Happy Thanksgiving to our American Brothers & Sisters!

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Happy Thanksgiving to our American Brothers & Sisters!

Thursday, November 23 , 2018


I'm all for fellowship for people everywhere, and have good friends in the US, but feel no more sisterhood or brotherhood with them than for my comrades and friends elsewhere in the Americas or in the world.

Certainly wish them nice meetups with friends and family as everywhere, but it is a very strange, excessive holiday with no real meaning.

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

Americans are not my brothers and sisters,even though I literally have a brother living there. 90% of them are disgusting,vile vermin that can drop dead and rot for all I care.

Merry X-Mas.

voice of the damned

alan smithee wrote:

Americans are not my brothers and sisters,even though I literally have a brother living there. 90% of them are disgusting,vile vermin that can drop dead and rot for all I care.

Merry X-Mas.

Gee, can't imagine why your brother would want to live across a guarded border from you!

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

voice of the damned wrote:

alan smithee wrote:

Americans are not my brothers and sisters,even though I literally have a brother living there. 90% of them are disgusting,vile vermin that can drop dead and rot for all I care.

Merry X-Mas.

Gee, can't imagine why your brother would want to live across a guarded border from you!

I hate America. I'm open about it. I don't care for Americans. They're dumb,obnoxious,ignorant,greedy and void of compassion and empathy.

The last I looked,the border does not have a wall. Feel free to cross it and enjoy yourself. I shared my opinion,that's how I feel about that shithole. I don't care very much if you or anyone else have a problem with it.

voice of the damned

I don't have much of a problem. But let's be honest here. Whatever one's personal opinion of a place, no one makes a post calling 90% of the inhabitants subhuman unless he's hoping to get a reaction. So, I gave you one. Cheers.

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

voice of the damned wrote:

I don't have much of a problem. But let's be honest here. Whatever one's personal opinion of a place, no one makes a post calling 90% of the inhabitants subhuman unless he's hoping to get a reaction. So, I gave you one. Cheers.

You're right,90% is alittle high. In reality,being serious,50% of that country is subhuman. But the vast majority of Americans are self-absorbed and unempathetic.

The rest of them are racist,sexist and obnoxiousd. They are rubes that can be talked into anything. I don't think I'm very far off the mark.

I appreciate your opinion. Santé.

progressive17 progressive17's picture

Calling people "subhuman" is the same tactic the Nazis used. Congratulations.

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

progressive17 wrote:

Calling people "subhuman" is the same tactic the Nazis used. Congratulations.

Don't look at me. VOTD used the term ' subhuman' ..I just repeated it. It's called a quotation.

I don't think Americans are subhuman. They are disgusting losers. Big difference.

voice of the damned


Actually, no. I said that you called Americans subhuman, which was a paraphrase of your "vermin". And then you adopted the word as your own to describe half of Americans...

 In reality,being serious,50% of that country is subhuman.



alan smithee alan smithee's picture

voice of the damned wrote:


Actually, no. I said that you called Americans subhuman, which was a paraphrase of your "vermin". And then you adopted the word as your own to describe half of Americans...

 In reality,being serious,50% of that country is subhuman.



YOU not me,implied subhuman. Look up in the dictionary. Vermin means people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society. YOU said subhuman.

And YOU conveniently copied and pasted me echoing YOUR words.

Nice try,mate.


I love my American cousins - enjoy your Thanksgiving family dinner with the people closest to you!

Here’s What Your Part Of America Eats On Thanksgiving



Laura Ingalls Wilder only had one good Thanksgiving in the Little House books


So when Thanksgiving arrives in this book, it’s not just a family affair. It’s a town event, a New England dinner hosted by the church’s Ladies’ Aid Society. It’s a big, bustling celebration, packed with people and food, at once lavish and exciting and overwhelming:

Laura stood stock-still for an instant. Even Pa and Ma almost halted, though they were too grown-up to show surprise. A grown-up person must never let feeling be shown by voice or manner. So Laura only looked, and gently hushed Grace, though she was as excited and overwhelmed as Carrie was.

In the very center of one table a pig was standing, roasted brown, and holding in its mouth a beautiful red apple.

