I'm not just a goat

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I'm not just a goat

rabble.ca is partnering with http://www.notjustagoat.com/ - I'm Not Just a Goat (apologies for the naked URL link ... working on an old laptop with a crappy browser).

I'm looking for opinions and ideas from vegetarians, vegans, omnivores, and everyone who identifies as "in between". I'm also looking for responses that have some feminist insight into the 2/3 world's women who are the driving force in sustenance farming and rural small business.  

It's a pretty simple concept that's been around since human kind first began to keep "herd animals". If you have an animal that can sustain you, and help sustain your family, and if you can afford to keep that animal alive, you are a few rungs up on the survival ladder. In starvation times, at the very least you have an animal to eat and be provided with the protein to get you to a centre that might have a few resources for survival.

Because women tend to be the primary workers in sustenance farming and small business in the 2/3 world, it would make sense to ensure that women be supported in any endeavor that will benefit their family and their community.

Is there a moral or ideological impasse between those who eat animal products to survive and those who don't? Is there a better way, one that provides sustenance without the use of animal-based products?

Is the idea that we in the West should even discuss how others survive the worst of imperialism?

I'll keep my own opinions to myself for a while - after all, I already know what they are - and will listen to what others have to say.


Timebandit Timebandit's picture

Other than a handful of devout Jain practitioners, true veganism is pretty much a modern Western construct.  Even largely vegetarian cultures includes eggs and/or dairy in their diets.  Having a milk goat or two or a few hens can make an enormous difference to sustaining your family in a third world context.  Promoting veganism in that context just doesn't make any sense.


I'm vegan, but I'm not evangelical about it. I don't try to convince people here in urban Ontario to go veg/an, and I'd feel even less inclinded to do so when it comes to other cultures.


Well, Indigenous people up north (Inuit, Northern Cree...) talk about "healthy food" ... "food that has blood in it".

You are very admirable if you can sustain a healthy vegan diet up there - when the availability of fresh vegetables is so dismal and they are so very expensive.

Just out of curiosity, do any babblers here own a goat or two?