isn't feminism a rejection of the role biology plays in shaping behaviour?

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isn't feminism a rejection of the role biology plays in shaping behaviour?

Doesn't biology play a role in shaping behaviour?  Aren't men more aggressive, aren't women typically more passive?  At what point does feminism abandon reality in it's conception of social norms?  And if 'society' makes us the way we are (how exactly?) then why does 'society' do this?  Isn't it possible that the physical differences between men and women contribute to how we act, who we are, how we view the world?


Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Yikes! The rest of the family must be in a turkey coma and Meistro (sic) went looking for better company. Sadly, we won't be giving thanks for this encounter next year. Ciao, M12!

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