Apparently it is now OK to call for someone else's death on babble. Really?

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ikosmos ikosmos's picture
Apparently it is now OK to call for someone else's death on babble. Really?

Apparently it is now OK to call for someone else's death on babble. Astonishing.

Adam T. wrote:
Putin is a psychopathic war monger. The sooner he is dead, the better for the entire world.


My complaint about this apparently sincere remark has fallen on deaf ears.

How about other public figures? Western ones? Of course, the statement above may not violate Canadian law, whereas calling for the death of public figures in this country may very well violate the law on hate propaganda, uttering threats, etc.

Has babble now become an open sewer?




I'd like to include the entire cast of Wiggles.


Here's an amusing children's story for you, ikosmos. Definitely my favourite Potter story, after the Tale of Two Very Bad Mice:

I'm going to make some popcorn.


ikosmos ikosmos's picture


Has babble now become an open sewer?
I'm guessing that's a rhetorical question.


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