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epaulo13 be clear this is what prefaced the list:

The following list of demands has been circulating among French social media users in recent days. We do not know its exact origins or author(s), but it seems to have first appeared here on December 5th. You'll have to click on the image to enlarge it if you want to read it in French. We've translated it into English (in summary, not word-for-word) below...

The ‘gilets jaunes’: ‘A reaction to the explosion of inequalities between the super-rich and the middle classes’

For the philosopher Chantal Mouffe, whose ideas inspired La France Insoumise [France Unbowed], Macron embodies the supreme stage of neoliberal post-politics: which is why opposition is possible only on the streets. A professor at the University of Westminster in London, the Belgian philosopher has theorized ‘left-wing populism’, a key concept for understanding the evolution of the radical left. She advocates a conflictual vision of democracy.

Is the gilets jaunes movement a populism?

We are clearly in a populist situation. By populist, I mean the establishment of a political dividing line between ‘those below’, ‘we’, the people, and ‘those above’, the ‘caste’. This construction of a new divide is the result of the emergence of a whole series of resistances to thirty years of neoliberal hegemony that have established a post-democracy. This post-democracy era is characterized by a crisis of political representation and a crisis of the neoliberal economic system. Above all, citizens feel that they have no real choice between the political options on offer, they no longer see a difference between centre-right and centre-left. And they wonder why they should go and vote. This is a fundamental movement common to all of Western Europe. It is what I call the ‘illusion of consensus’: people feel forgotten, they want to be listened to. One of the slogans of the indignados in Spain was: ‘We have a vote, but we have no voice.’ It is a reaction to the ‘oligarchization’ of society, characterized by the explosion of economic inequalities between a group of super-rich and the middle class.

Why do the gilets jaunes focus on Macron?

This movement cannot have a long-term solution without a profound transformation. However, Emmanuel Macron’s aim is to strengthen the neoliberal policies that have led to the current protest. He believes France’s problem is that it has not gone far enough in these reforms, particularly in reducing the welfare state in line with Tony Blair’s ‘third way’ policy in England. Macron is the supreme stage of this post-politics. Not only was his election a bad business. In addition, he managed to neutralize the National Assembly by winning an overwhelming majority of deputies, making the work of its members obsolete. In fact, the government’s policy can only now be opposed in the street.

What kind of political movement might the gilets jaunes lead on to?

This anti-political form can be articulated in the direction of a right-wing populism or a left-wing populism. I would like to believe that the current turn of events opens up prospects for a left-wing populist political movement. The fact that anti-racist collectives such as the Adama and Rosa Parks committees[1] mingled with demonstrators arriving in Paris from the provinces last Saturday is a step in this direction. It shows that there is already a junction between the rural France that initiated the movement, and the working-class districts. They understood that they had common interests. The whole question is how these claims will be articulated.

What is missing for these first signs of revolt to materialize politically?

This is the whole idea of François Ruffin, who wants to ally the intellectual petty bourgeoisie – in a nutshell, the people of Nuit debout[2] – with the gilets jaunes. If these two components fail to join together with feminist, anti-racist and working-class demands, the possibilities of politically building a left-wing people will be very limited.....


Can the Yellow Vests Speak?

One of France’s most brilliant young novelists, Édouard Louis’s work emphasizes the daily humiliations and petty brutality of life in small-town France. A critic of the Emmanuel Macron’s government, he has been a vocal supporter of the “gilets jaunes” or “yellow vests” protests which have swept across the country in recent weeks, sparked by a row over rising fuel prices. In particular, the writer has combatted media attempts to smear the participants as “country bumpkins” or stupid opponents of progress. In this text, originally published on Les Inrockuptibles, Louis proclaims that “those who insult the gilets jaunes are insulting people like my father.”

For some days now, I’ve been trying to write a text on and for the gilets jaunes, but I can’t do it. Something in the extreme violence and class contempt that is battering down on this movement leaves me paralyzed. For in a certain sense I feel that I personally am being targeted.

It’s hard for me to describe the shock I felt when I saw the first images of the gilets jaunes. In the photos accompanying the articles I saw bodies who almost never appear in the public and media space — suffering bodies ravaged by work, by fatigue, by hunger, by the permanent humiliation of the dominated by the dominant, by social and geographical exclusion. I saw tired bodies and tired hands, broken backs and exhausted faces.

The reason I was so overwhelmed was, of course, my loathing of the violence of the social world and of inequality. But also, and perhaps especially, it was because the bodies that I saw in the photos looked like my father’s, my brother’s, my aunts’ . . . They looked like the bodies of my family, the inhabitants of the village where I lived as a child, of these people whose health is devastated by poverty and misery. Of those people who — rightly — constantly repeated, day after day throughout my childhood, “We count for nothing, no one talks about us.” Hence the reason why I felt personally targeted by the contempt and the violence of the bourgeoisie, which immediately came down on this movement. For me, as me, anyone who insulted a gilet jaune was insulting my father.

