And you thought Bush was bad...Part 3

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And you thought Bush was bad...Part 3

As scary as some of the Republican candidates are, what really scares me are the Republican voters.

So far, at GOP debates, audiences have given a rousing round of applause to Rick Perry for having executed more people than any other governor and yelled that a sick person without health insurance should be "left to die".

In the latest display, they boo'd an active duty American soldier serving in Iraq...for being gay.

These are the people who will be choosing the Republican nominee and, very likely, America's next president.

As my wife said to me, "Boy, am I glad I moved to Canada."

dacckon dacckon's picture

Oh look, someone wants to put US troops in Mexico. Rick Perry.


And if a party comes to power and legalizes for instance pot, It worries me what that madman would do(a coup d'etat). He's advocating  old cold war policies...


To put Perry in context, when he was George W Bush's deputy, Dubya was considered "the smart one" on that team...

knownothing knownothing's picture

dacckon wrote:

Oh look, someone wants to put US troops in Mexico. Rick Perry.


And if a party comes to power and legalizes for instance pot, It worries me what that madman would do(a coup d'etat). He's advocating  old cold war policies...

The US is pretty liberal on pot (California and Colorado, they see profit in it)