a response to Meghan Murphy's Mar 27 'prostituted women' / Nordic model article

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a response to Meghan Murphy's Mar 27 'prostituted women' / Nordic model article

Murphy's original article is here: http://rabble.ca/blogs/bloggers/feminist-current/2013/03/nordic-model-only-model-actually-works-%E2%80%98duh%E2%80%99-says-sweden

unfortunately it doesn't allow comments, so i couldn't post the response directly associated with the article

but here is a response, for a sex worker: http://sexworkrants.tumblr.com/post/46805863562/ur-logic-is-flawed-a-response-to-meghan-murphy

some excerpts:

Murphy continues her polemical, ideological pat-on-the-back by referring to sex workers as “prostituted women.” I’m not a prostituted woman. I am a sex worker. No one is selling me. But of course, Murphy, an outsider, has read all there is to read about prostitution and therefore knows all there is to know about it.


Proof? Because there is plenty of evidence that both the Nordic model and full on criminalization impacts negatively on sex workers. Also,  let’s not conflate legalization and decriminalization shall we?


This [“The problem is gender-specific. Men buy women.”] is just plain wrong. At least 25% of the industry is comprised of male sex workers. So, really, in Murphy’s world, men buy people. Then there’s the problematic language again. No one is “buying” me.


But by far the most egregious error on Murphy’s part is to deliberately quote and refer to “research” done by Melissa Farley that is purposefully misleading and inaccurate.




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Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Hi fluidity, thanks for posting. Just for the record, comments are allowed on Murphy's blog post. You're welcome to post your criticism here too though, of course. That's what this space is for!


thanks Catchfire for pointing that out, this morning when i went to the original article there was no comment box at the bottom, but now thinking about it, it was maybe because i wasn't logged in at the time