A few historical insults

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A few historical insults

The Oxford words blog can be fun, and repurposing some of these old insults might come in useful, in Parliament, for one thing, though it would be hell for the interpreters:


You grobian mafflard!

swallow swallow's picture

Slabberdegullion isn't obscure! I heard it in an early Genesis song! 


It would be great if a few more became history.


Redshoesist! No, Redshoesite! Splittist!

Misfit Misfit's picture

Cuddle diddle hit 40 years of age Feb 16, 2016. It's not old Oxford dictionary though.


Do you mean Fuddle Duddle?

Wikipedia has some more from the anals of unparliamentary language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unparliamentary_language Just remember, this is babble banter; my intent was to have some fun with language, not insult any babbler.


That's a GREAT Freudian slip in your last post, lagatta!  Fun with language indeed!

Misfit Misfit's picture

Oops! Yes, I intended to write fuddle duddle. These auto correct features can be annoying sometimes. Thank you, Lagatta.


sherpa-finn, that was a deliberate pun. On annals, but also on "orals" (as in oral exams). And along the lines of the Royal Family's "anus horribilus". I'm glad someone noticed it though.