Aliens Land! II

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Aliens Land! II


A continuation of this thread


Update on Chilean UFO Videos: Getting the Bugs Out

Leslie Kean wrote:
Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez, Director of the CEFAA, first showed one of the videos -- the same one we released -- during his lecture at the International UFO Congress in Phoenix last February. "Seven spectators located in different places, each with his own camera, filmed the flybys. In the seven videos, the same thing appeared," he told the audience. His lecture is now posted at the CEFAA website.

I interviewed the general just before his Phoenix presentation, having been tipped off about the case after contacting the CEFAA a few days earlier. "Something anomalous was there, and our astronomers, who are non-believers, said it's an object," he told me. "When it approaches, there is an intelligent maneuver demonstrated. What it is remains unknown, but we are not finished with the analysis."

Experts in Chile examined the footage, which comes from digital cameras and cell phones, and ruled out conventional explanations. "We have studied this case in different ways," said Bermúdez in his lecture. "First we gave all the films it to our astronomers. They proceeded with their own software and system. Second, we gave the film to the air force specialists, the Air Photogrammetric Service. They used their own procedures. Third, we at the CEFAA made an internal analysis with our own specialists."

And he added: "We will continue making an analysis and hope we can arrive at a scientific conclusion as soon as possible."

A bug caught on film? Stay tuned for the real science, down the road.


More from Billy Cox

Yeah, OK, but we've still got nukes

Keep yer OVNI research south of the border, amigos, and we'll all get along just fine. - Uncle Sam

The glasnost is starting to fill in South America thanks to governments of: Brazil, Ecuador, Chile and Peru.


You have to hand it to those aliens and their sense of timing, showing up at an airshow event bristling with cameras and recorders. Uncanny how they were able to schedule their home planet departure just in time to participate in the flybys. This has to be one well renowned air show.


Yeah those South American scientists are second rate. Trust in Uncle Whiskers always.

We need not look to the stars to wonder if Darwin's evolution has worked elsewhere. We already understand that our neighbors just nextdoor to us were superior to hundreds of government politicians and lawyers in Ottawa since approximately CUSFTA and NAFTA. They made our fearless leaders appear inferior and servile in every way.

And plus they have nuclear weapons. It's very humbling when you think about it.


Slumberjack wrote:

You have to hand it to those aliens and their sense of timing, showing up at an airshow event bristling with cameras and recorders.

Is it that Chilean UFO sightings are captured on video during air shows only, or is it because camcorders are more widely-owned today compared to anytime before? What if people did record strange objects in the sky in medieval paintings and even cave drawings long ago? 

Or were all of those people just the first of a long line of pranksters and tellers of tall tales who told them for the shady sake of telling them? Was everyone in history completely fooled by swamp gas and the planet Venus all of the time, most of the time, or only sometimes?

Are widespread camcorder ownership and UFO sightings in Chile and other countries dependent or independent events? 

Slumberjack wrote:
This has to be one well renowned air show.

Really? In fact, a well renowned ufologist says that there have been five large scale scientific studies of UFO's. And when he lectures to audiences of people who are anywhere from somewhat interested to fascinated by the subject enough to attend his presentations, he reports that about two percent of them have actually read the published studies. And he says it's suprising how few debunkerists have read them. 


Fidel wrote:
Is it that Chilean UFO sightings are captured on video during air shows only, or is it because camcorders are more widely-owned today compared to anytime before? What if people did record strange objects in the sky in medieval paintings and even cave drawings long ago?

I'm sure it's all just a case of them saying 'you think you got shit that can fly around, get a load of this.' Didn't medieval people bring us the various belief systems we're so familiar with today, and aren't they still at it, to the point where some of us insist that they stop bringing us their shit?

Or were all of those people just the first of a long line of pranksters and tellers of tall tales who told them for the shady sake of telling them? Was everyone in history completely fooled by swamp gas and the planet Venus all of the time, most of the time, or only sometimes?

We should probably consult with the historical and present religious record, hell, even political movements, before we begin tackling the question of how easy it is for masses of people to be completely fooled by the flimsiest propositions.

Are widespread camcorder ownership and UFO sightings in Chile and other countries dependent or independent events?

Independent in their own right sure, but in this age the influence of globalized popular culture shouldn't be discounted. If we go back to the case of religion prior to the age of western imperialism, where you have mass persuasion occurring largely independent from external influences, from what I've been able to surmise as it's been understood by scientific researchers, anthropologists and the like, even some biologists for that matter; most of humanity seems genetically predisposed to concoct fantastic explanations for events and phenomena we know little about, which largely accounts today for the popularity of creation and UFO related theme parks and the like.

