Earthly Delights

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Earthly Delights

Following up on an overdue suggestion...  how are everyone's gardens coming in?

We have had blight here, which means tomato processing which usually stretches into early December is fast and furious, and about a third of it is green.Being as september is a crazy month for us anyway, we are run off our feet with it.

We still have a few tomato plants in the ground though, and although we have had touches of frost, no hard killer yet. The tomatillos are doing fine, and have been untarped.

The other new thing this year is having so many cucumbers that I have had to pickle. I hate pickles, but the rest of the family loves tham, and the brine fermented ones are so incredibly easy compared to vinegar canning I can't believe anyone uses that other method.

Lots of stuff still in the ground - roots, kale and kohlrabi, chard. scarlet runner beans, coriander, tomatillos. On the whole it has been a bumper year. Hard to believe since we had such a late spring. I didn't get anything in the ground until June.






... and I looked for a zombie thread to revive. Couldn't find one. They were all from back in the days when they got closed. You are right, CF. It has been too long.



There is a new Zombie tv series on scify  Z nation but a pale imitation of The Walking Dead


Well at least it is something that comes out of the ground, even if it is the one trying to eat you.