Are media moguls the lowest scumbags in the world?

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Erik Redburn
Are media moguls the lowest scumbags in the world?


Erik Redburn

Reason I'm writing this is not because I ever thought tv producers and execs ever had any moral compass.      I'm writing this because it's now readily apparent that they have know no bounds at ALL anymore and can get away with broadcasting just about Anything.   And those entrusted to maintaining SOME broadcast standards on behalf of those who licence them all apparently see nothing wrong with it.


Item one, the complete abandonment of any journalistic ethics that most of us anyone to the left of Leonard Asper must be aware of. There are cso majy examples of this now it would be tough to even list them, but it just keeps getting more routine and more in-our-face blatant.

Item two, allowing what are basically SNUFF films to be broadcast on our airwaves.  Thats right SNUFF films.   The only real difference with other 'snuff films' of suburban lore is that these involve REAL people and animals.  And they are not being shown to expose any evil but to to revel in it.  Two I saw just the other day were called "Hoggers" and "Swamp people" -typical 'reality tv' fare except they go way beyond some talentless contestents being mean to each on the small chance they might actually win something.  No, these are helpless animals being set upon by packs of hounds, or pulled out of the water with hooks until the redneck asshole finally finishes the poor creatures off.  Ones involving human tragedies, like XTREME TV, have unfortunately been common for some years

I say it's time this escalating viciousness-for-viciousness sake be exposed to some real public debate and hopefully banned. Hunting wild animals is onething, broadcasting the whole ugly process to the public for some sick 'entertainment value'  is quite  another.