Please stop closing threads where productive discussion is happening

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Timebandit Timebandit's picture

You're welcome!


Timebandit wrote:
Maybe we should let the mods do their job as they understand it - and part of that is to make some judgment calls that you may or may not disagree with. Perhaps, instead of suggesting the mods quit rather than limit discussion, one should take a discussion to a venue where it's more welcome.

There's a line between what might be described as conspiracy theory talk and downright offensiveness and stupid remarks.  In certain unrelated threads where people say thoughtless shit they're normally asked not to post in the thread or the entire forum in certain cases.  The people who want to continue on with the conversation are generally not cut off entirely from doing so because someone intruded with stuff that has no place there.  I think people who want to have a bonafide conspiracy theory chat should be able to do so without being intruded upon, just like anyone else on any other topic.  Interlopers and agent provocateurs who come up with all kinds of outrageous things to say have their own agenda which should be separated out.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

OTOH, Slumberjack, there's no shortage of other places where the conspiracy theory chatter is not only welcome, but encouraged. This is a progressive board - the question is, does the discussion of conspiracy theory from a conspiracy theorist point of view fit with that focus? I'm arguing that it doesn't. We have no problem drawing the line on other non-progressive topics.


And who gets to pick who is considered the interloper, SJ? Who gets to decide what is opinion and what is agenda, and how is that not a fancy way of limiting discussion?

I was aware of the Boston bombing angle. The reason I haven't addressed it is that there are similar examples all over the place here - on numerous issues - of things that some people find insulting to the point of outrage. There is no sorting that one out, IMO.

Aside from some very clear lines, I don't see that judgments like that can be made on any grounds other than tone and personal attack, and even that is addressed unevenly. Policing for bad taste and holding strong opinions too? Good luck.



I keep hearing that board, progressive board, progressive board, as if everyone has been struck with Echo's curse from Greek mythology, with multiple working definitions of what it means.  An anarchist point of view that takes on the depredations of the social democratic and neo-liberal political sphere as we've come to know it can just as easily fall outside of the definition of progressiveness.  Much depends on who is pointing fingers and who they're being pointed at.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

My only problem with anarchism is human nature. ;) I think we can say we've tried the tack where conspiracy theory threads are allowed and it has generally not gone well. Why keep doing something that doesn't work?


6079_Smith_W wrote:
And who gets to pick who is considered the interloper, SJ? Who gets to decide what is opinion and what is agenda, and how is that not a fancy way of limiting discussion?

If we were having a collective discussion down at the anarchist commune and someone stood up to offer their point of view about a subject by endlessly repeating the word 'fuck' as their only contribution to the debate, we might say, 'well, thank you very much for your contributions but we're talking about something else right now....anyone else with anything to share?'  In the absence of a specific rule or policy that prohibits use of the word 'fuck' in that manner, it's about shared, agreed upon standards of interaction.  If someone felt that shutting down the input was out of order in a collective setting and argued that the person should be allowed to continue repeating the word 'fuck' as their contribution to the overall debate, then perhaps a compromise could be reached, ie: we could move that particular form of discussion nearer to the end of the communal gathering, and then the people who didn't care for it could simply go home after things of interest were heard and debated.  In the context of this discussion board, segregation of certain topics is already employed.  Likewise we could simply avoid visiting those topics.


Sounds like democracy (ooops, I mean tyranny of the majority) to me. That's one way to boot the conspiracy theorists AND the anarchists out.

But by "who gets to decide" I wasn't refering to procedure, but rather saying that the notions of interlopers and agendas are entirely subjective.



6079_Smith_W wrote:
Sounds like democracy (ooops, I mean tyranny of the majority) to me.

It wouldn't be the first time that Anarchism has been likened to democracy.

But by "who gets to decide" I wasn't refering to procedure, but rather that the notions of interlopers and agendas are entirely subjective. 

Yes, even as determined by a group.  It's why extreme caution is warranted.  It's always better in the end to say something to the effect that 'after careful deliberation, we as a group have heard enough of your shit.'


But how is that a problem if someone has the choice to just not visit those threads? And saying that unpopular and challenging opinions should not be heard seems to be a bit of a contradition to the idea of alternative media.

Again, it seems to me the real problem isn't subject matter, but tone , and that any attempt to weed out ideas and opinions as not allowed is at least as partisan and biased as anyone being accused (though we certainly hear calls to close threads, accusations that people don't belong here, and ad hominem attacks enough on this board).