In all their lives, Laura and Carrie had never seen so much food. Those tables were loaded. There were heaped dishes of mashed potatoes and of mashed turnips, and of mashed yellow squash, all dribbling melted butter down their sides from little hollows in their peaks. There were large bowls of dried corn, soaked soft again and cooked with cream. There were plates piled high with golden squares of corn bread and slices of white bread and of brown, nutty-tasting graham bread. There were cucumber pickles and beet pickles and green tomato pickles, and glass bowls on tall glass stems were full of red tomato preserves and wild-chokecherry jelly. On each table was a long, wide, deep pan of chicken pie, with steam rising through the slits in its flaky crust.

Most marvelous of all was the pig. It stood so life-like, propped up by short sticks, above a great pan filled with baked apples. It smelled so good. Better than any smell of any other food was that rich, oily, brown smell of roasted pork, that Laura had not smelled for so long.

Laura, overwhelmed by all the people and all the rich food around her, does not get to dive into that roasted pig herself. Instead, she stays busy washing dishes throughout the entire dinner, like a dutiful and responsible young lady. But try as she might, she can’t stop herself from thinking about that pig. She’s only able to eat at the end of the night, when “a pile of bones lay where the pig had been,” although Laura notes optimistically that “plenty of meat remained on them.”

That onslaught of sensory detail; the immense, lavish display of table after table of food after so many passages full of deprivation and misery; the longing for luxury that is so intense as to feel almost illicit; the ostentatious choice to turn away from physical pleasures to do one’s duty: Those are the conflicting strains that run through all of the Little House books, that grant them their visceral emotional force.

And here, they show us how necessary community is to Thanksgiving. In the Little House books, Christmas happens every year, but Thanksgiving only appears in all its table-groaning glory when the Ingalls family has become part of a town. Thanksgiving means crowds that are both exciting and suffocating; it means piles of food and piles of dirty dishes that have to be cleaned. And most importantly, it means feasting after famine, luxuriating in food after years with almost nothing — even if you’re last in line to eat.


voice of the damned


Sorry, but even if I misunderstood the meaning of "vermin", you didn't originally correct me and say "It doesn't mean subhuman, VOTD".  You endorsed my characterization of your position by calling, in your own voice, 50% of Americans "subhuman".

It's like if someone says "She's really scatterbrained", and someone else thinks that "scatterbrained" means stupid, and says "You shouldn't call her stupid". If the first person replies "Well, she is stupid", he can't dial that back by saying later on by saying that "scatterbrained" actually means "forgetful", not "stupid".  



This is why 'dim bulb" Hillary Clinton lost the election, with a little help from the Russians too of course, isn't it, by using the term deplorables

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

voice of the damned wrote:


Sorry, but even if I misunderstood the meaning of "vermin", you didn't originally correct me and say "It doesn't mean subhuman, VOTD".  You endorsed my characterization of your position by calling, in your own voice, 50% of Americans "subhuman".

It's like if someone says "She's really scatterbrained", and someone else thinks that "scatterbrained" means stupid, and says "You shouldn't call her stupid". If the first person replies "Well, she is stupid", he can't dial that back by saying later on by saying that "scatterbrained" actually means "forgetful", not "stupid".  


Knit picking,VOTD. But you're right. I shouldn't have repeated what you said and stuck with what I said in the first place.

Americans are not subhuman. My mistake. Americans are vermin,pond scum.

At least I'm able to admit my mistakes. Apart from repeating what you said,I have absolutely no regrets of what I initially said.

Let's stop thumping each other over the head with our Webster's.

Mr. Magoo

Of course. 

The usual Democratic support base said "Wait? Wat?  Sure, I find them deplorable too, but not as deplorable as just being straight up and honest about it!!"

Michael Moriarity

Ruben Bolling's Thanksgiving cartoon:


Good cartoon!


A Day Before Thanksgiving, Trump Slams Father of UCLA Basketball Player as “Ungrateful”



alan smithee wrote:

Americans are not subhuman. My mistake. Americans are vermin,pond scum.

At least I'm able to admit my mistakes. Apart from repeating what you said,I have absolutely no regrets of what I initially said.

I'm quite amused by the fact you defend this view by saying Americans lack empathy.

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

cco wrote:
alan smithee wrote:

Americans are not subhuman. My mistake. Americans are vermin,pond scum.

At least I'm able to admit my mistakes. Apart from repeating what you said,I have absolutely no regrets of what I initially said.