In fact, a well renowned ufologist says that there have been five large scale scientific studies of UFO's. And when he lectures to audiences of people who are anywhere from somewhat interested to fascinated by the subject enough to attend his presentations, he reports that about two percent of them have actually read the published studies. And he says it's suprising how few debunkerists have read them.

I think there was once something put forward which might apply here, that went something like "one doesn't need to be Professor of Leprechaunology to argue on behalf of the non-existence of Leprechauns." Maybe that's the sort of point debunkerists are trying to make.


I find that time and time again people who believe in one fantastic suggestion are prone to believe in others as well, even those that contradict the original and still firmly held belief.  But you know I think most people are caught up in it to one degree or another.  We're having a fortune telling at the house this Friday in fact, part of the festivities being planned for a teenage birthday party.  And while that's going on, I'll likely be out back somewhere blowing thc smoke rings at the sunset.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

I used to vacation in New Mexico. Never saw a UFO.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

I don't put any stock whatsoever in UFOs or anything remotely paranormal.


I don't discount the possibility of life existing someplace else.  What form that life may take is anyone's guess, but just like on this planet, if it does indeed exist elsewhere it would've evolved through evolutionary processes.  I could even subscribe to the notion that some of it may very well be more technologically advanced than humanity, or perhaps less so.  But travel across incomprehensible distances in contraptions that are quite often depicted to resemble hubcaps.  Because aerodynamics is so important for space travel you know.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

Yes, there could be some kind of organic life forms on other planets, but I couldn't speculate beyond that, other than I think alien (to us) life forms might be microscopic - germs, probably.


@ Boom Boom:  It could be just that, bacteria or microbes etc, but then there's billions of other solar systems older than our own with potentially even a slim handful of sweet spot planets in some of them, where things might have been evolving for far longer than life has even existed here on this planet. It's hypothetically possible in a physical sense. It's just the fantastic notion that the Earth is some celestial port of call or pit stop in the grand scheme of things involving distances of millions upon millions of light years, billions of stars and solar systems, that we're being occasionally summoned to grapple with.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

I'm still struggling with impossible questions like "where and when does the universe end?". Smile


Slumberjack wrote:
I'm sure it's all just a case of them saying 'you think you got shit that can fly around, get a load of this.' Didn't medieval people bring us the various belief systems we're so familiar with today, and aren't they still at it, to the point where some of us insist that they stop bringing us their shit?

I don't think it's a matter of one-upmanship on the part of the leprechauns, no. If they wanted to impress us with their aeronautical feats, they already achieved that end some time ago according to a host of U.S. and international air force officials, commercial airline pilots, and many ordinary people who've seen UFO's. The leprechauns could charge admission and give their own air shows, and they would probably become superrich by their air shows alone.

And yet because these visitors from wherever in the universe they may originate haven't seized commerical advantage of the situation, therefore they can't exist? Does that sum-up our curiosity on the matter in a nutshell? Their galactic mission is to impress the locals?

Slumberjack wrote:
We should probably consult with the historical and present religious record, hell, even political movements, before we begin tackling the question of how easy it is for masses of people to be completely fooled by the flimsiest propositions

Absolutely. The Church bought themselves another three centuries of quality denialism by merely refusing to look through Galileo's telescope. And the Vatican's astronomer today is much more open minded about things extraterrestrial than, say, Pope Gregory IX. In this post Enlightement period, even the Catholic Church supports Darwin's theory of evolution and what is now viewed as a higher than before likelihood for life having proliferated on other planets in Darwinian manner.

But centuries ago, one could be ruthlessly mocked by the Church's inquisitors and their lackeys for challenging their narrow minded view of the world as centre of the universe and man as God's most important creation. The punishment for heresy was often death or perhaps just loss in some significant way so as to punish the bad behaviour.

Thank goodness there are no such inquisitional powers today. Just ask Omar Khadr and Maher Arar. And Khadr's father and Khalid Sheik Mohammed were once with us in the fight for freedom and democracy in Central Asia. And now KSM will be given "a trial" by military inquisition. Surely we've advanced in matters of scientific inquiry since Pope Greg IX. And we have, no doubt about it. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely, just ask Canadian scientists and their designated government minders under Harper.