Yes, let's be careful. That should solve everything.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

Okay, well, I'm going to put my media producer/creator hat on, here.

Websites are a creation, sometimes combined with a curation.  Infowars, for example, is all conspiracy theory, all the time.  It's built into its ethos and that is its purpose and focus.  rabble is also a curation with progressive lefty politics and social concerns at the fore - it's not just an aggregator site, it's interactive media (or components are).  Feminism, anti-racism, etc. are the central organizing principles, and there are certain of these principles that are not up for debate any more than talk about the illuminati being fictitious wouldn't fly on Infowars. The existence of threads counter to the intention of the site weakens the site as a whole.

When you build an interactive media project - and I'd class babble as an interactive component of the whole rabble project - you make decisions and set boundaries for what that project is supposed to be.  So while they're interative in nature, interactive media is still subject to limits and directions from its handlers/producers.

What I propose is no different.  Set a boundary, a limit, give it some direction.  As a participant, I can't, but I would certainly like it if TPTB at rabble would think about it and make an intentional decision, rather than decision by indecision and leaving the mods to cope as best they can. 


In theory I agree, TB. In fact, I share some of the same real concerns as you do.

In a practical sense though, I see that choice as having already been made to some degree. It IS the nature of this site.

And if I or someone else decided to make a big stink and demand that unverified claims and outright crap be barred, who do you think would wind up getting pilloried for it? This is as much a choice of the commons as it is of the administration.

If it were my website I might make some different choices, but this is not my website. Given that there doesn't seem to be too much concern for calling people on things which which have no evidence to back them up, the very least I think we should fall back on is the question of tone and personal attack.

And that, after all, seems to be the whole justification for shutting down these conspiracy threads in the first place (though others have been left open despite similar problems).


Timebandit Timebandit's picture

Oh, I know it's not my site...  But I disagree that it's necessarily up to the commons.  Leave too much up to the commons and you wind up with reddit.  The administration makes the final call, even if it amounts to decision by indecision. 

Personally, I'm okay with being pilloried by people who post things that are demonstrably untrue.  It'd just be another opinion I'd be free to have no respect for.


I should add, I run into that arbitrary wall less now than I did when I first signed up here, and I see that as an improvement. It might be kind of annoying assuming that people should have their own bullshit detectors polished and working in order to weed out stuff that properly belongs in the world weekly news, but at least it is an open forum.

Strangely enough, most of the totalitarian attitude these days seems to be coming from the peanut gallery, not the overlords.


Cross posted.

Again, I agree in theory. And having done some of that complaining myself to no avail except being called a Nazi sympathiser for it (on one issue, not the only one where I see nonsense), I am a bit tired of it. And I don't blame the mods for all of it, because again, they aren't being paid, and if I had been subject to the same personal attacks they have I'd be tired of it too, and inclined to treat people like children. One would think the first lesson in a place that claims to be alternative is that you can't lay all the blame on the bosses.

So again, since we are never going to agree on those political issues - nor should we, IMO - the least we can do is focus on tone and personal attack.



Timebandit wrote:
 But I disagree that it's necessarily up to the commons.  Leave too much up to the commons and you wind up with reddit.  The administration makes the final call, even if it amounts to decision by indecision. 

Sorry TB, but that reads like a bumper sticker the Koch brothers might affix to their stretch limos.Smile

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

No, I don't think so.  They don't want to involve the commons at all unless it's to finance their escapades.  I'm just pointing out that, like any institution, the administration sets the tone, whether they like it or not.

ETA:  It's a truth I discovered in my participation in an artist-run co-op, actually...


I actually agree with TB, because if you look at it in the wider context that there is a big world of websites out there, there is no reason why all websites have to be an online bar room brawl in the interest of free speech. That free speech is there.

I just think that in the case of this site, that choice has been made to some degree. Question is, is my time better spent throwing and deflecting punches for the principle of my idea of truth, or is it better served in places that have a bit more focus, or are not quite so adversarial.

The subtext is that I already ration my time in that way, as I expect a lot of people (some who are still here, and some who have left) do as well. The question of relevance? I agree that is ultimately up to the administration, if the commons can't get their shit together.




Sean in Ottawa wrote:

If it was to get an explanation for being quick on the draw even that has been provided: that based on previous experience, conspiracy threads have consumed huge amounts of energy to no end and the thread was closed out of concern it would go down that road. The interpretation of whether the thread risked going in that direction is just an interpretation as nobody can know for certain. What more to say other than agree or do not agree with that single split-second judgment call?