I'm quite amused by the fact you defend this view by saying Americans lack empathy.

They don't lack empathy,they are void of empathy. Fat chance I will sit and sing Kumbaya with such heartless and ignorant people.

It may sound contradictory but they do not deserve nor are they worthy of mine.


"I have no empathy for the heartless, ignorant, undifferentiated mass of 323 million people who live south of the border and are undeserving and unworthy of my empathy, because they display none." Got it.


Enjoy the fruits of white racist colonialism Americans!http://humansarefree.com/2016/11/american-thanksgiving-pure.html?m=0




Thanksgiving Prayer: William S Burroughs


alan smithee alan smithee's picture

cco wrote:

"I have no empathy for the heartless, ignorant, undifferentiated mass of 323 million people who live south of the border and are undeserving and unworthy of my empathy, because they display none." Got it.

I'm glad you got it.


Thanksgiving 2017: Native American chefs say their indigenous foods are not a trend to be co-opted

Cooks are rejecting the 'Columbusing' of their foods and refer to America's national holiday as 'Takesgiving'



I've got friends in the US, and they're quite progressive. Horrified by the current state of affairs as any sane person must be. One of the best Thanksgiving's I've ever had was spend with friends in St. Louis. We drove down for the long weekend and the weather was lovely and warm and the leaves were so colourful still that far south. The gluten free meal was fantastic, the company even better. 

Is it wrong to take pleasure in celebrating holidays that glorify gluttony when so much of the world is in need of the basic essentials to live? Maybe, but I don't feel that not celebrating is going to accomplish that magnitude of change, nor do I think shaming people for the way they enjoy the holidays accomplishes anything except increasing, in a small way, the general misery people feel during the holidays.

On another note, dehumanizing a population is wrong, and I don't care what the language used to do so is. Alan S., rarely do I come across someone who is as proud of his anger and bigotry as you are. Thanks for sharing, as per usual.

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

MegB wrote:


On another note, dehumanizing a population is wrong, and I don't care what the language used to do so is. Alan S., rarely do I come across someone who is as proud of his anger and bigotry as you are. Thanks for sharing, as per usual.

I apologize,Meg.

But I don't consider myself bigoted. How am I suppose to respect a country where half the population voted for and view Donald Trump literally as a God?

I'm aware of progressive Ameicans but I believe they are a minority. Even American liberals want ' entitlements' completely cut. I wouldn't call that liberal or progressive. Remember,it was a Democrat (Bill Clinton) that implemented welfare reform.

I  take no delight in ripping apart an entire country but I really feel that country is disgusting and despicable. I also don't say that with glee seeing that I have an American niece and nephew. They are too young to have political opinions. I hope to god they never get sucked into the Limbaugh,hate radio,Fox news bubble. Far too many Americans have been and are way too far gone to hold a shred of hope for.

As I said,Merry X-mas and a Happy Takesgiving.

Sean in Ottawa

I do not think that a people of one country are, or can be that different. However, there is a national character there that I dislike even thoguh I can recognize people who I have known from that country as warm and giving.

This character is marked by a bad combination of selfish individualism to the denial of any social responsibility or public good and a level of ignorance about the world even as they desire to project more power into it.

Unfortunately, this characteristic is all-to-often visible in individuals as well as governments, business and public policy.

That said there are people in that country who hold values such as mine that include these social values and public goods. I appreciate them especially since they are product of a culture that discrouages this. I want to be careful expressing sweeping statements about the US people becuase I know it will include those who despite the propaganda and cultrue they are brought up in, have managed to not agree with it and many are working to change that. I think we should appreciate them.

As for the holiday, I appreciate the value of a day off as the days are getting shorter and any excuse for people to get together. Now if the tradition could be to do something for someone you don't know with your day off and celebration it could have a greater meaning of thanksgiving since many people you do not know have contributed to all that you could feel thankful about.

For the US as a people I wish them knowledge. Lots more knowledge about the rest of the world, about themselves, about science and the predicament the world is in, about the cultures and history of the places they meddle in, the knowledge to know when they are overstepping.  That would be something we all could give thanks for.

And for Canada and Canadians -- all the same.

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

Sean in Ottawa wrote:

I do not think that a people of one country are, or can be that different. However, there is a national character there that I dislike even thoguh I can recognize people who I have known from that country as warm and giving.