And there have been government scientists, air force officials and commercial airline pilots ostracized for reporting having seen things in the sky. Threats of grounding, job loss and and loss of pensions and benefits are powerful reminders for those challenging the imperialist world view and imperialist technological superiority. And the current world view is that nothing is superior to the military might of man and supreme rulers of the universe on Wall Street, Bay Street and financial district in London. Nothing! It was the same idea in Roman times - challenge the powers that be an be put to death. Crucifixion was nothing but a demonstration as to: this is what happens when one challenges the authority of a vicious empire. Placing severed heads on pikes to ward off enemies of power is old hat. Today the threats are more subtle but effective nonetheless.

Slumberjack wrote:
I think there was once something put forward which might apply here, that went something like "one doesn't need to be Professor of Leprechaunology to argue on behalf of the non-existence of Leprechauns." Maybe that's the sort of point debunkerists are trying to make.

Are you mocking me? Smile Because if so, I fully understand no sweat. I think you're a good guy, SJ. And thanks for considering this line of inquiry so totally off-topic from socially progressive issues babble is more renowned for.


Boom Boom wrote:

I'm still struggling with impossible questions like "where and when does the universe end?". Smile


And all of us, too. Physicist Michio Kaku said that there was a joke told in the 1970's about string theorists. Where can one find a string theorist? The answer then was 'In the unemployment line.' 

Today string theories and theories implying extra-dimensional space are common place in scientific review journals of physical review d and nuclear physics b.  It could be, as renowned string theory critic Larry Krauss said recently, that metaphysics is on the verge of becoming science.

It could be that Alice's looking glass is one of many possibilities somewhere out there. It could be that in another universe, animals talk in riddles and common sense isn't all that common. It could be that this is but one version of the looking glass, and that there are an infinite number of Boom Booms out there getting it right, and wrong and everything in between. It could be that in this point in the space-time continuum, you are the real Boom Boom. It could be that as Einstein said about time being like a river there are forks and estuaries and even swirling oxe bows. It could be that there is another Boom Boom existing in one of those forks in the river of time, but he is not you and yet he does exist as an exact copy of you in another plane of reality. It could be that there are an estimated 10^500 different possible realities for matter and energy in the universe or even the multiverse. I think it's true that the universe is not only more than we can know, it is stranger than we know. 

The Cat: We're all mad here.

The Hatter: Why is a raven like a writing desk?


Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

Good God - more than one Boom Boom in the universe??? Surprised


Boom Boom wrote:

Good God - more than one Boom Boom in the universe??? Surprised


I think so for now. And I think it's possible that there was a big bang of sorts. It all expanded and will continue on for a trillion or so years into the future. Then it contracts and eventually forms the singularity or beginning of all of this. Then it expands again and evolution and life unfolds like deja vu multiplied some number of times over.

It's everything fun dialed up? 



Anything like that may be possible, deja vu and such, but no one yet knows for sure.  I think it was Lawrence Krauss who opined that at some very distant point in the future, astronomy as a verifiable scientific endeavour will be rendered pretty much extinct because there'll be nothing to look at from any direction, with all objects having expanded away from one another beyond all means of detection, such as the relationship between the earliest gasses, light and dust from the moment of the big bang, and us here on Earth.  We'll never see these things no matter how patient the astronomers are, because even the speed of light is insufficent to bring them into view in relation to us and the timeline when these events occurred.  Eventually, everything will have expanded well beyond the particle horizon.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

Is the universe on dial up or high speed?


I believe Einstein said we couldn't communicate faster than the speed of light. If it can be proven that particles can travel faster than that, then Einstein would say we can't communicate faster than the new speed. Paul Durac theorized about a neutrino universe where particles are neither negative nor positive. I'm not sure how it could be possible, but speed of thought comes in to play with Durac's neutrino universe. Information could be transmitted anywhere in the universe in zero time.

Scientists say it will be difficult to prove Einstein wrong with today's technology. We are masters of our own tools since the stone age. As Darwinian theory goes, it's just a matter of time before we evolve through progressive phases of human development and bringing more advanced technologies. I think Sagan's commentary on Drake's equation is hopeful for discovering life out there. As some ufologists have said, discovery of technically advanced extraterrestrial life would be the story of the millenium. As Sagan says, what if technically advanced civilizations eventually outgrow their predatory phases of human development? What if just one percent of technical civilizations do not destroy themselves as scientists think we will do and perhaps are doing slowly but surely now? What if one percent of estimated intelligent life in just this galaxy survives their own technological adolescence? What Sagan implied is mind boggling. There could be millions of advanced civilizations in just our own galaxy. Millions. The Milky Way could be teeming with technically advanced civilizations. I think that's very hopeful.