Right from the start of this movement we have seen “experts” and “politicians” in the media belittling, condemning, and mocking the gilets jaunes and the revolt that they embody. I saw the words “barbarians,” “idiots,” “yokels,” “irresponsible” spread across social networks. The media spoke of the gilets jaunes’ “grunting”: for them, the popular classes do not revolt, but instead grunt like farm animals. I heard of the “violence of this movement” when a car was torched or a window was smashed or a statue was tarnished.

A common example, this, of the differential perception of violence: a large part of the media-political world wanted us to believe that violence is not the thousands of lives destroyed and reduced to misery by politics, but a few burnt-out cars. You must really never have experienced poverty, if you think that graffiti on a historic monument is worse than the impossibility of being able to take care of yourself, of living, of feeding yourself or your family.

The gilets jaunes speak of hunger, of precarity, of life and death. The “politicians” and part of the journalists reply: “the symbols of our Republic have been tarnished.” But what are these people talking about? How dare they? What planet are they from? The media also talk about racism and homophobia among the gilets jaunes. Who are they kidding? I do not want to talk about my books, here. But it is interesting to note that whenever I have published a novel I have been accused of stigmatizing poor and rural France precisely because I mentioned the homophobia and racism that existed in the village where I lived as a child. Journalists who had never done anything for the popular classes were enraged, and suddenly set themselves up to play the defenders of these same classes.

For the dominant, the popular classes are the perfect representation of what Pierre Bourdieu calls a class-object; an object that can be manipulated by discourse, one day represented as the salt of the earth — the authentic poor — and the next day as racists and homophobes. In both cases, the underlying intention is the same: to prevent the popular classes’ speech, about themselves, from ever coming to the surface. Too bad if you have to contradict yourself from one day to the next, so long as they keep quiet.

Of course, there have been homophobic and racist comments and acts among the gilets jaunes. But since when have these media and “politicians” been so concerned about racism and homophobia? What have they done to combat racism? Have they used their power to speak out about Adama Traoré [a twenty-four-year-old black man who died in police custody] and the committee for Adama? To speak out about the police violence that strikes blacks and Arabs in France every day? And wasn’t it they who gave [anti-LGBT activist] Frigide Barjot and countless priests a platform at the very moment of mariage pour tous [the campaign for equal same-sex marriage rights] and, in so doing, permitted and normalized homophobia on the TV?

When the ruling classes and certain media talk about homophobia and racism in the gilets jaunes movement, they are not really talking about homophobia and racism. They are saying “Poor people, shut up!” In any case, the gilets jaunes movement is still a work in progress, and its language is not yet fixed in place: if there does exist homophobia or racism among the gilets jaunes, our responsibility is to transform this language.....

voice of the damned

And wasn’t it they who gave [anti-LGBT activist] Frigide Barjot and countless priests a platform at the very moment of mariage pour tous [the campaign for equal same-sex marriage rights] and, in so doing, permitted and normalized homophobia on the TV?

Did they give her that platform in order to show agreement with what she was saying, OR because she was talking about an issue that was up for debate in the French legislature?  

I don't think Canadian progressives should support Maxime Bernier's political party(whatever it's called). And I think it's possible for members of the chattering-classes to condemn his party, without having to endure accusations of hypocrisy because the media occassionally interviews Bernier and his followers.  


..when the media talks about war is it because there is a debate going on or do they want to guide the conversation?


cco wrote:
I haven't seen something that incoherent in quite some time (assuming it's authentic, which is a big assumption). Guarantee much lower taxes on the rich! Significantly increase spending! Eliminate debt! Stop privatization while getting the state out of education and health care! Scrupulously respect our international commitments while getting out of all EU treaties and making sure we don't accept one more goddamn refugee! My personal favourite is II (8), banning influence groups and preventing anyone with any criminal record from being involved in politics at any level. "Listen to us! We demand you never listen to anyone else again!" Are we positive Macron's government didn't whip this up as anti-protester propaganda?

I can't read French so I read the English version. Didn't get the exact same impression as you're implying. There's actually some very good points in there! Some not as well thought through.

voice of the damned

epaulo13 wrote:

..when the media talks about war is it because there is a debate going on or do they want to guide the conversation?