Is there something I am missing that can be accomplished now?

Yes, and I've stated it in several posts now. The last one being post #68.

The need for the kind of discussion that Catchfire shut down has been amply demonstrated in the last 20 - 25 posts here. 


Part of what's needed to discuss the propagandistic agenda behind undefined terms like "conspiracy theory", is first of all, basic media literacy. This is not too much to ask for on a progressive forum. This needs to include an understanding  of Chomsky and Herman's notion of manufactured consent: how power concentrates and uses its hegemony to control and further particular agendas and delegitimize others. Some on the left are able to recognize this dynamic in many areas, but act dumb when it comes to recognizing it in others. This is illegitimate.

The topic of what constitutes progressive democratic discussion is an area of critical concern, in this era of mis- and disinformation, polarization and demonization of those who disagree with us.

The other thing that needs to be answered here is: what threat could such a discussion possibly pose to those who call themselves progressive? It seems there are very few people here on Babble who would be bothered by it. And to be bothered by a discussion that examines how and where public discourse is manipulated to serve anti-democratic ends, to me, brings up the obvious question of whether such people should be on a progressive forum at all. 

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

Except that none of the conspiracy threads have actually been about any of that.  It's usually a postulation of an absurd theory backed up with cherry-picked information that hasn't been critically assessed and liberally sprinkled with unfounded paranoia. Apply a modicum of critical thought and take a closer look at where this "alternative" information is coming from and you find it's largely from deeply unreliable sources.

There has not been one, single productive discussion out of any of it.  Catchfire was more than right to close the thread in question.

There's always the accusation that we haven't heard the "evidence" when we have read the links and the posts in the multiplicity of threads and it doesn't stack up. It's a distraction and a pain in the ass. 

If you want to indulge in conspiracy fantasies, can't you take it to a board that exists for the purpose?  There are lots of them.

Mr. Magoo

If you want to indulge in conspiracy fantasies, can't you take it to a board that exists for the purpose?  There are lots of them.

Can't Jehovah's Witnesses go pester other Jehovah's Witnesses?

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

So you figure it's the proselytization factor that makes babble so damn attractive?

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

I see that.  However, my point remains;  What is babble's purpose?  Does that kind of ongoing, derailing discussion fit with that purpose?

I find those discussions irritating because in my assessment they lower the overall credibility of the site.


...and the idea that the movement can't go forward without recognizing the truth.

Problem with closing these down is that it IS arbitrary, specifically, 9-11, yet people can talk about other conspiracies which have no more evidence at all,and are even more absurd, and there is no problem with it.

I'd say that more accepted form of conspiracy theory - including disregarding real evidence because it is all supposedly a western media conspiracy - is far more of a problem. We see that from political issue threads to scientific ones.

So while I sympathize, I don't see that 9-11 discussion is such a big deal so long as it doesn't wander into every other thread, like some of these other conspiracy theories do. And I really don't see the distinction.

(except that I think the mods realize it would be a far greater shitstorm if they tried to rein in those other forms of magical thinking)




@ TB

Cross posted with you. Yeah, me too. And as I said, I find the other ones even more damaging to the reputation of this place. FAR more.

Having spoken my mind and complained about it a few times already, I see it as not really my business, though.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

I do see it as our business, though.  I've been coming to babble for a long time, and I suppose I feel a little ownership in it.  It's an evolving board, so i think our input is really important to that evolution.  :)

Mr. Magoo

So you figure it's the proselytization factor that makes babble so damn attractive?

To be really honest, I expect that any left-focussed board is attractive to conspiracy theorists.   I think there's just a natural reluctance to shut down anything that takes aim at George Bush, Big Pharma, the Mossad, the Bilderbergers, "global capital", the CIA, or any U.S. government, past or present.  Who wants to be the first one to be told that they're "doing Donald Rumsfeld's dirty work for him" if they disagree?  Who wants to look like they're standing in solidarity with Pfizer??

The left is the "kind lady" who'll give you a hot meal and a free microphone.


I find those discussions irritating because in my assessment they lower the overall credibility of the site.

I agree.  Or else why not welcome creationists to tell us all how those dinosaur bones were planted by The Lord to test our faith?  Because all theories are equal and all deserve to be solemnly listened to (as often as it takes until we "get it"), right?


