What percentage Trotskyist are you?

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Ken Burch
What percentage Trotskyist are you?



You are a full-on, unadulterated Trotskyite. You may even be the reincarnated spirit of Trotsky himself. 

When you're injured, you almost certainly bleed red - the colour of communism - as opposed to the more regular green that leaks from decent people like Peter Mandelson.

Your Trotskyism has been reported to Tom "Witchfinder" Watson, and he will be round shortly to destroy your membership card and throw some gravel at you.

I better stay out of the UK then

Ken Burch


This quiz was created by the left-wing UK website The Canary in response to the claims that the entire Jeremy Corbyn phenomenon was created by "Trots"(which gives UK Fourth Internationalists far more credit for political effectiveness than they could possibly deserve) and in response to the canard that all radical ideas are "Trotskyist" or "far left".


Was also wondering if anyone here could help create an equivalent thread for Canadian or US politics.

Mr. Magoo

I better stay out of the UK then

Have you considered running for NDP leader?  You could be the breath of fresh air the party needs.


I got the same. Which would have been accurate 30 or 40 years ago (I was a VERY young activist, arrested at 15 in a Vietnam War protest) but I have drifted more to Gramsci and Luxemburg except: on the national question, wonderful Rosa was far too abstract, and arts issues, though that is unfair as Leon lived 22 years longer and those were momentous years in terms of the avant-garde.

But of course the point is that anyone at all on the radical left is classified as a "Trotskyist", or worse ite, even if they've never heard of the guy who was born in the late 19th century and died 76 years ago.

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

This thread needs the following:

The Trotsky


It is hilarious how that comedy was a sort of prefiguration of the Student Spring...

Michael Moriarity

Ken Burch wrote:


This quiz was created by the left-wing UK website The Canary in response to the claims that the entire Jeremy Corbyn phenomenon was created by "Trots"(which gives UK Fourth Internationalists far more credit for political effectiveness than they could possibly deserve) and in response to the canard that all radical ideas are "Trotskyist" or "far left".


Was also wondering if anyone here could help create an equivalent thread for Canadian or US politics.

If you mean to say an equivalent web app, then I might be able to do that. Somebody has to do the hard work of specifying it in detail first, of course.

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

The off-Guardian eviscerates attempts to identify supporters of democratically elected Labour leader J. Corbyn with Trotskyists. And they have a good time doing it.


Hands up if you know what a Trot is. Could you recognise one at thirty paces? Could you confidently engage her on the matter of dialectical materialism? Would you, having lost the argument, leave the room if she instructed you to?

Yes, the bogeymen are back. Tom Watson, who was (as I understood it) elected deputy leader of the Labour Party because he was smart enough to take it to the Tories, has heard the stirrings of reds under the bed and cannot sleep for worry.

It’s very hard to keep a straight face in the face of this farce.

Yup. I can imagine. So let's cut to the chase.

Whereas the number of genuine Trotskyites in the Labour Party would almost certainly fail to fill a small committee room, the number of those who admire Corbyn remains legion. The more desperate the malcontents become, the more determined Corbyn and his supporters grow. That’s the important thing.

That's what I call an extra large helping of whup ass. Maybe these Blairites should just admit the truth and join the Conservatives.


Michael Moriarity

ikosmos wrote:

That's what I call an extra large helping of whup ass. Maybe these Blairites should just admit the truth and join the Conservatives.

No, that wouldn't do enough harm to the Labour Party. Better to create a split, and guarantee another decade or so of Con governments.

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

I was thinking that this sort of dispute shows that the left should do as good a job of fighting dirty (remember Harry Perkins?) as the right does [whether inside working class parties or not]. But I suppose every fight is different.