Crooked Ukraine: the Canadian connection - call for a public inquiry

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The Ossington Circle - Episode 15: Ukraine, Russophobia and Canada with Halyna Mokrushyna (podcast)

"In this episode, Ukrainian-Canadian academic Halyna Mokrushyna discusses the conflict in Ukraine, Russia and Russophobia, and the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada."


Russia Seeks International Arrest Warrant For Former Ukraine PM, Reported to Now Hold Canadian Citizenship  -  by David Climenhaga

"No one in Canada's mainstream media appears to have followed up on the original reports Yatsenyuk and his family were given Canadian citizenship, although perhaps they should be now if the situation is going to involve Canada in an extradition battle with Russia."


Chrystia Freeland's Family Lie Grows Bigger...

"The newly disclosed documents expose Freeland's repeated lying that Chomiak had been a victim of WWII, an unwilling journalist..."


Gorilla Radio: CFUV FM 102

Chris cook interviews John Helmer on Chrystia Freeland @ 37:25


Atlantic Council of New York Toasts Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau With Ukrainian Vodka Boosted By the Canadian and US Governments - But Is That The Pravy Sektor Banner Flying On The Bottle?    -    by John Helmer


Justin Trudeau Backs UN Peacekeeping Mission in Ukraine...

"Trudeau was asked if he had considered taking Ukraine off the list of countries Canadian military contractors are not allowed to sell weapons to. 'Absolutely we are very much..."

Given Canada's clear bias in favour of the installed Nazi oligarchy in Kiev, one assumes CF participation in any 'peacekeeping' operation would necessarily be a non-starter.


Canada and Ukraine Are Discussing Joint Arms Manufacturing As Canada Lifts Sales Restrictions

Yes, more arms for Nazi Ukraine. Good job Canada!


Ug, despicable.

"“Now when it comes to weapons systems and lethality, it can’t be looked at in that manner. We have to look at it in terms of any type of system that you provide, you have to look at what type of capacity is needed to be able to use it as well. So, we’re looking at a much more thorough plan of helping the Ukrainian armed forces to be able to modernize with their command and control structure, their sustainment system as well. So, our discussion is not just strictly about a shopping list of systems. It’s about building the capacity.”



Canada Follows Trump-Led US With New Sanctions Against Russia In Own 'Magnitsky Act'   -   by Roger Annis -magnitsky-act/

"The Canadian Parliament has approved a 'Magnitsky Act' for Canada. Bill S-226 was approved unanimously on October4, 2017. Passage of the bill went unnoticed and unreported in left-wing press in Canada and largely unreported in mainstream media..."


More Drumbeat For Western Military Intervention Into Ukraine Under The Guise of 'Peacekeeping'  - By Roger Annis

"Front-page article in Canadian daily voices call for 'peacekeeping' military intervention into eastern Ukraine, ignores UN Security Council's resolution backing 2015 'Minsk-2' ceasefire and political agreement. The latest instalment of media obfuscation of Minsk-2 is to make it 'disappear'. A front-page article in Canada's Globe and Mail on November 9 performs such an act. The 13-part text of the Minsk-2 agreement can be read here..."


On Target: Canada Drawn Into The Puzzling Politics of Ukraine  - by Scott Taylor

"...While Freeland purports to support the people of Ukraine, it must be noted that Poroshenko presently has just a two-per-cent approval rating; allowing for a margin of error, this equals to zero. Then there is Saakashvili, who is presenting himself as his adopted country's anti-corruption saviour, while unable to return to his own country where he is himself wanted for corruption. And somehow this is all Russian President Putin's fault?"


Kiev Hails US and Canada For Greenlighting Lethal Arms Supplies That Could Kill Ukraine Peace Process

"By including Ukraine on the list of countries approved for lethal weapons sales, Canada has become a side in a bloody civil war, undermining a shaky peace process, a senior Russian senator said, as Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko applauded the move. 'As it was agreed, the United States authorized sending assistance for our country and Canada included Ukraine into the Automatic Firearms Country Control List. The door to enhanced defense assistance for Ukraine has been opened.'

