Anti Choice Group Harrassess Michelle Rempell

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Anti Choice Group Harrassess Michelle Rempell

These assholes did the impossible and made me feel bad for a Tory MP.

Good for Michelle on being pro choice.


 Arrrggg tech glitch means I triple posted. Please banish the imposers to the Abyss. And for once I don't mean Justin Trudeau.


Again it's the Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, the same folks who put pictures of aborted fetuses outside schools for kids to see when they go out for recess. The feeling amongst my friends is these people are shooting themselves in the foot, alienating more people than creating allies.

I've been keeping an eye on them, seeing how much traction they get. They actually appeared outside my kids' school a couple of weeks ago. My daughters said, a few kids went out to argue with them, but mostly they ignored them because they didn't want to see that.