Gender Politics in Venezuela

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Gender Politics in Venezuela

Here is a good article on why the women of Venezuela support the Bolivarian reforms.



Imagine a constitution that enshrined participatory democracy and people used it?


Women in Venezuela have become not only the majority of the users but also the majority of providers of social services and anti-poverty programs[ix].  They are the majority in the election units of the governing party (PSUV) and very impressively, 70% of the members of the approximately 30,000 Communal Councils in the country are women.  These Communal Councils play a pivotal role in decision making at the grass roots level to satisfy community social and economic needs and are the basis of participatory democracy.

Women hold some key and powerful positions in the government:  as several ministers, President of the Supreme Court, Attorney General, National Ombudsman, National Elections Council, and Vice-presidency of the governing party PSUV are all women.  Indeed, Venezuela is the country in the region with the highest inclusion of women in education and professional fields, according to the UN Human Development Program.