This makes Canada a party to the conflict, says Frank Klintsevich. 'A very dangerous precedent has been created. Effectively Canada has become a party to the internal Ukrainian conflict with all ensuing consequences. And this, above all, means that it assumes responsibility for the actions of the Ukrainian forces trained by Canadian instructors and equipped with Canadian weapons..."


Canadian Arms Makers Get OK To Sell To Ukraine

"The Liberal cabinet has given the green light for Canadian defence contractors to sell weapons to Ukraine in a watershed decision which a senior official of that country hopes will influence the Trump administration to follow suit. The decision was made on Nov 23, according to a cabinet order posted online. It was released publicly on Wednesday, as the House of Commons prepared to rise for Christmas break.  The move puts Canada out ahead of the United States which has been considering its own weapons sales.

In a statement, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said the decision reflects closer ties between Canada and Ukraine. Both Project Ploughshares and Amnesty International Canada opposed the plan..."


UCC Welcomes Addition of Ukraine to the AFCCL

"The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated I'm delighted to make this announcement today. The addition of Ukraine to the AFCCL reflects the close ties our countries share. Canada and Canadians will continue to stand with the people of Ukraine and support Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty."


Canada Takes Initiative Among NATO Countries in Deciding To Provide Heavy Weapons To Ukraine

"The decision by Washington's junior partner in Ottawa is a blow to human rights organizations and others in the US and internationally who argue that increasing the arms flow to the regime in Kiev will only escalate Ukraine's violence against the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in eastern Ukraine. Minsk-2 was endorsed by the UN Security Council on Feb. 17, 2015: That shows the regard which NATO members such as the US and Canada attach to that world body..."

Canada will also now likely be able to source US weapons, such as Javelin anti-tank weapons on Ukraine's behalf.



On Target: Exports of Arms To Ukraine 'Scary'  -  by Scott Taylor

"...Not that long ago we prided ourselves as being the world's peacekeepers, and now we are actually in violation of the internationally brokered Minsk II treaty which prohibits the military escalation in the frozen Ukraine conflict. Freeland is rushing in where even Donald Trump fears to tread. That is scary."


UCC Welcomes Expansion of Canada's Military Training in Ukraine

"Canadian Armed Forces to train battalion-sized unit for first time in Ukraine..."


Canadian Arms Manufacturer Hopes To Sell [100,000] Assault Rifles To Ukraine   -   by David Pugliese

"Colt Canada of Kitchener Ont., is chasing a deal that could see Ukraine order up to 100,000 rifles. Ukraine is also interested in acquiring other military equipment, such as anti-tank weapons from both Canada and the US..."


Why Canada Defends Ukrainian Fascism

"...Our government is supporting a violent, racist regine in Kiev directly descended from that very one against which Canada and its allies fought during World War II." 


Wouldn't "ultra-nationalist" be closer than "Nazi".  Thanks for the great links


Hi Rikardo, works for me. Here's an example...


PM Trudeau: Condemn Fascist Violence in Ukraine Against Petro Simonenko and the CPU

"The attack on Petro Simonenko and the CPU is the latest in a long series of violent attacks on the Communist Party of Ukraine, its leaders and members, and is part of the Ukrainian government's goal to obliterate the labour, democratic, civil, social and political rights of the Ukrainian people.

The role of the Canadian government and of Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland in particular in protecting and denying these massive attacks by the fascist government of Ukraine via a massive public disiformation campaign is disgraceful..."

Azov: Canada Trains  NATO-Nazis in Ukraine


Gorilla Radio: Roger Annis on Ukraine (podcast)

"A continuing, constant low intensity war, Canadian participation and media coverup..."


Fog of War? Ottawa Won't Say Whether Canadian-Made Arms Have Been Exported to Ukraine

"...For reasons of commercial confidentiality, the department does not comment on any applications for export permits. Freeland's decision to add Ukraine to the firearms control list was greeted with applause from Kyiv, which has long lobbied for military assistance from Canada and the West."


Canadian Government Comes To The Defence of Nazi SS and Nazi Collaborators But Why?

"In late April more than 50 members of the US Congress condemned the government of Ukraine's ongoing efforts to glorify 'Nazi collaborators'. Contrast that to how the Canadian government handled a related issue last year..."