What do you mean "talks about war"? If you mean something like an anchorman gives a news editorial saying we should go to war, obviously he's trying to guide the conversation. If reporters talk to pro and anti-war MPs in the foyer of the Commons after a debate on war has been held, they're possibly just extrapolating on what was already discussed in parliament.

And of course there are innumerable points in between those two poles(eg. you can report on the war in such a way that slants opinions one way or another). But I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that reporting on what an anti-gay politician said about same-sex marriage is comparable to the politician making such statements in the first place.

If it's morally wrong for the media to report that a right-wing politician said offensive stuff, how is the left supposed to bring their criticism of such politicians to public attention? In order to criticize Jason Kenny for saying something, the public has to know what he said.

epaulo13's not a stretch if you guide towards conflict because conflict sells. or the position of the media owner. both reporting this and war for the media is self interest. but to suggest that it was altruistic is the stretch regarding media in this day and age. look at what the author of the piece is saying about the coverage of the uprising.

..more from the #303 piece.


There are different ways of saying “I am suffering.” And a social movement is precisely the moment where the possibility opens up that the suffering will no longer say “I am suffering because of immigration and my neighbor who’s on benefits,” but will instead say “I am suffering because of those who rule. I am suffering because of the class system, because of Emmanuel Macron and [prime minister] Édouard Philippe.” The social movement is a moment in which language is subverted, a moment in which the old languages can be destabilized. That is what is happening today. Indeed, over recent days we have seen a reformulation of the gilets jaunes’ vocabulary. At the outset, we only heard talk of petrol and sometimes unpleasant references to “benefits recipients.” Now we hear words like inequality, wage rises, injustice.

This movement must continue, for it embodies something right, urgent, and profoundly radical, because faces and voices that are usually reduced to invisibility are finally visible and audible. The fight will not be easy: as we can see, the gilets jaunes represent a sort of Rorschach test for a large part of the bourgeoisie. The gilets jaunes force them to express their class contempt and the violence that they usually only express in an indirect way. That is, the same contempt that has destroyed so many lives around me, and which continues do so, and ever more so; this contempt that reduces me to silence and paralyzes me, even to the point that I can’t write the text I wanted, to express what I wanted to express.

voice of the damned

epaulo wrote:

to suggest that it was altruistic is the stretch

I don't think I ever said media coverage of war, or homophobia, or anything else, was altrusitic. Just that giving coverage to someone who is expressing a bad idea is not the same thing as being the person who expresses the bad idea.

The writer tried to make it out that the French media was "normalizing" homophobia by interviewing people like Barjot and the anti-gay priests. But that probably overstates how "abnormal" homophbia was in France to begin with. The mere fact that the law had to be reformed to allow same-sex couples to wed should indicate that anti-gay ideologies have long held sway in France.


The writer tried to make it out that the French media was "normalizing" homophobia by interviewing people like Barjot and the anti-gay priests. But that probably overstates how "abnormal" homophbia was in France to begin with. he is the one living in france maybe he's not overstating it.


Macron Gives Public Speech Amid 'Yellow Vests' Crisis in France (and vid)

"French president Emmanuel Macron is delivering a speech on Monday raising the issue of the yellow vest protests that have been shaking France recently."

Macron's 'crisis response' proposes concessions, minimum wage increases, social support improvements etc. The lesson surely is that in dealing with governments by and for the rich, more stick less carrot is the preferred approach. Canucklheads take note.


CrossTalk Bullhorns: Time to Go?

"The 'Yellow Vests' shake France to her core, is it time for Macron to go?"


Economist Richard Wolff Explains France's 'Yellow Vest' Movement

Mr. Magoo

My personal favourite is II (8), banning influence groups and preventing anyone with any criminal record from being involved in politics at any level.

I'm personally smirking at "Frexit".  It would be amusing if Macron had said "well, I can't fix all of your grievances at once, but this one I can do... and already did!  I sent the Article 50 letter this morning!  I hope you all thought this through..."

Seriously, though.  Demanding "Frexit" is like watching your neighbour break his neck on his backyard trampoline, then running straight to Canadian Tire to buy a backyard trampoline.

I think they might be heading toward an "Occupy" endgame.


Solidarity with the people of France!

The South African Federation of Trade Unions salutes the workers of France who have been protesting in their hundreds of thousands against President Emmanuel Macron’s ‘government of the rich’.

There have been anti-government protests at more than 2,000 different locations since the movement broke out in early December.  Protesters have faced water cannon, police batons and tear gas. In response they have erected barricades, hurled paving stones at the notorious riot police, and demonstrated on the steps of the Paris stock exchange.

SAFTU congratulates the protesters on having already forced the government to make important concessions. Having already agreed to postpone the implementation of an increase in the tax on diesel fuel – the issue which sparked off the protest – Macron has now announced an increase in the national minimum wage of around R1 635 per month, to take it up to around R24 491per month.