Latest on pilot sightings and NARCAP Sometimes pilots get it right

 There's an illuminating NASA recap, posted online, on the history behind the verification of electrical discharges in the upper atmosphere, activity known broadly as sprites. Though these weird and transient optical flashes had been seen for decades by pilots, mainstream science was unmoved until 1989, when space shuttle cameras began documenting this worldwide phenomenon.

All kinds of professionals are trained in the scientific method. Why would anyone ridicule pilots, nurses, doctors, engineers, or even scientists themselves for speaking out on serious issues? What's up with that?


Fidel wrote:
All kinds of professionals are trained in the scientific method. Why would anyone ridicule pilots, doctors, engineers, or even scientists themselves for speaking out on serious issues? What's up with that?

I don't know why anyone would want to ridicule people who introduce serious observation to various issues.  Of course there are quack scientists and doctors that no one should take seriously.  There just happens to be a niche for them within society from which they're provided with the means of adding to the proliferation of nonsense, some entertainment value perhaps like on the cover of those supermarket tabloids bearing news of having found eyewitnesses to alien autopsies at secret government labs.  For my part, I believe I'll hold out for more evidence of extraterrestrial visitors.  However; I don't want to come across as being entirely close minded about the whole concept.  By that I mean to say humans have already proven that travel to other celestial objects aboard space vehicles is possible, and so in that spirit I'm willing to afford the notion of alien visitations from distant solar systems slightly more of a probability ranking than the concept of a supernatural creator of the universe.


Slumberjack wrote:
 I'm willing to afford the notion of alien visitations from distant solar systems slightly more of a probability ranking than the concept of a supernatural creator of the universe.

That's fine. But wouldn't the discovery of visitors from distant solar systems rank up there with the above average and even above natural? If it was possible for the Wright bros to have performed an air show for, say, the first humans, homo erectus, what might early man have thought about seeing the Kitty Hawk land on the ground and a person inside it step on to the ground? Would they have been very impressed with future man enough to believe he is master of the first heaven, the air, and even think Orville or Wilbur to be god-like?

What if, as Carl Sagan and others posited, that there might be technically advanced civilizations that are much older than our own? What else might they have mastered in thousands or even millions of years before us? What if in addition to being capable of interstellar travel, there are civilizations that conquered mortality a long, long time ago? Time travel? Inter-dimensional travel? Would that short list of technical abilities begin to satisfy our requirements for god status?

And as for the vast distances, some scientists have posited that the premise for Star Trek - a Starship enterprise housing all those scientists and engineers and going where no man has gone before - is probably not the most efficient way of exploring galaxies. In preparing to write his short story, The Sentinel, Arthur Clarke asked other scientists how advanced civilizations might explore space. He discovered that the best way would be to send self-replicating robots or Von Neumann probes. Could UFO's be something similar? Have they come from somwhere not so distant? Are the designers of UFO's still alive or are they extinct a long time? Are they piloted by highly intelligent synthetic organisms capable of exploration and doing science? Perhaps UFO's which people see sometimes are not trying to impress anyone so much as satisfying their own curiosity. Perhaps they are designed to spot and observe other advanced civilizations and are merely recording what they see. Perhaps their prime directive is to do no harm. 

There is a myth told and retold by some UFO enthusiasts that the original 1951 Hollywood movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still, was really a documentary film depicting actual events based loosely on ... the Roswell incident? Is Roswell at the heart of all the insanity of the National Security Act signed behind closed doors in 1947-48? Is Roswell the mother of all myths driving other myths, like Majectic and not-so hard to believe creation of the NSA, CIA, and Joint Chiefs of Staff? The secretive DoD and Pentagon capitalism with its own multiple layers of need-to-know secrecy duplicated in private sector military-industrial complex? 

 I think we would demand proof before considering it in the same way that scientists in the movie demanded proof of Klaatu and his robot Gort. Day the Earth, like 2001:A Space Odyssey, is another film based on a short story entitled Farewell to the Master. Hollywood producers decided that the ending of Farewell to the Master would be too shocking for film audiences then and so made the human-like character Klaatu(actor Michael Rennie) Gort's master. Who would ever dream that an advanced civilization could be succeeded by its own more capable creation? Not so far fetched according to scientists today.

In any event, what some Americans are demanding today is a new era of transparency and accountability in Washington. Whatever the truth is, Americans know full well that government secrecy is generally found to be incompatibile with democracy. The glasnost is half full according to many Americans themselves.

