Protect our Privacy

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Protect our Privacy

Government dragnet collection of our sensitive private information is secretive, expensive, and out of control

  • SECRETIVE: The sensitive private data of law-abiding Canadians could be caught up in spying efforts by CSEC, an unaccountable and highly secretive government spy agency.1
  • EXPENSIVE: The government is about to spend $4-billion of our tax dollars to house new spying operations.2
  • OUT OF CONTROL: In recent years there have been over 3,000 breaches of sensitive citizen data, affecting approximately 725,000 of us.3

Online spying initiatives threaten to provide a range of authorities with access to your private data, at anytime, without a warrant.


petition to be signed  in above link

"More than 30 organizations unite to safeguard Canadians’ privacy rights amid spy agency scandal"

"October 10, 2013 – is joining with more than 30 major organizations and over a dozen leading experts to launch the largest pro-privacy coalition in Canadian history. With Parliament set to resume, the Protect Our Privacy Coalition has banded together to ensure Canadians get effective legal measures to protect their privacy against government intrusion.

The broad-based coalition includes organizations and individuals from a wide range of political perspectives, including citizen-based groups, civil liberties groups, privacy advocates, right-leaning organizations, First Nations groups, labour groups, small businesses, LGBT groups and academic experts, all of whom have signed onto this statement:

“More than ever, Canadians need strong, genuinely transparent, and properly enforced safeguards to secure privacy rights. We call on Government to put in place effective legal measures to protect the privacy of every resident of Canada against intrusion by government entities.”

Many Coalition members are taking part in today’s Privacy and Access 20/20 Conference in Vancouver, where they will be discussing the need for stronger safeguards to protect Canadians’ privacy."

open media