But the ‘gilets jaunes’ (yellow jackets) are still determined to keep up the fight for more fundamental changes in the distribution of wealth. And the leadership of the main trade union federation – the CGT – has announced a national day of action on 14 December to demonstrate against austerity and unemployment.

South African workers will notice the similarities with the issues which have sparked similar anger here – the fuel levy increase and the poverty minimum wage.  (Note however that the French NMW is seven times bigger than Ramaphosa’s pitiful figure!).

In both countries it is not just these specific issues that has made people so angry but a more general protest against high taxes, the rising cost of living, unemployment, poverty and a feeling that the country’s leaders are elitist, arrogant and out of touch.....


I feel Canada's leaders are also 'elitest, arrogant and out of touch'  and eagerly await, at the earliest opportunity, the chance to don my own yellow vest if and when the time comes for the people to similarly rise here. Let it be soon.


It seems to me that the proper English Canadian translation is the Visi-Vest movement. When I lived in Burnaby and went to protests I used to wear one as a volunteer parade marshal. What I love is the reason that everyone has one is because every French vehicle has to have one as an emergency safety measure.

The French have a history of rising up when their rulers get too greedy. We used to have massive peace marches across this country and massive protests against the global oligarchy when they came to visit.  Quebec still has people in the streets over the last few years in a series of inspiring movements. From afar it seems to me that if only the stupid NDP had let their Quebec MP's bang pots with everyone else who shared their views the last election would have been very different.


I think you mean that everyone who has a car has one, which in France is a major urban/rural divide.  In urban areas, and not just Paris, a great many working-class and middle-class people (and other class permutations such as highly-educated but precarious workers) do just fine as the public transport in major centres is so good.


I feel Canada's leaders are also 'elitest, arrogant and out of touch'  and eagerly await, at the earliest opportunity, the chance to don my own yellow vest if and when the time comes for the people to similarly rise here. Let it be soon....

O I wish it was just our leadership...the oligarchs and their corrupt governments......It spreads throughout the system, through our management bureaucracies and their bought and paid for elite working class, tied to the bottom to turn things around is a challenge...thankfully 'let it be soon' has arrived what with our failing financial system...but as we are not organized in opposition, to face the consequences of total economic breakdown, I fear the worst!
I await some one, some movement, some event in Canada to address the matter at hand at the core of the problem!


“The Gilets Jaunes have blown up the old political categories”


Confronted with a change of tactics by riot police, who now found themselves backed by dozens of armored vehicles and water cannon, the gilets jaunes did not manage to overwhelm security forces as they had during the previous two weekends, when some of the wealthiest neighborhoods of the capital were smashed up in scenes of generalized disorder not witnessed in central Paris since May ’68. Nevertheless, even the mobilization of 89,000 riot police and the arrest of over 1,700 protesters across the nation could not withhold the yellow vests from once again descending upon the main avenues leading up to the Champs Élysées for “Act IV” of their mass rebellion. A police spokesperson noted that, due to the more dispersed nature of the riots, the overall damage from property destruction was much greater and much more widespread than in previous weeks. A number of other French cities also witnessed violent clashes, including Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lyon, Dijon, Nantes and Marseille.


Elsewhere in the country, hundreds of roads, roundabouts and toll stations as well as a number of supermarket distribution centers and eleven Total fuel refineries were blocked by yellow vest protesters, while the port of St Nazaire continues to be occupied as well. Fearing a complete loss of control, some government officials have begun to openly call for a state of emergency and the mobilization of the army to quell the popular revolt — or at least to assist over-stretched police forces in the capital. Authorities on Île de la Réunion, a French dependency in the Indian Ocean with a population of around 865,000, recently declared a curfew after protesters there overran local security forces and blocked access to the main port, the airport and the island prefecture.


In recent days, the political crisis has been aggravated by what appears to be a veritable convergence of social struggles. On December 1, ambulance drivers joined the fray, demonstrating in front of the presidential palace with screaming sirens. On Monday, December 3, French students radicalized their ongoing struggle by blocking access to over 200 high schools; the following Thursday an estimated 100,000 of them participated in a nationwide walkout against Macron’s changes to university admission procedures and a rise in administrative fees. Shocking footage of several dozen students being placed in stress positions by riot police for an extended period of time soon went viral and served to further inflame the tensions and anti-police sentiment among the gilets jaunes. Then, last Saturday, thousands of environmentalists at a pre-scheduled climate demonstration in Paris donned yellow vests in solidarity. Meanwhile, the main unions for French farmers, truck drivers and public transport workers have all announced their intention to go on strike.