I think belief is a matter of where we find ourselves and making the connection to where we wish to be. We may become god-like ourselves in time, and perhaps not. Science says that evolution and technological advancement happen over time.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur Clarke



Fidel wrote:
 But wouldn't the discovery of visitors from distant solar systems rank up there with the above average and even above natural? If it was possible for the Wright bros to have performed an air show for, say, the first humans, homo erectus, what might early man have thought about seeing the Kitty Hawk land on the ground and a person inside it step on to the ground? Would they have been very impressed with future man enough to believe he is master of the first heaven, the air, and even think Orville or Wilbur to be god-like?

We'd likely be dealing today with a religion where Sunday service takes place aboard a cargo plane or something, and in the US their currency might read 'in Wilbur we trust.'

What if, as Carl Sagan and others posited, that there might be technically advanced civilizations that are much older than our own? What else might they have mastered in thousands or even millions of years before us? What if in addition to being capable of interstellar travel, there are civilizations that conquered mortality a long, long time ago? Time travel? Inter-dimensional travel? Would that short list of technical abilities begin to satisfy our requirements for god status?

Humans continually demonstrate that they're easily satisfied with the barest of requirements when it comes to assigning the status of 'god' to things they don't quite understand, notwithstanding the fact that it's all highly speculative at best. More recent examples have been provided by the Scientologists, and by those who believe that a planet named Kolob exists.

The Earth has been around for nearly 5 billion years of the estimated 14 billion year age of the universe. Human existence has been provided with an estimated time span of approximately 200k years. By reasonably speculating that most of the 'stuff' that formed within our own galaxy, in neighbourhood lets say, would be roughly the same age as the Earth, we could posit that if inter-stellar civilizations located on other goldilocks planets more or less similar to ours developed such advanced technology as you've described, they'd likely exist much further out in galaxies older than our own quadrant of space, or that of our neighbouring quadrants. One light year = 10 trillion kilometres Fidel. It takes roughly 1.25 seconds for reflected light from the Moon, 376,000 kilometres away, to reach us here on Earth.

I think at some point, beyond all the fantastic notions we might arrive at by dabbling in science fiction, we should at least spare some thought toward actual hard science, at least what science we may be capable of from the confines of our individual latitudes. Within our neighbourhood, within 100 light years lets say, there have been estimated to contain approximately 512 G type stars, similar to our Sun. We could speculate and say that at roughly the 50 light year distance away from Earth, intelligent life formed on one solar system orbiting one of those stars. Instead of 200,000 years ago like humans, lets give them a million year head start on us. Earlier within the past 100 years or so the first human made radio waves were produced on Earth that were capable of penetrating through the ionosphere and drifting away into space. Radio waves producing a hint of our existence from among the incalculable quantities of particles and dust and asteroids and planets between us and them, travelling through space at the speed of light, unimpeded by radiation belts and ion storms and what not, would take 50 light years to reach this advanced civilization sitting out there at the 50 light year distance from Earth. If they were of a mind to physically investigate the source of those radio waves that may indeed have reached them by now, and had the capability themselves of travelling at light speed, equal to roughly 1,141 billion kilometres per hour, then you're definitely within the realm of possibility to speculate that we may well indeed be capturing them on digital camcorders and cell phone videos by now if they begun their journey straight away.

But if they have some equivalent of a prime directive, such as one might expect of an advanced civilization, they're being quite careless with it I have to say. Such an advanced civilization would likely know much about us already before arrival. If they're not disposed to announcing their presence, and knowing all the talk we have going on down here about alien abductions and spaceships, and being superior in every way to us, just what the hell are they doing up there, having a laugh at our expense? Small wonder with all the science fiction being produced, considered, and believed.


Slumberjack wrote:
We'd likely be dealing today with a religion where Sunday service takes place aboard a cargo plane or something, and in the US their currency might read 'in Wilbur we trust.'

Yes, and in various parts of New Guinea, they have great reverence for the men in flying machines. See cargo cult. Some build straw replicas of the aerial chariots dropping gifts of cargo filled with food and trinkets from the gods.

Slumberjack wrote:
Radio waves producing a hint of our existence from among the incalculable quantities of particles and dust and asteroids and planets between us and them, travelling through space at the speed of light, unimpeded by radiation belts and ion storms and what not, would take 50 light years to reach this advanced civilization sitting out there at the 50 light year distance from Earth.

I see what you mean. And telecommunications would surely be the mark of an advanced civilization. Surely they will have mastered radio waves at some point. But observe how long we have used powerful radio transmissions sometime later and after Marconi. Okay, the first powerful radio transmissions were when? In the 1930s or so. And today we are transitioning away from 10K+ watt transmitters toward digital communications and fiber optics and satellite links to backhaul microwave, etc. IOW's the planet earth is about to become relatively silent by comparison. Therefore, earth will have been a noisy planet for only a relatively brief amount of time. A tiny slice of time in which to be noticed. Perhaps all our powerful radio transmissions were never noticed. And perhaps they have been intercepted.