This character is marked by a bad combination of selfish individualism to the denial of any social responsibility or public good and a level of ignorance about the world even as they desire to project more power into it.

Unfortunately, this characteristic is all-to-often visible in individuals as well as governments, business and public policy.

That said there are people in that country who hold values such as mine that include these social values and public goods. I appreciate them especially since they are product of a culture that discrouages this. I want to be careful expressing sweeping statements about the US people becuase I know it will include those who despite the propaganda and cultrue they are brought up in, have managed to not agree with it and many are working to change that. I think we should appreciate them.

As for the holiday, I appreciate the value of a day off as the days are getting shorter and any excuse for people to get together. Now if the tradition could be to do something for someone you don't know with your day off and celebration it could have a greater meaning of thanksgiving since many people you do not know have contributed to all that you could feel thankful about.

For the US as a people I wish them knowledge. Lots more knowledge about the rest of the world, about themselves, about science and the predicament the world is in, about the cultures and history of the places they meddle in, the knowledge to know when they are overstepping.  That would be something we all could give thanks for.

And for Canada and Canadians -- all the same.

That was really well said,Sean. I wish for the same thing. I think Americans are the most ill informed people on the planet. I would also wish they abandon this 'American exceptionalism' and belief of being the master race.

I despise American values. I despise their ignorance. I despise their absolute void of empathy. I despise their attitudes of the poor. I despise their idea of 'democracy' and 'freedom'

Stupidity has a certain charm. Ignorance doesn't. I think that country would be respected and celebrated if their populace became as informed as the rest of Western civilization.

That would be difficult,however,because there are so many rubes and idiots in that country. America is the only country on the planet that could be talked out of health care. Who'd continue voting Republican even though they are blatantly and openly against the American people. Sort of like Lucy taking the ball away at the last second as Charlie Brown goes to kick it. They are so dumb that they do it over and over again.

They don't know the difference between socialism and communism (everyone is a communist in their bitter minds ). They don't even know the difference between Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act (they are the same damn thing)

One of the most disgusting things I've seeen in America in the recent past (apart from the fucking asshole,full on moron they elected) was when there was a demonstration against Obamacare and someone in a wheel chair suffering from some disease showed up to counter protest and he was accosted as protesters threw money at him while calling him a parasite. Sickening. And I'm not even going to mention the Trump ralleys and the morons who showed up to cheer and chant. I'll even refrain from commenting about how many Americans view Trump as a GOD...literally. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that.

I'd also wish that that country become secular and be cured by their hyper religious zealots. 'Christians' that make me look like an honest to goodness Christian and I'm an atheist. They worship Hitler Jesus,ignoring the new testamemt starring Hippie Jesus. I hate that these religious fascists have took over their political system from the courts to the Senate to Congress. I hate how they now worship a con man,a carnival barker and a fraud over their precious Jesus yet still consider themselves militant Christians.

That country is sick. Very ill. The population needs Seroquel desperately. And that country will never change until the mentally ill majority ,uh I mean 'moral majority' , get help. Instead of investing almost 60% of their discretionary spending on the military,it should be spent on mental health.

They're not crazy. They are sick.And not too bright. And easily manipulated.

Let's not forget this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTChUwi87rs

And this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzJYXPI1hng

I agree with you. I wish them knowledge. I wish for them to wake the fuck up.



alan smithee wrote:

Americans are not my brothers and sisters,even though I literally have a brother living there. 90% of them are disgusting,vile vermin that can drop dead and rot for all I care.

Merry X-Mas.

Really?  Well I hope I'm among the 10%.

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

josh wrote:

alan smithee wrote:

Americans are not my brothers and sisters,even though I literally have a brother living there. 90% of them are disgusting,vile vermin that can drop dead and rot for all I care.

Merry X-Mas.

Really?  Well I hope I'm among the 10%.

You're a little late to the party josh. That was corrected in post #7

Have a nice day.

Sean in Ottawa

alan smithee wrote:

Sean in Ottawa wrote:

I do not think that a people of one country are, or can be that different. However, there is a national character there that I dislike even thoguh I can recognize people who I have known from that country as warm and giving.

This character is marked by a bad combination of selfish individualism to the denial of any social responsibility or public good and a level of ignorance about the world even as they desire to project more power into it.