Further compounding the government’s paralysis in the face of these developments is the widespread support the protesters have received from the public. Polls indicate that over two-thirds of respondents approve of the gilets jaunes, presenting a stark contrast to the abysmal 18 percent approval rate for Macron. Interestingly, despite the concerted campaign of disinformation waged by the government and establishment media, which have consistently sought to drive a wedge between the “real” gilets jaunes and an “extremist fringe” of left-wing and right-wing casseurs, or “hooligans”, the protesters themselves have so far largely refused to be divided along these lines, displaying a relatively high tolerance of targeted property destruction and physical confrontations with the police, providing more militant elements with significant room for maneuver. When several banks were smashed and a number of luxury cars went up in flames on Saturday, the crowd could be heard roaring in approval — and subsequently cheered on firefighters as they put out the flames.


On Monday, the unreconstructed soixante-huitard class traitor Daniel Cohn-Bendit decided to chime in as well, condemning the gilets jaunes — true to style as a classical Bourbon reactionary — for their “extreme” and “frightening” violence, while saying nothing of the notorious brutality of the French riot police. Some of the most horrific injuries inflicted by the CRS and the BAC on Saturday included a young woman in Paris who lost an eyeball after being shot in the head with a rubber bullet, and a man in Nantes who lost a hand after he accidentally picked up a stun grenade thinking it was a teargas canister. The gilets jaunes, of course, have yet to deploy armored vehicles, fire any weapons or dismember a policeman. Their “violence”, as Pamela Anderson — of all people! — has so cogently argued, has been almost entirely symbolic.


The reality of the matter is that it is not the movement itself, but the neoliberal restructuring of French society that has given birth to a monster — the monster of a resurgent nationalist far-right. It should not come as a surprise, then, that the gilet jaune phenomenon started out on the wrong foot, as an anti-tax protest initiated by a number of people with known anti-immigrant views and prior association with far-right groups. In the first weeks of the roadblocks, the media widely reported a number of disturbing incidents of racist, sexist and homophobic abuse, especially in some of the more peripheral areas of France. It is also undeniable that several ultra-nationalist, monarchist, fascist and neo-Nazi elements have actively participated in the clashes in Paris in recent weeks.

Nevertheless, despite this problematic start and the continued reference to symbols of national unity like the tricolor and the Marseillaise, the yellow vest uprising quickly overflowed the capacity of far-right elements or Le Pen’s Rassemblement National to claim the movement as their own. As the protests spread like a wildfire and spilled over into a generalized popular insurrection against the child-king Macron and his neoliberal stooges, hundreds of thousands of self-declared “apolitical” citizens — most of them first-time protesters with no prior street fighting experience — were drawn into the roadblocks and mass demonstrations. As a result, the social composition and ideological orientation of the movement has become increasingly diverse with every passing act of the revolt, opening up to a greatly expanded constituency between the relatively conservative Act I and the near-insurrectionary Acts III and IV.


Unions call strike as protests continue across France

The strikes come in the wake of the Gilets Jaunes protests, and President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement of four key changes in response to protesters’ grievances.

For today (Friday December 14) and Tuesday December 18, unions called for strikes across several industries, including air traffic control, transport, and education. The call read: “We must act for an immediate increase in salaries, pensions and social protection.”

The unions the FSU, Solidaires, SUD and UNEF have also joined the movement.

The CGT has criticised President Macron’s measures to appease the Gilets Jaunes, calling this week’s speech “smoke and mirrors” that will change nothing when it comes to “austerity”.

Strikers are demanding an increase of the Smic (minimum wage) to €1,800 gross, in contrast to Mr Macron’s announcement of a faster increase in the prime d’activités for people on low incomes.

The union has also said it is aiming to channel the grievances of the Gilets Jaunes into its new action, “so that this anger transforms into a consequential movement that will allow us to demand and receive real social moves forward."

The strikes are already causing some disruption.

In Île-de-France, most public transport is running normally, except the RER B line, which has cancelled around a quarter of its services.

Across France, unionised teachers, assistants and even the students have been called to join the strike; canteens and receptions could be especially affected.

Air travel in Europe has also been affected, as air-traffic controllers plan to walk out until Saturday morning (December 15).....


The yellow jackets’ movement destabilizes Macron


The government, by starting to back down, wanted to dramatize the situation, stirring up the threat of chaos, of the putsch, evoking the spectre of the extreme right, thus trying to break the popular support of the movement and avoid a junction with the workers’ movement on 8 December.

Macron himself remained silent until 8 December, fearing to crystallize discontent once again, but called on all the "intermediate bodies" he had himself tried to put aside: deputies and senators, mayors, trade union leaders, so that they could do the job of calling for calm through major statements highlighting “social dialogue”.