Michio Kaku has proposed some interesting ideas about possible ET telecommunications. He says for one thing, SETI is looking at a narrow band of the spectrum - the frequencies of hydrogen. He likens SETI's search to an innebriated person who has lost his keys. The person decides to look only near the street lamp, because that's where the street is illuminated. But what if the keys are not in the area illuminated by the street lamp?

And what ET is communicating like our own internet works with messages divided up into packets of digitized information and purposely routed around large objects, stars, asteroid belts, planets and magnetic storms? What if we are in the middle of a twelve lane information highway and incapable of realizing it? And then there is the issue of encryption. There have been instances of our species baffling each other's attempts at decryption.

Slumberjack wrote:
If they were of a mind to physically investigate the source of those radio waves that may indeed have reached them by now, and had the capability themselves of travelling at light speed, equal to roughly 1,141 billion kilometres per hour, then you're definitely within the realm of possibility to speculate that we may well indeed be capturing them on digital camcorders and cell phone videos by now if they begun their journey straight away.

I think the first powerful radio communications escaping earth will have included London's broadcast of Mickey Mouse, which apparently was interrupted for the announcement that WW II had started. Hitler's speech to start the summer Olympics was broadcast in 1936. He said something about the torch must never be allowed to flame-out because it represents peace and civility between nations. I think it would become obvious to ET's that we are a planet ruled by terrible liars at some point. Some of our own scientists are saying it might be better to listen than to broadcast.

Slumberjack wrote:
Such an advanced civilization would likely know much about us already before arrival. If they're not disposed to announcing their presence, and knowing all the talk we have going on down here about alien abductions and spaceships, and being superior in every way to us, just what the hell are they doing up there, having a laugh at our expense?

I'm thinking 2001:A Space Odyssey. What if their prime directive is merely to keep an eye on us and report back to home planet or even "the federation" the exact moment that we make a serious attempt to leave this planet, and-or become a type I or II civilization capable of interstellar travel? That would be an important thing for even ourselves to know according to scientists themselves. It would mean that someone is no longer a non-threatening primitive species stuck on our own planet. Imagine hearing the squawking oratories of an alien Hitler or atomic weapons testing on another planet. It could be frightening to more advanced and more peaceful civilizations with prime directives to preserve the galactic order of things, or whatever their purpose may be.


Fidel wrote:
I'm thinking 2001:A Space Odyssey. What if their prime directive is merely to keep an eye on us and report back to home planet or even "the federation" the exact moment that we make a serious attempt to leave this planet, and-or become a type I or II civilization capable of interstellar travel?

While we're waiting for that, I think we could both use an abduction to take us out of this thread.


Ufologists have a saying about hard proof of UFO's wrt artefactual evidence that I can't recall. But it goes something like, if there is physical alien technology here on earth, then it is hidden. If it is hidden, someone is in possession of it. If someone possesses such evidence, it is surely in the hands of government. If government possesses it, then it remains hidden from public knowledge.

And so why would governments keep secrets? Is there any evidence for governments having maintained secrecy over decades at a time? Have governments lied to or misled the public before? The answer is yes on both counts.

I think anarchists can appreciate our mistrust of governments in general.

Lard Tunderin Jeezus Lard Tunderin Jeezus's picture

Thought this might be the best thread to put this in: In Toronto, you can see the International Space Station with your naked eyes tonite.


Hey that's cool. Thanks LTJ!


Fidel wrote:
And so why would governments keep secrets? Is there any evidence for governments having maintained secrecy over decades at a time? Have governments lied to or misled the public before? The answer is yes on both counts.

I think anarchists can appreciate our mistrust of governments in general.

They might appreciate that it makes no sense to replace one occultist paradigm, be it politics or religion; both of which requiring their respective flocks to take on faith the slim to nil evidence of authenticity typically on offer; with yet another of an all too familiar vein.


Slumberjack wrote:

Fidel wrote:
And so why would governments keep secrets? Is there any evidence for governments having maintained secrecy over decades at a time? Have governments lied to or misled the public before? The answer is yes on both counts.

I think anarchists can appreciate our mistrust of governments in general.

They might appreciate that it makes no sense to replace one occultist paradigm, be it politics or religion; both of which requiring their respective flocks to take on faith the slim to nil evidence of authenticity typically on offer; with yet another of an all too familiar vein.


