Ohio voters overwhelmingly defeat anti-union law

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Ohio voters overwhelmingly defeat anti-union law


"Issue 2", pushed by extreme reactionary Gov. John Kasich, would have deprived public sector unions and their members of the right to even try to negotiate a host of issues - even if their employers were willing to do so - such as health care benefits (!), paid days off (max. 3 personal days plus 12 stat holidays), rules regarding promotion and qualifications, unfettered contracting-out of union members' work, seniority as the sole criterion in layoffs, etc. etc. All these would have become non-negotiable "management rights". And, of course, what we call the "Rand formula" in Canada would be banned (i.e., the law whereby the employer must deduct the equivalent of unions dues at source from each employee, even those who choose not to join the union, as long as they are working within the unionized bargaining unit and under the same collective agreement).

The pro-union coalition apparently outspent the GOP forces by about 3 to 1, which is what it takes in the U.S. to win in politics. The final result: 69% against Issue 2.

Read about the victory (i.e. the defeat for the Governor) [url=http://www.cleveland.com/politics/index.ssf/2011/11/ohio_voters_overwhel..., and the gory details of Issue 2 [url=http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2010/10/from_collective_bargaini....

Well done - for now - our allies to the south!



right on!  


they voted against obama care?


takeitslowly wrote:

they voted against obama care?

Yeah, I noticed that too! Very good news. Can't fool all the people all the time. It's good to see Obama's forced taxation of the 99% to the benefit of insurance companies bite the dust - as I dearly wish that he will in the next election. What a traitor.

Now back to the thread topic!


I'm surprised this happened, because otherwise Ohio feels like an incredibly conservative place.

Conning that grandmother may have sunk issue 2.


A very gratifying, and important, win against the reactionary Koch/Murdoch/Corporate/Wall Street/Republican forces.


takeitslowly wrote:

they voted against obama care?

One has nothing to do with the other.  And there's certainly more than enough in the legislation (having nothing to do with the individual mandate) to warrant a progressive voting against it.


do you really think the U.S will do better than Obama care at this moment? or anytime in the near future :/


takeitslowly wrote:

do you really think the U.S will do better than Obama care at this moment? or anytime in the near future :/

Yes. The status quo is better than Obama care. That's the near future, isn't it - the present!

And with that, back to the thread topic.



lol..yay, I <3 unions.


takeitslowly wrote:

do you really think the U.S will do better than Obama care at this moment? or anytime in the near future :/

Forcing people to buy private insurance, thereby entrenching the for-profit health insurance industry, and taxing "cadillac" insurance plans, which tend to be industrial union plans, is a retreat from the status qui, not progress.