Rabble the astonishing fact that the Soviet Union lost 20 plus million people to fascist attack in world war 2 , and 1/3rd of its economy wrecked, yet 10 months after allies finally opened a second front (d day) nazism was ended by Soviet arms yet...yet the USSR was forced into an arms/space race with relatively undamaged USA! And Stalin caused the Iron Curtain??  YET the USSR still seens as bad guys? Even here at Rabble, ferchrissakes! It's all bs, and the fact, let's say, that  don cherry gets $27000 a week from canada taxpayers (while he heaps scorn on our liberal democratic traditions) and former cfrb loudmouth karen horseman does metro morning in the country's biggest radio market- alll this says we SHOULD happily spend $100k to provide the bush whelp with perfect securirty (ie: no pies in the face, unlike Jean Chretien....)


Canada Should Investigate Cheney For Role in Torture


"In a statement, Human Rights Watch said Saturday that evidence of torture by the Bush administration, including at least two cases involving Canadian citizens, obligates Canada to investigate Cheney, to comply with the Convention Against Torture. The group said that the US 'was directly responsible or complicit in the alleged torture of Canadian citizens Maher Arar and Omar Khadr.'

The statement added that Canadian law provides for jurisdiction over an individual for torture and other crimes if the complainant is a Canadian citizen, even for offences committed outside of Canada. 'The US has utterly failed to meet its legal obligations to investigate torture by the Bush administration, but that shouldn't let other countries off the hook,' Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch said in a statement.

'Cheney's visit to Vancouver is a rare opportunity to remedy this shameful failure to uphold the rule of law."


Vancouver Laywer Gail Davidson Seeks Dick Cheney's Arrest


"Dick Cheney is coming to town on September 26 to promote his book...But Vancouver laywer Gail Davidson has other plans. Davidson stressed that when Canada ratified the International Convention Against Torture, it accepted a duty not just to Canada but to everyone. And that is to 'take effective measures to prevent and punish torture wherever it occurs, whatever the nationality of the victims are, and whatever the nationality of the perpetrators...

She has previously written to the government suggesting steps similar to those regarding Cheney be taken when Bush visits Surrey on October 20."

Efforts to have Canada comply with its legal obligations have been attempted on previous occassions without success. Before an earlier Bush visit, Davidson attempted to enlist the aid of the NDP to break the government's stonewalling of their legal obligations. Her international organization was advised by Jack Layton's office that he 'would entertain no further correspondence on this issue.' As a key participant in a US -led joint criminal enterprise, the Canadian state, including the 'loyal' opposition shows no indication it is any more favourably disposed to compliance with international law then the government itself.

Protest War Criminal Dick Cheney in Canada

5:30 PM, Monday, September 26, 2011

Outside the Vancouver Club, 915 West Hastings



M. Spector M. Spector's picture

NDPP wrote:

George W Bush Comes and Goes, Toronto Barely Notices


"We had no protests,' confirmed Michael Miller, a spokesman for Northbridge Financial Corp, which jointly presented the event with its parent company, Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.."

yeah well, what DON'T they 'barely notice' here?

The story contradicts the headline. Bush's appearance at an evangelical Christian "university" in Toronto was cancelled because of protests - [b]by evangelical Christian university students, no less![/b]

That's an even better result than what happened last time he came to town.

The decision came Wednesday, the same day three former students launched a petition urging the university to cancel the speech. On Tuesday, a class valedictorian and professor publicly spoke out against the appearance following the resignation in protest of another staff member.

Bush was scheduled to speak Sept. 20 to about 150 people at an invitation-only breakfast hosted by Tyndale University College and Seminary, home to about 1,400 students at two campuses in Toronto’s north end.




Yes, good for the Christian students, but if this had been say Berlin instead of Toronto, there would have been people in numbers outside the venue..

howeird beale

Well, I looked up that school, cuz I was thinking of taking a half day off work just to raz him from half a mile away. Its pretty remote, Bayview and Steeles and in between two forks in the East Don River. So Good luck getting a crowd up there on a Tuesday afternoon. Good for the faculty and alums cancelling his jerk session. If he had any guts he'd try and show his face downtown on a Saturday

knownothing knownothing's picture
Lens Solution

I am absolutely outraged that this piece of scum is going to be on Canadian soil tonight, especially after he has admitted in his new book that he approved of torturing detainees.

I was hoping Canada would discourage Cheney from coming here, and that he and Bush would be afraid to come into this country the way they are afraid to go to Europe because of the threat of being charged with war crimes.


Clashes Erupt As Dick Cheney Speaks in Vancouver


"But Vancouver-Kingsway New Democrat M-P Don Davies said Cheney should not even be allowed into Canada because those methods are considered torture. Davies said Cheney must be banned from Canada for authorizing actions banned under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. New York based Human Rights Watch said Saturday that Canadian law provides for prosecution of an individual for torture and other crimes, even for offences committed outside of Canada.."

Good for Don Davies. Jack Layton had previously refused to advance these same arguments, when asked to do so by Gail Davidson of Lawyers Against War, prior to a previous visit by George Bush. Hopefull  Davies will not be alone when George Bush again visits Canada in October.

Lens Solution

I am glad that there is at least one MP willing to stand up and say something about Cheney.  He is possibly the biggest war criminal to set foot in Canada.  Disgusting. 

M. Spector M. Spector's picture

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZS6Klex6eM]Video of the anti-Cheney demo[/url]

[url=http://rabble.ca/news/2011/09/police-rough-anti-cheney-protesters]Police rough up anti-Cheney protesters[/url]

Lens Solution

I don't know if I can say outloud what I think of Cheney and Bush.  It would probably have to be censored.


Which is why we must insist that the law is followed and as 'credibly suspected' warcriminals, they not be permitted entry. As previously mentioned, Jack Layton's office refused to advance this issue when it was urged previously by Lawyers Against War. Perhaps the advocacy of Don Davies gives reason to hope. Emails to opposition MPs wouldn't hurt either.

Lens Solution

Did you see the 'At Issue' panel on CBC the other night?  A couple of the panelists, especially pollster Bruce Anderson, were saying that the NDP is outside the mainstream to call Dick Cheney a war criminal and that most Canadians wouldn't agree with that.

I'd like to see Mr. Anderson back up his statements with some evidence, because I think a lot of Canadians do think Cheney is a war criminal.


I do too...

More info here:


Lens Solution

"CBC panelists Bruce Anderson and Andrew Coyne manufacture consent that Dick Cheney is not a war criminal"

