Stop the IDF Recruiting in Canada!

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Stop the IDF Recruiting in Canada!

IDF Recruiting in Toronto Oct 22-24, 2018

"A representative of Israel's terrorist military, the IDF, is coming to Toronto to recruit Canadians for military service in the murderous apartheid regime..."

Tell Apartheid Israel's IDF to go fuck itself!

[email protected]

Mr. Magoo

An IDF representative will conduct personal interviews at the Consulate General of Israel in Toronto from Oct. 22 - 24, 2018.  Young people who wish to enlist in the IDF or persons who have not fulfilled their obligations in accordance with the Israeli Defense Service Law are invited to meet with him.

Wow.  That's quite the press gang there.  How will the young and impressionable resist such a siren's call?

I suppose we could make it illegal for a Canadian who does not have dual Canadian/Israeli citizenship to join the IDF.  But since we can't even seem to stop Canadians from joining ISIS/ISIL, I don't hold out much hope.


Any objections to ditching the IDF acronym for the more accurate IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces) one?

Mr. Magoo

Kind of.  Not because I want to support them, or give them comfort and succour.

But they identify as the IDF.  If we go down the road of substituting what we feel to be more "accurate" names for organizations then we'll be talking about the "Fiberals" (or "Lieberals" or "Libranos") soon enough, because on what grounds would we not?

I'm not even suggesting that they're really about "Defense" rather than "Occupation", but I don't think we really need to open this can of worms, particularly when the change of name is really just some editorializing (even if it's right).

But if we do go down that road, might I insist we refer to an estate tax as the more accurate "death tax"?  See what I mean?

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Changing defence to occupation is accurate and not a whim. If Japan decides to abandon their constitutional commitment to never be an aggressor in war, their defence moniker for their military should also change.

Mr. Magoo

If Japan decides to abandon their constitutional commitment to never be an aggressor in war, their defence moniker for their military should also change.

And if a second tax on my earnings only kicks in after I croak, it should be called a death tax.

I totally get that language is important, and frames how we see things, but this isn't a case of us changing the term we chose for something else, it would be us changing the term someone else chose to describe themself. 

It's been pointed out that the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is neither democratic, nor of the people, nor a Republic.  Can we just call them the "k00Ky Dictator Dictatorship of That Other Korea" because that's more accurate, or should we respect their choice of what to call themself?



Just call it IDF, no matter how much of a lie it is - avoids confusion. No one will think we've gone soft on the occupation.



Unionist wrote:

Just call it IDF, no matter how much of a lie it is - avoids confusion. No one will think we've gone soft on the occupation.

I think Unionist is correct. 


Unionist wrote:

Just call it IDF, no matter how much of a lie it is - avoids confusion. No one will think we've gone soft on the occupation.


I was wondering why it's so problematic for the International Osteoporosis Foundation to be recruiting in Canada!


Never mind quibbles over nomenclature lest you forget the reason these monsters are hiring here. Because they can. Concern yourselves instead with making sure they can't.

Mr. Magoo

Never mind quibbles over nomenclature lest you forget the reason these monsters are hiring here. Because they can.

If they can, can others as well?

Have you anything to say about those others, or is this a special case?

If some gullible Canadian kid wanted to join the Russian military, would you see an attempt to prevent that as a good thing, or as just one more example of "Russophobia"?


If a Canadian wishes to join any foreign military they should be permitted to do so. However, that should entail the end of their Canadian citizenship.

Mr. Magoo

OK.  If nothing else, we don't need to waste our time and resources on some idiot that chooses to serve ISIS/ISIL.

See ya... wouldn't want to be ya!

I know that neither of us can tell the U.S. what to do in similar circumstances, but would you (at least in principle) agree it's high time the U.S. pushed Steven Seagal off the plank for making it his life's crowning achievement to suck up to Russia/Vlad hard enough to get citizenship there, for Gord knows what reason?


The Association For the Soldiers of Israel - Canada

"The Association for the Soldiers of Israel (ASI) is the only non-profit organization in Canada that supports Israeli soldiers on active duty."

Same address as the JDL. Figures. Canada is so fucking gross and in such denial about just how much!


IDF Recruiting Kid-Killers in Toronto Next Week

"Next week, one of the world's most heavily armed terrorist organizations will be recruiting terrorists in Toronto, Canada. If Justin Trudeau's government [or citizenry] were truly committed to 'standing up for human rights' it would never permit this travesty to occur on Canadian soil."


It's hyperbole such as this that gives some elements of the Left a bad name. Whether you like the IDF or not, they are the defense force of a sovereign nation.

Martin N.

According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, the Arab population in 2013 was estimated at 1,658,000, representing 21% of the country's population. The majority of these identify themselves as Arab or Palestinian by nationality and Israeli by citizenship.

If 21% of Israeli citizens are Arab, what is stopping a peace plan other than the Arab call for the death of all Israelis?


Hey Martin, I knew you'd fit right in here. Wrong thread. Try the Israel thread instead. Just posted the short answer to your question. 


Just imagine: 'South African Apartheid Regime Recruiting Canadians For SADF' Mon, Tues ..

Yet, 'Supporting Israel Reflects Our Canadian Values'??

"Two days after  [Zionists] Michael Levitt MP and A Housefather P wrote in CJN that supporting Israel is 'reflective of Canadian values' Btselem's Hagai El Ad told the UN that Israel's policies in occupied territory 'are reminiscent of South Africa's grand apartheid."

'Good People Don't Knowingly Support Ethnic Cleansing'

"Somebody once told me that we need good people in office even if they kowtow to Israel. There's a problem with the logic however: good people don't knowingly support ethnic cleansing."

They do in Canada...

Real Hate Taught Inside Toronto School Not Scrawled Outside

"A 2012 CJN article titled 'Leo Baeck Adopts More Israel-Centric Curriculum' quoted the head of the school saying 'one of the reasons people choose our school is a commitment to the State of Israel. The school promotes the Israeli military..."


Hey Canucklheads this could be YOU!

This is what Zionization looks like. Your country permits Israel to recruit its soldiers here. Canada, your denial is limitless...


Hey Canada, this could be YOU!

"A Palestinian child has been reportedly critically injured by an Israeli gunshot in the head on Gaza's eastern borders."

Would you too like the chance to shoot Palestinian children? Well, thanks to Israel Foreign Affairs and the servile, friendly folks at Zionized Canada, your dream could become a reality. But better hurry, only one day left to apply!

 See IDF Toronto  @ #1

Mr. Magoo

Would you too like the chance to shoot Palestinian children? Well, thanks to Israel Foreign Affairs and the servile, friendly folks at Zionized Canada, your dream could become a reality. But better hurry, only one day left to apply!

For anyone thinking about joining the IDF on a whim, for the lulz, do note:

1.  you need to be Jewish, or convert to Judaism

2.  you need to emigrate to Israel and live there before joining

3.  you need to speak Hebrew

So I think it's mostly going to be Israelis living in Canada -- who have to serve anyway -- getting caught up by this dragnet.  They're not standing on street corners shouting "Who wants an exciting new career?  We're hiring!!".


It is a disgusting and outrageous practice and shouldn't be permitted. Any one participating should immediately be stripped of Canadian citizenship. 


Ahed Tamimi: 'Everyone Should Slap IDF Soldiers'

"Everyone should do it, not just me. They have captured our land, they shoot small children and point their weapons at homes and people..."