Group With Neo-Nazi Ties Still Fighting on the Frontlines of Ukraine War

"Western nations, such as the US and Canada, recently permitted the sale of lethal weapons to Ukraine - including javelin anti-tank weapons, which Russia has taken extreme exception to. The Canadian government did not address the continuing combat role of Right Sector. 'Canada is unwavering in its support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

See #28


"Oh Canada? CBC RadioCanada on monument in Canada to anti-Soviet Nazi collaborator Roman Shukhevych, who is currently glorified by Govt in Ukraine. Fascinating how former OUN-UPA immigrants established lobbying orgs in Canada which now have much love for Bandera et al"

And with one of their own as Foreign Minister...


From Porky P on Canada Day (and vid)

"Canada is the country most like Ukraine." - P. Poroshenko: President, Oligarch, Billionaire, CIA asset, recipient of $1b CAD 'aid' and 'loans', CF troops and weaponry. 'Friend' of Chrystia.

Mr. Magoo

From Porky P

What does "Porky P" mean?

Is he overweight?


Petro Poroshenko: 'Porky' to his friends. Probably eats too much chocolate.


Why is Justin Trudeau's Military Attache in Ukraine Meeting With A Nazi Militia?

Because they can. 


NDPP wrote:


"Israel is arming neo-nazi's in Ukraine".

And why exactly woudl Israel do that?



Why dont you make an effort to find out? Call or email the Israeli embassy/consulate and ask? Then call  your MP to ask JT or Sajjan why the military attache is meeting with them. There you go - easy/peasy.


NDPP wrote:

Why dont you make an effort to find out? Call or email the Israeli embassy/consulate and ask? Then call  your MP to ask JT or Sajjan why the military attache is meeting with them. There you go - easy/peasy.


How's this for an email to the embassy.

To whom it may concern.

The pro-Palistine Twitter account Electronic Intifada says that Israel is arming neo-nazis in Ukraine. I'm sure you'll understand my confusion as why you're giving them weapons. Hasn't anyone considered the neo NAZIs might use these weapons against Israel?!  Please explain immediately.


As for the meeting, I'd sooner ask the MND why we gave Ukraine (30'000) uniforms and hundreds of sleeping bags when our own soldiers are going without, even though it was under the conservatives and not him.



"For Justin Trudeau it's fine to train literal Hitlerite Nazis just as long as you can insert the word 'diverse' somewhere."


Right-Wing Fascist-Supporting Tilt Among Canada's NDP

"...Over the past four years, the NDP has backed a coup in Kiev, war in eastern Ukraine and NATO military build up in Eastern Europe. Is this really in Canada's interest? And why is the NDP enabling the agenda of extreme right forces."


"Ukrainian snipers are being trained by Canadian military as part of Op UNIFIER and it looks like they'll soon be equipped with Canadian sniper rifles."


Ukraine Military To Get Canadian-Made .50 Calibre Sniper Rifles

"Global Affairs Canada has declined to provide any details, stating it must protect the commercial interests of the firm involved. But the office of Conservative defence critic James Bezan noted that Global Affairs Canada approved the sale last week. In February, 2016, PGW was in the news when it emerged that its LRT-3 .50 calibre rifles, sold to SAUDI ARABIA, had ended up in the hands of Houthi rebels.

In December 2017, the House of Commons defence committee recommended the Canadian government provide lethal weapons to Ukraine provided it demonstrates it is actively working to eliminate corruption at all levels of government. [LOL!]  But Peggy Mason, a former disarmament ambassador to the UN and a security advisor to the Mulroney government told the committee that providing lethal weapons to Ukraine could prompt 'escalatory actions'..."


Ukraine's Nazi Airborne

"Chrystia Freeland and the Canadian military continue to lavish support on a Ukrainian regime that is infested with Nazis."


The 'Peacekeeper' Vigilante Website and Freedom of Speech in Ukraine speech-in-ukraine/

"Today, under the supposedly democratic post-Euromaidan government, there is much less freedom in Ukraine and much more political violence...My name is on the Myrotvorets website too..."

A Canadian on a  Ukro-Nazi hit list. Canada won't help. Wonder why?


