Apprenticeship training in BC

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Apprenticeship training in BC

How do BC workers in the trades feel about the current apprenticeship/skills training program?

Issues Pages: 

With the NDP hovering in the wings and possibly becoming the next government, it appears to me that skills training in the trades is in bad shape and needs a totally revised program that addresses high schools, tech schools, unions, the private sector and government. Any comments, particularly the current apprenticeship program?


The Liberals destroyed a very good program that was run jointly with the Building Trades Unions.  The current program is very bad and has failed miserably.


@ Akropotkin 1951:

Yes, I know. They formed the Industrial Training Association, (ITA) which is a private-sector organization filled with shills from various business associations. They also removed the integrated BC association that oversaw all things training. This group was made up from industry, unions, educators and government. When ITA was formed, this organization removed all the apprenticeship counsellors that assisted trainees on a daily basis and mediated problems between employers and trainees.

As in my first post, how should the NDP improve apprenticeship training if they form the next government? I would encourage others to answer this question.