Timebandit wrote:

I suppose I feel a little ownership in it.  It's an evolving board, so i think our input is really important to that evolution.  :)

Yeah, and not like I still don't point out things now and then which are way over the line. If I really thought there was no point I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be saying this.

But you'd have a full-time job keeping on top of all of the delusional nonsense, with really no results to show for it. That, and the lack of serious discussion, is something I miss. And as I have said a couple of times, I can only guess that the mods have also thrown up their hands at some of that too.

Certainly I have no intention of getting apoplectic about it, and demanding we take our board back (a sentiment we have also been treated to a few times) because really, it's none of ours. While I know you aren't saying it, I have certainly heard enough talk like they do, and know who belongs here and who doesn't.

In this case I think it comes down to 9-11 being an easy target, as well as the reputation some of its proponents have for not shutting up about it, ever. As a theory it is hardly the most outlandish or offensive.





I would ask posters to address the issues raised in this thread, which have been explained in several posts, most notably #s 21, 68, and 119. This is not a thread for Babblers to bloviate on their personal opinions about certain conspiracy theories. If you don't understand the topic please either ask for clarification or refrain from posting. Thanks.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

You know, jas, you might get a little more respect if you actually paid attention to the other posters. You started the thread on the basis of your opinion that a productive thread had been shut down. Apparently there are a number of other forum participants who don't agree with your perception that the discussion was productive, and we've moved onto a discussion of a certain brand of discussion. People have disagreed with you without accusing you of "bloviating". I'm sure if we are too off topic the mods will weigh in, although I think the conversation hasn't gone far out of bounds. You can't control every aspect of a thread nor can you prevent other posters from adding to and evolving from the initial post. We are also not obligated to agree with your point of view.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

Also, I'm not specifying any particular conspiracy theory, I'm suggesting that we eschew the lot of them.


Not to mention all the macho Putinist stuff about Ukraine (and personally, I think there are a lot of far-right macho types on both sides there). It is so disconnected to anything I hear on the left here, whether moderate or far left, social-democratic, socialist or anarchist.


@ jas

And we have actually been talking about all of that - whether certain things should or should not be discussed, what constitutes a productive discussion, and the relationship we as members of this forum have to how things get decided around here.



Timebandit wrote:
Also, I'm not specifying any particular conspiracy theory, I'm suggesting that we eschew the lot of them.

And because you see that as a logical statement is why I'm explaining to you that you don't understand the topic.

wage zombie

As someone who doesn't much care for or participate in "conspiracy theory" threads on babble, I think jas is being pretty clear and stating her concerns rationally and politely.  While there are some pretty ridiculous "conspiracy theories" that people can have lots of good fun mocking (and I do it too, just not on babble), it really doesn't seem relevant to this topic.

I would agree with jas as well that Noam Chomsky's theory of "manufactured consent" could also be considered a "conspiracy theory".


Timebandit wrote:
Apparently there are a number of other forum participants who don't agree with your perception that the discussion was productive, and we've moved onto a discussion of a certain brand of discussion.

I believe what was in contention was the definition of productive.  Productivity and ad hoc reasoning were given for shutting down 'conspiracy theory' discussions, based around a perception of what is considered productive and what isn't, what gets shut down accordingly and what is allowed to proliferate ad nauseum, ie: political party threads.  It's this disconnect that is at the core of the discussion from my perspective anyway, at least in terms of remarks people have made here regarding how certain conversations might play to the casual visitor, or site sponsor perhaps, vis-a-vis embarrassment over what is being said, or association of the site with unsavoury, discredited discussion.  I find it difficult to pick and choose, and I'm wondering how others find it less difficult in the context of all types of dubious political chit chat that is a routine feature hereabouts.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

jas wrote:

Timebandit wrote:
Also, I'm not specifying any particular conspiracy theory, I'm suggesting that we eschew the lot of them.

And because you see that as a logical statement is why I'm explaining to you that you don't understand the topic.

No, I understand it. I just don't accept your premise. IOW, it's possible to understand and still disagree with you.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

jas wrote:

Timebandit wrote:
Also, I'm not specifying any particular conspiracy theory, I'm suggesting that we eschew the lot of them.

And because you see that as a logical statement is why I'm explaining to you that you don't understand the topic.

No, I understand it. I just don't accept your premise. IOW, it's possible to understand and still disagree with you.


I trust jas to know better than anyone what the topic of this thread was intended to be.


Really, ODA? What was the topic again? Productive discussion as a condition for keeping threads open. If it all comes down to the decree of one person it is hardly discussion.