"CIJA's Shimon Fogel and Richard Marceau met with the Ukrainian Congress's CEO & Executive Director Ihor Michalchyshyn and President Alexander Chyczij, to discuss, cooperation, use of the Magnitsky law by Canada and genocide commemoration."

Because Zionists and Banderites have much in common.


"Five years ago, brave Euromaidan protestors were killed in Ukraine as they sought a better future for their country. Today we remember the Heavenly Hundred and honour the sacrifices they made in the pursuit of democracy. Canada will always support the people of Ukraine."


Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine

"Five years after the Maidan uprising, anti-Semitism and fascist inflected ultranationalism are rampant."


"The Macdonald-Laurier Institute of Ottawa has targeted me and my writings on Ukrainian and Latvian SS killers as Russian 'disinformation', fake news, etc...What a disgusting attempt at Holocaust distortion." - David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen

Just as the Israel lobby supports and polices Canadian foreign policy on the Middle East, so  Banderite ultranationalist hawks influence, lobby or control media and foreign policy on Ukraine and eastern Europe. The vast majority of Canuckleheads know nothing of any of this and with msm complicity and collaboration by their politicians are simply along for the ride. As you can also see at #139, the two lobby groups enjoy congenial relations as they pursue their frequently overlapping agendas.


Canadian Delegation to Monitor Ukraine Election Amid Fears of Russian Interference

"The first wave of Canadian election monitors have arrived in Ukraine as fears rise over Russian meddling in the March 31 presidential ballot. The observer missions are crucial to preserving Ukraine's ability to conduct a democratically sound election in the face of Russian efforts to portray the country as poorly run and corrupt.

'Election observation is one of the most transparent and accountable ways to support democracy,' Adam Austen, spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, told the Canadian Press in an email. 'That is why Canada is proud to support Ukraine's elections through a range of actions, including a bilateral election observation mission..."


CANADEM Recruitment of Short-Term Electoral Observers

"On Dec 6, 2018, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs...announced up to $24 million in support for Ukraine's democracy ahead of the 2019 election cycle in Ukraine. $11 million has been specifically identified for CANADEM to implement election observer missions. You can apply by clicking on the 'Apply Now' button. Please do not send applications to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress."

Where better to recruit 'independent and impartial' observers than the Ukrainian ultranationalist lobby UCC?


Farcical Upcoming Ukraine Presidential Election

"Poroshenko's single-digit approval rating assures him no chance for 're-election' if conducted legitmately. According to a Ukrainian Strana news service investigation, Poroshenko intends trying to rig his re-election, his only choice to stay in office..."


NDPP wrote:

Canadian Delegation to Monitor Ukraine Election Amid Fears of Russian Interference

"The first wave of Canadian election monitors have arrived in Ukraine as fears rise over Russian meddling in the March 31 presidential ballot. The observer missions are crucial to preserving Ukraine's ability to conduct a democratically sound election in the face of Russian efforts to portray the country as poorly run and corrupt.

'Election observation is one of the most transparent and accountable ways to support democracy,' Adam Austen, spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, told the Canadian Press in an email. 'That is why Canada is proud to support Ukraine's elections through a range of actions, including a bilateral election observation mission..."


CANADEM Recruitment of Short-Term Electoral Observers

"On Dec 6, 2018, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs...announced up to $24 million in support for Ukraine's democracy ahead of the 2019 election cycle in Ukraine. $11 million has been specifically identified for CANADEM to implement election observer missions. You can apply by clicking on the 'Apply Now' button. Please do not send applications to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress."

Where better to recruit 'independent and impartial' observers than the Ukrainian ultranationalist lobby UCC?

Thats a huge amount of money and a lot of people for Canada to send! I’m going to speculate this is a front to vote fixing/manipulating. An the Canadian branches of the icm are more than happy to provide cover. 

Also got a feeling this thread is going to get popular in the coming weeks. 


From the Nazi's Grand-Daughter...

"The West must not abandon Crimea and Ukraine to Russian Aggression..."


Since When Was Defending Nazi Collaboration 'EU Values'

"David Pugliese of Ottawa Citizen blows lid on state-sponsored whitewash of Nazi collaboration by Ukraine and Latvia (although we at DH believe Ukraine is by far the worst in E Europe)..."