The trade union leaders, except Solidaires, published a lamentable inter-union statement, a “call to order”, a statement disavowed in the CGT by a large number of federations and departmental unions. At the same time, the CGT, under pressure from its base, called for a day of mobilization...on Friday, 14 December.

This tactic was a complete failure up to 8 December. Not only were the government’s retreats seen as an encouragement, but the junction began to take place in different cities and regions with sections of the trade union movement. These convergences appeared in the street on 8 December. There were as many demonstrators as on 1 December, and in many cities and towns there were mixed marches of yellow jackets incorporating social movement activists and often linking up with climate.

All these elements have contributed to the radicalization of the yellow jacket movement on social questions, limiting the impact of the extreme right-wing elements still present in the movement.

At the same time, between 100 and 200 high schools went on strike or blocked on the eve of 8 December. This movement has been the re-emphasis of demands against the reform of access to the University, through the Parcoursup process, and against a reform of the baccalaureate along the same lines.

On 8 December, there were numerous clashes in different cities, particularly around the prefectures - symbols of the state. [2] Police violence and repression increased tenfold: more than 1000 arrests, meaning a large number of “preventive” arrests, a tenfold increase in the use of attacks the marches and high school demonstrations, with systematic use of tear gas grenades and flash balls, injuring hundreds of demonstrators. Eighty-five thousand police officers were deployed against demonstrators with police and gendarme armoured vehicles.

We are witnessing a completely new style of general fight against austerity policy and the government, against all anti-social measures, for social justice measures and wage increases, and directly against Macron.

For the first time since Macron’s election, and even for the first time since 1995, the balance of forces has really begun to shift, and all the sections of the working classes that have been attacked, and often fought and been defeated separately, in recent years can see an opportunity to get back into action. But the paradox is still that the organized workers’ movement and even the workers, as collectives in workplaces, have not – up to now – taken the responsibility for extending through strike action what is very largely a popular movement in which many workers participate individually.

On 10 December Macron broke his silence to try to give a more “humble” image to a president who has cultivated his class arrogance for 18 months, and to try to extinguish the fire of mobilization.

He wanted to highlight three spectacular measures on purchasing power: a supposed increase of 100 euros in the minimum wage, cancelling the CSG (social security contribution) increase for pensioners with an income below 2000 euros, and the abolition of all taxation and submission to social security contributions on overtime.

In fact, there is not even an increase in the minimum wage, but an advance on an additional bonus paid by the budget subject to resources.

What is spectacular is that there is no questioning of this government’s class policy, no questioning of the 40 billion paid by the state budget to companies through the CICE (tax credit for employers), nor of all the tax policies for the benefit of the richest. No questioning of the distribution of wealth against which yellow jackets, the working classes most affected by austerity policies, are rebelling.


Round Five: Yellow Vests Prepare For Massive 'Macron Resign' Protest on Saturday

"Paris is bracing for yet another round of Yellow Vest protests, with demonstrators planning to take to the streets on Saturday. More than 10,000 people have already RSVP'd on Facebook to the 'Article 5: Macron Demission' march. Similar demonstrations are also expected to take place in other cities across the country..."


#Yellowvests #acte5 (and vid)

"The faces and voices of the Yellow Vests in France."


Acte 5 Updating

"Les GiletsJaunes se mobilisent dans toute la France."


Protests Turn Violent as Yellow Vests Clash With Police (photos, video)

"Toulouse and Bordeaux had some of the biggest turnouts in the country, with tens of thousands of demonstrators taking to the streets on Saturday..."


"Lawyers in France (Rouen) throw their law books on the floor. Lawyers don't acknowledge the corrupt and pro-EU system anymore."


The Yellow Vest Insurgency - What's Next?

"...Revolutions start with a loss of decency. Today the world is full of indecencies for the 'working poor'. The Yellow Vest insurgency is only possible because of a failure of global capitalism to uplift the working class. Instead it puts a boot on their necks."


..13 min video

Paris 08.12.18: Yellow Vests shift to the left

The yellow vests movement in France is now shifting decisively to the left, as shown by the huge anti-capitalist bloc in Paris on the December 8. Led by prominent campaigners against police violence, The Adama Committee for Justice and Truth, it included railworkers, striking postal workers, other rank and file workers, students, migrant workers groups, important collectives such as The Rosa Parks Collective, sex workers, LGBTQ groups and many more. The mood has changed completely since the horrific mass arrest at a school in a Paris banlieue; now workers are calling for a general strike, and the student movement is exploding with schools and universities blockaded throughout the country.