Now I can appreciate the frustration about the differences of opinion here, but we ARE talking about the topic.



LMFAOROTF onlinediscountanvils. I'll grant you what you have written, however, that does not give jas control over the ebb and flow of the thread.


Timebandit wrote:

No, I understand it. I just don't accept your premise. IOW, it's possible to understand and still disagree with you.

It appears to me by your repeated assertions that you don't, in fact, understand the topic.

Whatever the case may be, your disagreement is duly noted. You are free to ignore the thread. You are not free to derail the discussion. 


Thanks, oda.


Now here's the rub for me: if I flag TB's posts as the obvious derailment that they are, the mods will come in and shut down this thread and tell me not to start another. If I start one anyway, I may get suspended or banned.

If I don't flag it, TB and a few others will continue to bloviate in here, derailing the topic.

This is why this thread exists.


Caissa wrote:

LMFAOROTF onlinediscountanvils. I'll grant you what you have written, however, that does not give jas control over the ebb and flow of the thread.

NFSNSO, Caissa.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

jas, you can flag my posts to your heart's content, but I haven't contravened babble policy in any way.  You will just be wasting the moderators' time.

You don't get to dictate the direction of the thread, nor do you get to dictate who posts.  This is a topic I'm interested in and will continue to post if I want to.


jas wrote:

If I don't flag it, TB and a few others will continue to bloviate in here, derailing the topic.

This is why this thread exists.

I went back and re-read the first page, where all of this actually got hashed out.

As it happens, I agree with you that that closure was arbitrary and unnecessary. And my position that targetting certain conspiracy theories is also arbitrary and shouldn't be a priority is also in alignment with your position on this. I have said all this already.

But my opinion doesn't mean I am on for getting railroaded into another campaign to try to hold the mods to the will of some of the people. I am not on for that, and I explained why. And I think it is our disagreement on this unstated reason for the existence of the thread that is the problem, not the topic, which we HAVE been discussing.




Timebandit wrote:
You don't get to dictate the direction of the thread, nor do you get to dictate who posts.  This is a topic I'm interested in and will continue to post if I want to.

My understanding has always been that the OP does get to set the parameters for the discussion. And by extension, if a poster is refusing to keep to that topic that is considered to be disruptive and a derailment. 

You are certainly allowed and encouraged to debate the arguments I have put forward here, but you can't just ignore them and change the subject to one you prefer. I think everyone can agree that is not accepted behaviour here, or on most forums. I have already stated here the thread is not a forum for people to opine on the credibility of various conspiracy theories. For you to say "Oh, I'm not doing that, I'm just suggesting we toss them ALL out" is not a valid argument here, as the point I've been making is that you can't generalize about "conspiracy theories" without defining what you mean. And a definition needs to be recognized by all for it to be meaningful.

So, again, I point out to you that you can determine for yourself whether you're going to lump mainstream, majority skepticism about 9/11 in with theories about the moon landing, or Holocaust denial in with a discussion about Conservative robo-calls, all as unworthy of progressive discussion, but you don't get to dictate that to others. Certainly not without a better argument than you've been presenting.


6079_Smith_W wrote:

I went back and re-read the first page, where all of this actually got hashed out.

As it happens, I agree with you that that closure was arbitrary and unnecessary. And my position that targetting certain conspiracy theories is also arbitrary and shouldn't be a priority is also in alignment with your position on this.

I'm glad you agree. I definitely did not get that from any of your posts here.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

My understanding has always been that the OP does get to set the parameters for the discussion. And by extension, if a poster is refusing to keep to that topic that is considered to be disruptive and a derailment.

To my knowledge, that hasn't ever been the case on babble.  Starting a thread doesn't give you ownership of it or make you the mini-mod.  The only exception that I'm aware of is where posters in either feminism, anti-racism or aboriginal forums have requested that threads be restricted to women, POC or aboriginal posters.

As Smith points out, the discussion has been about and grown out of the OP.  You aren't in the position of restricting the conversation to positions you like.  As a long-time member of this board, I've as much right as anyone else to post in this thread.  Rabble reactions is a forum where wide participation is usually sought.


Timebandit wrote:
To my knowledge, that hasn't ever been the case on babble.  Starting a thread doesn't give you ownership of it

I understand differently. If we can't set the parameters of the discussions we start, it would be very unsafe to start certain discussions here. And futile to start others, given the trollery they can be subject to.