Unfortunately, this characteristic is all-to-often visible in individuals as well as governments, business and public policy.

That said there are people in that country who hold values such as mine that include these social values and public goods. I appreciate them especially since they are product of a culture that discrouages this. I want to be careful expressing sweeping statements about the US people becuase I know it will include those who despite the propaganda and cultrue they are brought up in, have managed to not agree with it and many are working to change that. I think we should appreciate them.

As for the holiday, I appreciate the value of a day off as the days are getting shorter and any excuse for people to get together. Now if the tradition could be to do something for someone you don't know with your day off and celebration it could have a greater meaning of thanksgiving since many people you do not know have contributed to all that you could feel thankful about.

For the US as a people I wish them knowledge. Lots more knowledge about the rest of the world, about themselves, about science and the predicament the world is in, about the cultures and history of the places they meddle in, the knowledge to know when they are overstepping.  That would be something we all could give thanks for.

And for Canada and Canadians -- all the same.

That was really well said,Sean. I wish for the same thing. I think Americans are the most ill informed people on the planet. I would also wish they abandon this 'American exceptionalism' and belief of being the master race.

I despise American values. I despise their ignorance. I despise their absolute void of empathy. I despise their attitudes of the poor. I despise their idea of 'democracy' and 'freedom'

Stupidity has a certain charm. Ignorance doesn't. I think that country would be respected and celebrated if their populace became as informed as the rest of Western civilization.

That would be difficult,however,because there are so many rubes and idiots in that country. America is the only country on the planet that could be talked out of health care. Who'd continue voting Republican even though they are blatantly and openly against the American people. Sort of like Lucy taking the ball away at the last second as Charlie Brown goes to kick it. They are so dumb that they do it over and over again.

They don't know the difference between socialism and communism (everyone is a communist in their bitter minds ). They don't even know the difference between Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act (they are the same damn thing)

One of the most disgusting things I've seeen in America in the recent past (apart from the fucking asshole,full on moron they elected) was when there was a demonstration against Obamacare and someone in a wheel chair suffering from some disease showed up to counter protest and he was accosted as protesters threw money at him while calling him a parasite. Sickening. And I'm not even going to mention the Trump ralleys and the morons who showed up to cheer and chant. I'll even refrain from commenting about how many Americans view Trump as a GOD...literally. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that.

I'd also wish that that country become secular and be cured by their hyper religious zealots. 'Christians' that make me look like an honest to goodness Christian and I'm an atheist. They worship Hitler Jesus,ignoring the new testamemt starring Hippie Jesus. I hate that these religious fascists have took over their political system from the courts to the Senate to Congress. I hate how they now worship a con man,a carnival barker and a fraud over their precious Jesus yet still consider themselves militant Christians.

That country is sick. Very ill. The population needs Seroquel desperately. And that country will never change until the mentally ill majority ,uh I mean 'moral majority' , get help. Instead of investing almost 60% of their discretionary spending on the military,it should be spent on mental health.

They're not crazy. They are sick.And not too bright. And easily manipulated.

Let's not forget this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTChUwi87rs

And this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzJYXPI1hng

I agree with you. I wish them knowledge. I wish for them to wake the fuck up.


I agree with all of this. However, I would not dismiss the significant minority that is not like this. That minority is probably triple the population of Canada or more so it is a big thing to wash them all with the same statement.

The United States is not the great democracy that they think nd want to think they are. This minority has little political power. And no, I am not letting the Democrats away with this either.

The US is a big country. No matter where you draw a line say in terms of right to left -- there will be more left of that line in the US than in Canadain numerical terms -- even if the percentage may be smaller in the US.

By the way your links were very interesting -- the same guy has a video on net neutrality as well that connects back to the same issues.

Bec.De.Corbin Bec.De.Corbin's picture

Happy turkey day you turkeys you... ;-)

Ken Burch

As the house Yank, thanks for that.  And here's something in recognition of what was stolen by the Pilgrims and their descendants(btw...my brother-in-law was a high school history teacher in the Seventies, and came close to being fired after playing this recording for his students-I've always admired the guy for taking such a risk) . https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=wjNqlhPFc4Y


Methinks the Canucklheads doth protest too much. Those on either side of the 49th are surprisingly similar. Especially their gullibility and self-delusion as to their supposedly elevated state.