Participants needed for research in abortion debate

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Katrina Ackerman
Participants needed for research in abortion debate

I am looking for volunteers who have knowledge of  abortion politics in the Maritime Provinces from the period 1969 to 1999. 

As a participant in this study, you have the option to: answer a questionnaire; and/or share your opinions and experiences through an interview. Some questions are of a personal nature and participants may skip them. For example, there are questions at the end of the survey that ask participants if they terminated a pregnancy between 1969 and 1999 and if they travelled far for the abortion.  These questions are meant to determine the availability of abortion services during this period.  

Your participation in the survey would involve one or two sessions. The survey would take approximately 30 minutes. The interview would involve one session, which would last approximately 60 minutes.

For more information about this study, or to volunteer for this study, please contact: Katrina Ackerman, Department of History at [email protected]

This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance  through, the Office of Research Ethics, University of Waterloo.


Issues Pages: 

Hi Katrina,

You only need to post this topic once. I'll leave the one in the Atlantic prov forum and close down the other two.

Katrina Ackerman

Hi Rebecca, 

Can you please remove this post? I will repost it in the Atlantic Provinces forum (it is no longer there). Thank you!

Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Hi Katrina. I've moved this post to the Atlantic Forum and removed the allcaps. You don't need to post again, thanks.