Ah! But there is a wide range of evidence. Take Roswell for instance. The U.S. Government people whom you, a self-described anarchist, are saying operate on the basis of logic released several different accounts to the public as to what happened near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Why would they change their stories several times since 1947 if, as you suggest, that the U.S. Government and Air Force prime directive is to not replace one occultist paradigm with another? What they did was add fuel to the fire by telling stories that conflict with each of the ones before it. That leads some of us to believe that the U.S. Government was deliberately lying to the public. It really does seem as if they were attempting to replace one paradigm with another and a flimsy U.S. Government version at that.


UFO Amnesty: Ex-Army Colonel John Alexander Seeks Amnesty For Military Who Witness UFOs 

If you're in the military and have ever seen what you believe to be a UFO, but were reluctant to mention it for fear of ridicule or, worse, repercussions that might end your career, take heart. Things may change.

A former military insider with top secret clearance who created Advanced Theoretical Physics -- a group of top-level government officials and scientists brought together to study UFO reports -- has just called on three of the highest-ranking military and intelligence officials in the Obama administration.

Ret. Army Colonel says there is no U.S. Government cover-up of UFO's - says UFO disclosure already happening on many levels.


Odds of finding alien life boosted by billions of habitable worlds

A new estimate of the number of habitable planets orbiting the most common type of stars in our galaxy could have huge consequences for the search for life.

According to a recent study, tens of billions of planets around red dwarfs are likely capable of containing liquid water, dramatically increasing the potential to find signs of life somewhere other than Earth.

Red dwarfs are stars that are fainter, cooler and less massive than the sun. These stars, which typically also live longer than Class G stars like the sun, are thought to make up about 80 percent of the stars in the Milky Way, astronomers have said.

Who knows what has come from the galaxy? Who knows what lurks in the sky? Beyond God. Watch those around you. For who knows what today, tonight, or tomorrow will bring. - VO narration from John Carpenter's, "The Thing"

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture


Yeah something like that, BB. Basically I think belief in Alien landings has become akin to a new age religion, where those who may pishaw the idea of GOD have absolutely no compunction ridiculing you for not seeing the "evidence" of aliens among us.

Personally I am agnostic/athiest with regard to EVERYTHING, meaning I agree the possibility exists but without proof I think your full of shit.


Boom Boom wrote:

Ha! Good one, Boom Boom. So why did Darwin not leave something more behind for his Galapagos hosts to eventually decipher and learn and evolve from? Why did Darwin not try to communicate something profound to the wild life on islands he visited? I mean why bother making such dangerous voyages just to eyeball some turtles and birds, and then leave never to return? It makes no sense for me. Was Darwin just another cold and uncaring zoologist? A jokester who played tricks on birds and lizards, and then abandoned them to figure it all out for themselves some day? I don't think so. I think Darwin's purpose was far more important than that.

And I think that babblers were to consider intervening in some developing world country to introduce them to democracy, beads and trinkets and high technology, I think the consensus would be that it would wrong to do so. In James Cameron's film, Avatar, the main character concluded that there was nothing humans had to offer Na'vis that they needed. Not coca cola nor beer and blue jeans, nothing.

Perhaps advanced civilizations are not predatory imperialists. It could be that technically advanced civilizations possess ethics and morals as advanced as their technology. It could well be.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

You must be a fan of Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Tongue out

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

I'd suggest reading some of his work - even though you've seen the movie version of Slaughterhouse Five, the book gives a much larger impression of Vonnegut himself. I used to have all of his books, I sold them all when I couldn't take his cynical, pessimistic world view any longer - but he was brilliant, nevertheless, and funny as hell.


I've seen that movie, Slaughterhouse Five. Good one. Sadly I don't know much about Kurt Vonnegut Junior, tho. Surely the bombing of Dresden was a war crime. It must have had a profound effect on him the rest of his life. How could human beings do that to other human beings and vice versa? And just as importantly, will similar atrocities continue happening? It doesn't look good. Carl Sagan, I think, was an optimist compared to some of his colleagues. I think the good news is that even though atomic weaponry is still around, we haven't bombed each other to smithereens yet. That has to count for something. Perhaps mankind will survive technological adolescence and aspire to something far greater than colder warriors are capable of imagining. And the truth is that most people I know are capable of imagining a brighter future than the handful few monopolizing power.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

You seem to know Darwin well. Of the historical greats, I guess Freud is the one whose writings I am most familiar with, although it's been a while.


Sounds good, Boom Boom. I will.