The first poll for the 2022 Presidential Election since the protests. Choose your poison:



Internationalist Commune of Rojava in solidarity with Gilets Jaunes

To the Gilet Jaunes, to those who demonstrate, who are on the barricades and are blocking the streets, who occupy their schools, who are on strike and who organize themselves. We greet you as the Internationalist Commune of Rojava, the western part of Kurdistan, in northern Syria.

With great attention, we have been following the peoples’ revolt in France over the past weeks. We are impressed by the determination of the protesters as well as by the level of the repression from police and state. We send our solidarity to everyone who is confronted with the direct and indirect violence of the state. Because of your actions, the insurrection of the Gilets Jaunes has gained fame even here in northern Syria, where — at a time when the Turkish state is again threatening us with war — everyone is hoping for inspiring changes....


The yellow vests mean revolt

Olivier Besançenot is a spokesperson for France’s New Anticapitalist Party who has twice run for president as a revolutionary socialist, winning some 1.5 million votes both times. In an interview with Josu Egireun, he talked about the roots of the “yellow vest” protests and their political trajectory. The interview was published in Spanish at Viento Sur with an introduction by Egireun, and it was translated into English by Todd Chretien.


HOW DO you evaluate the proposals made by Macron in his message to the nation?

THIS IS the second time the government has stepped back since the December 4 announcement of the cancelation of the gas tax. Now they are retreating on a proposed increase from 6.6 percent to 8.3 percent in Social Security taxes that were imposed in January 2018.

These retreats increased everyone’s confidence. People began to be conscious of the fact that struggle pays off. Of course, the measures that have been announced so far are very modest and very late in the game, and most of all, there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors.

For example, the 100 euro ($114) increase in the minimum wage (SMIC) isn’t what it seems because it’s not a net increase in the SMIC, but only an increase in a limited government subsidy for low-income workers. And this will be paid by taxpayers, not the employers.

Thus, it’s not an increase in the minimum wage, but only a subsidy. In fact, this really pisses off even more people and therefore will only spur further mobilizations.

A YELLOW vest from the city of Rennes defines the movement as “the drop of gasoline that overflows the tank.” How would you describe the yellow vests?

I THINK it is a real uprising. It is not yet a massive uprising of the majority, but it is a real uprising.

It isn’t a traditional social mobilization. From the outset, it’s gone on the offensive. Until now in France, we haven’t seen a generalized movement go on the offensive since 1968.

This movement has demanded, in one way or another, an increase in wages and a reduction in the cost of living — that is, it calls for a redistribution of wealth. This isn’t a defensive movement against this or that government counter-reform, but an offensive struggle.On the other hand, it is a totally heterogeneous movement — the product of an uprising that originates from deep within society. It does not spring from traditional organizations. Far from it, this is a movement that has crystallized all the rage and indignation accumulated in society — a movement in which all the previous mobilizations coalesce and all the anger that until now has not been translated into action finds an outlet. In effect, it is the drop of water that overflows the glass....


..more from the interview


THROUGHOUT THESE last three weeks of mobilization, the movement’s determination, its radical nature, but at the same time its democratic, horizontal functioning and its ability organize four days of national mobilization, have been striking. So is the apparent politicization of those who act as spokespersons, taking into account that they are people without any previous political experience.

WE SHOULD note from the outset the way that the conflict has been covered in the press and the response it has received from the political class. The mobilizations and the movement’s activists have produced a class arrogance from the elite, similar to the contempt we saw in France during the referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty in 2005.

Now, in the face of this, we are witnessing a real politicization of the people. In France right now, there are tens of thousands, and maybe hundreds of thousands, of people in the process of becoming politicized in record time.

The challenge for us, on behalf of the organized social and political movements in France, is to stand with this movement so that it has the most anti-capitalist expression possible. However, we cannot deny the reality of our times, including the maneuvers and the attempts by the extreme right to capture it.

This is a real problem, and there is no use denying that this is part of the scenario. Therefore, the coming together of the yellow vests and social movements — which is being organized from below, at the local level — is a very important element in response to the manipulative attempts of the extreme right.

The determination, radicalism, combativeness and vigilance of hundreds of people, the barricades in the Champs Élysées — all this recalls memories of an underground history of revolution and of general strikes in France.

It also reminds us of the defeats of the traditional workers movement of the last 15 or 20 years. Over those years, the level of confrontation didn’t go beyond a certain point, and many believed our more radical history had disappeared from collective consciousness.

But the reality was different. Even people who have not participated in these mobilizations are aware of the impasse facing traditional forms of struggle.

