A Voice for Men's new Canadian misogynist campaign, CAFE and Ryerson University

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A Voice for Men's new Canadian misogynist campaign, CAFE and Ryerson University



As a result, AVfM and its Edmonton wing have called for its supporters to harass Karen Smith, the Executive Director of Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton which is part of the SAVE effort, by knowingly making anonymous false sexual assault allegations against her. In a Decmeber 31, 2013 piece entitled "Stop Edmonton’s Sexual Assault Specialist, Karen Smith, from her possible crime spree!", they say:….

….Now, because it’s so very difficult to report things to the police -- it’s emotionally wrenching and all, plus they might ask pointed questions that make you feel uncomfortable -- we support efforts to allow people to anonymously identify potential predators like Karen Smith of Edmonton might be.

So, if you were sexually molested or assaulted or otherwise the victim of criminal conduct by Edmonton’s Karen Smith, here is a form you may use to report what she did and when she did it. [Link removed]. 

Pasted from <http://rabble.ca/blogs/bloggers/michael-laxer/2014/01/voice-mens-new-canadian-misogynist-campaign-cafe-and-ryerson-un>

This is horrible.  How much of a foothold do these groups have in Canada?


She can make a case for online harrassment, cyber bullying, and defamation.   It would be very satisfying for her to press charges, if she wished it is now easier to do than ever.   And in this case, would be fairly simple because it is so blatant.    


Sex workers are online alot, and these issues have come up over the past couple of years.    The best defense against stuff like this is report and sue them for defamation.      Same as teenagers who bully others are getting charged with distribution of child pornography if they send out naked photos of their target.      


fortunate wrote: It would be very satisfying for her to press charges, if she wished it is now easier to do than ever.

Hmmmm - be careful of what you wish. I do not know anything about the Edmonton context, but suspect this group would not mind at all the occasion of a formal court case (indeed, may well be jockeying for one) in order to question in court and the media why "false" accusations of sexual assault seem to be accepted in some circumstances but not in others.

(Of course, that's cheap advice from a safe distance... and would surely be cold comfort to Ms Smith)


There is this story as well, about a US journalist.  




Threats, abuse part of ‘online life’ for women
Essay by journalist Amanda Hess her experience with Internet troll a timely thought-provoking piece

American freelance journalist Amanda Hess, who writes about women, Hollywood, sex and feminism, was 12 hours into a vacation in Palm Springs last summer when a friend sent her an urgent text at 5:30 a.m. “Freaking out over here,” the friend wrote. “There is a twitter account that seems to have been set up for the purpose of making death threats to you.”