Chaos and Meaning: Vonnegut on Free Will Halstead

In Breakfast of Champions, the theme of predictability is continued through biochemical reactions. All actions are governed by a series of chemical reactions which could be duplicated in a lab, and therefore do not provide an individual with any freedom of choice.

I'm out of my depth here, but I'd like to think there is free will. Darwin said that randomness is key to evolution, and so surely randomness is universal. And so if the universe evolves randomly, then surely free will exists in spite of or in parallel with deterministic forces. I think therefore I am. And if some elections are rigged, then it must be due to someone imposing a certain amount of will to affect an outcome. And because of scientific developments since the overthrow of Newtonian atomic theory, I believe I am something more than Bertrand Russell's 'accidental collocation of atoms.' Surely we are more than just sacks of neurons abiding by as yet unknown laws of a pre-determined universe. And we know from statistics that NATO countries tend to act against the will of the large majority of their citizens. Why would a relative handful few do so unless by some free will of their own? I believe in neither invisible hands of economic theory nor in predetermined outcomes. That is unless, of course, that all possible outcomes occur in parallel universes. And at which point I would then start believing in Alice and rabbit holes that run deep beneath our feet.

The cat: We're all mad here.

The Hatter: Why is a raven like a writing desk?


I dabble, and I think you are more the expert. Vonnegut eh? Sounds like hard work. I should make an effort, though. I'm trying like hell to catch up with tech developments that I've ignored for too long. I've never been an avid reader, and these issues are only become relevant to me now as I've matured somewhat. Not a lot but somewhat. Wrong side of 21 and noticing mortality tagging along in the rear view mirror.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

I was mad with reading when I was younger. Hardly do so nowadays, burned out, maybe.


So you recommend Vonnegut junior. Check. Anyone else? They say that in the future we/they will be uploading books and volume sets to physical memory by machine-human interface at some point. That's what I need. I want to be able to learn a language in the time it takes to fly to where they speak it. And then after I master English language, I could learn a foreign one, too. lol! Or they might learn the history of a country while napping on the way to. Sounds good to me.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

I'm very wary of making any recommendations other than Vonnegut. Go where your interest takes you, is all I can say. For me, very early on, it was to Freud....


Vonnegut it is then. Suddenly Vonnegut stands out from the rest. And I will be thinking of this thread when half-way through one of his works.

Mike Stirner

Without reading through too much of this thread let me just say that hyper dimensional travel probably will not entirely be a physical thing.


Mike Stirner wrote:

Without reading through too much of this thread let me just say that hyper dimensional travel probably will not entirely be a physical thing.

Ha! If it was even possible, we are perhaps millions of evolutionary years from achieving that capability. Okay maybe only a few thousand years according to Nikolai Kardashev, Freeman Dyson et al. A few thousand years given an annual economic growth rate of one percent or so. But it's a fantastic thing to ponder. Surely we would be the first in the universe to do it. Okay, ha! We would surely be the first in this dimension to do it. Wouldn't we?

A poem about Chris "wrongway" Columbus

"Indians! Indians!" Columbus cried;
His heart was filled with joyful pride.

But "India" the land was not;
It was the Bahamas, and it was hot.

The Arakawa natives were very nice;
They gave the sailors food and spice.

Columbus sailed on to find some gold
To bring back home, as he'd been told.

Mike Stirner

Well fidel I'm talking about mentalistic forms of traveling that are very much real experiences, in terms of physical ships, we have to get off the current scientific paradigm to star getting ducks in order, you could say I tend to be into the new age sort of method. The speed of light if you think about it is a subjective experience, it is not physical or crudely material in anyway, in practice it would mimic the mind and those high level dmt trips, I'm not sure what the formula will be, but it will come down to getting back on a more psychedelic mentalistic track.

Mike Stirner



I think special relativity is displaced by only Einstein's General Relativity of 1915. In that case faster than light travel is feasible but only under certain few conditions. It would require the energy of a star and some maneuvering around known laws of thermodynamics, and we are thousands of years away from harnessing the the power of our own sun. Theoretically there can be civilizations with technical capabilities for harnessing not just the energy of their own star but of multiple stars. A type IV? or V? civilization might be capable of hyperdimensional travel from one universe to another. Perhaps the one percent of so far unexplained UFO sightings are Columbian ships from not thousands of light years away but travelers from hyperdimensional space. Perhaps HG Wells is an interdimensional time traveler from a companion universe relatively nearby. Perhaps the act of observing a UFO causes it to collapse into its dual nature wave form. Perhaps they are skipping across hyperdimensional boundaries as thin a few millimetres or as a fish might jump from water to the air above(Michio Kaku).  Who knows for sure? Not anyone I know.