The Hot Cold War: Inside Canada's Military Training Mission in Ukraine

"...When Leroux arrived in Afghanistan in the fall of 2010, the Canadian army was helping to train Afghan forces to fight in the middle of a shooting war with the insurgent Taliban. In 2019, Leroux leads the Canadian task force training Ukrainian soldiers to fight an equally deadly hot-and-cold  conventional  war with Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine's eastern regions."


Shelling Hits Donetsk Hospital

What possible reason could these 'Russian-backed separatists' have for not wanting to remain in the wonderful new democracy that is Ukraine? Keep training those fascists to shell hospitals Canada. Keep up your complicit silence Canadian 'progressives'. Keep up the agit-prop CBC - it seems to be working just fine.



Rikardo wrote:

Wouldn't "ultra-nationalist" be closer than "Nazi".  Thanks for the great links

 I think that to be accurate I would say ultra-nationalist fascists. I'm not found of comparing everything to the Nazi's because it is not descriptive enough of the actual ideology for the random ill informed reader. It is the combination of ethnic based nationalism and oligarchic control inherent in the Ukrainian system that is evil and that is without any gas chambers.


"Lloyd Axworthy is leading Mission Canada to help support the Ukraine Elections on Sunday. Canada stands for democracy around the world, and will continue to support Ukraine in its efforts to implement reforms."


"Meanwhile, reports of members of the election commissions throughout Kiev-controlled parts of Donbass receiving SMS with death threats 'in case Zelenskiy wins at your polling station you shall be executed, we know where you live,' signed 'C14', notorious Nazi paramilitaries."


Don't expect the rather large and expensive contingent of Canadian election 'monitors' sent by Freeland and headed by pro-NATO warhawk Axworthy to report anything but 'Russian meddling', however. He well knows the drill...


Canadians Lose Ukraine Elections - Chrystia Freeland For President of Galicia

"Chrystia Freeland , the Ukrainian-Canadian who is Foreign Minister of Canada, was at a loss for words at the outcome of the Ukrainian presidential election on Sunday. Instead she re-tweeted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's statement..."


Freeland To Meet Zelensky in Toronto Next Week

"Chrystia Freeland, Canada's foreign minister, will have a meeting of minds with Ukraine President Voodymyr Zelensky in Toronto on July 2 for what what Freeland calls 'work toward strengthening the rules-based international order..."


Ukrainian World Congress President Paul Grod on What Diaspora Expects From Zelenskiy

"Paul Grod who was elected president at the Ukrainian World Congress in November told the Kyiv Post on May 19 that he hopes President-elect Volodymyr Zelenskiy will continue the path towards Euro-Atlantic integration and will protect Ukraine against Russian aggression. Grod stated that outgoing President Petro Poroshenko did a good job in rallying international support around Ukraine..."

One of the other foreign ultranationalist lobbies that dictates Canadian foreign policy. Freeland and her Banderite buddies will muscle the moderate Zelensky to 'stay the course' set by them, NATO and the 'rules-based-order' crowd. I wonder if Grod was ever successful in his attempt at getting pensions for the Galizien SS 'veterans' who, like the Al Qaeda proxy 'White Helmets', with Freeland's active intervention, were also  'settled' in Canada.


Ukraine's Comedian Turned President Makes North American Debut in Toronto

"...Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland's own Ukrainian heritage has helped keep the country near the top of her agenda. She is hosting the conference and is to give a major speech. Canada has offered Zelenskiy's officials training in how to actually run a government because they lack experience and are running a country whose institutions are not as strong as those in the West."


The Liberal Government's Dark Relationship With the National Police of Ukraine

"While Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland traveled the world raising the alarm over the threat of white nationalism, Global Affairs Canada quietly funded and trained the neo-Nazi infiltrated National Police of Ukraine..."


We Also Train Azov Nazis For NATO

"Bad News From Ukraine: Neo-Nazi Azov group's 'National Corps' runs amok outside offices of Jewish community building in Kharkiv, throws smoke-bombs, verbally abusing chairman of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee..."