We may also be witnessing an attempt to resolve the underlying problems, to create a relationship of forces that can win, by looking for a shortcut that relies on radical actions. That is, hoping that certain forms of action might, in and of themselves, solve the deeper problems.

But there are no shortcuts. If we want to push back Macron, we must organize greater numbers — we must surpass the size of the current mobilizations. We will have to break the glass ceiling that has so far limited the scope of participation, even for the yellow vests.

Today, we are facing a problem that we are very familiar with in France during these last years. We have seen hundreds of thousands of people participate in mobilizations, but they fail to go further.

The novelty of the yellow vests is that 70 percent of the population supports them. We are witnessing a scenario similar to the one we experienced in France in 1995, a dynamic we defined as a “strike by delegation” — meaning that 10 percent of a union mobilized to take action, while another 70 percent was willing to support them.

What we need is to transform the minority taking action into collective action. This is the only way to really push back Macron.....


France Protests: Police Threaten to Join Protesters, Demand Better Pay and Conditions

The French government is desperately trying to keep its exhausted police force onside following weeks of violent protests demanding economic reforms, improved living standards and the resignation of President Emmanuel Macron.

On Wednesday, French officials met with police trade union leaders to work out a deal to soothe anger in law enforcement ranks regarding overwork, unpaid overtime and difficult working conditions, Le Monde reported.

But some activists are calling on police to walk out on government negotiations, close down police stations and join the “gilets jaunes”—or yellow vest—protesters with whom they have been facing off since November 17.

Negotiations between three unions—Alliance, UNSA-Police and Unity-SGP-FO—and Interior Minister Christophe Castaner on Tuesday failed to reach a settlement.  As talks resumed on Wednesday, France 24 reported that activists were calling on forces across the country to commit to a “slowdown” and only respond to emergencies until the dispute had been settled.

Police have accumulated some 23 million hours of overtime that is yet to be paid. According to The Local France, police union leader Frédéric Lagache explained, “Faced with this irresponsibility [of the government], we are forced to be irresponsible in our actions.”....


After Yellow Vests, Macron Faces Even Tougher Battle With Unions

Emmanuel Macron’s efforts to push through economic reforms, already damaged by street protests, are about to face a more organized resistance: France’s labor unions and business lobbies.

The president is determined to continue with a barrage of overhauls after throwing out his fiscal rulebook to appease the Yellow Vests movement with tax cuts. Top of his list is a rethink of unemployment benefits, which Macron says are too expensive and discourage people from working.

But negotiations are already in trouble, with pushback against cuts and one business group threatening to walk out. The government has warned it’ll take matters into its own hand if it can’t secure agreement. For Macron, unilateral action to cut welfare when thousands continue to protest over low incomes would be a risky move.

At the height of the Yellow Vests disruption, the talks fell apart, with a planned Dec. 11 round canceled. Representatives from the labor unions and business lobbies are due to meet again on Tuesday.

“Given the current climate, this reform won’t be easy if the state has to take over,’’ said Helene Baudchon, an economist at BNP Paribas in Paris. “It’s a delicate subject.’

Success or failure will weigh on Macron’s capacity to continue the agenda. Next up, he’s penciled in an overhaul of the pension system and the public sector workforce.

He’s already been damaged by the protests and riots, and his popularity has dwindled. The president has also done little to foster allies within the unions with multilateral negotiations, like his predecessor Francois Hollande. Instead, he made his first changes to labor laws by decree....


Highlighted in Yellow

Over recent days, the French media has discovered the significant presence of women, of all ages, among the gilets jaunes, a movement sparked by protests over neoliberal president Emmanuel Macron’s fuel tax.

On the ground, at the local level, women been a major presence on the roadblocks, and appeared regularly in media. Many female personalities have emerged among the gilets jaunes, from Priscilla Ludoski, who initiated a petition that attracted nearly one million signatures, to Jacline Mouraud, who posted a video on Facebook that went viral in late October. Mouraud denounced the lowering of spending power, low salaries, tax injustice, and the condescension and the class disdain of the powerful, all summarized by the call — “Macron, resign!”

The participation of women in strikes and social movements is nothing new; this is particularly the case in struggles revolving around the high cost of living. Yet what is really surprising is that women’s involvement is always presented as outside of the norm.


Home Front

Today, with the gilets jaunes, the involvement of women is partly linked to their role in domestic labor. Even if the motivation of the movement is not reducible to this, the unpaid work of making ends meet, in managing the household and family, is always left up to women.

In addition, some of the women involved in gilets jaunes work in care professions, where organization and collective mobilization are especially difficult to develop in and through the workplace itself. To mobilize together with the gilets jaunes is to highlight and indeed politicize the difficulty of their living and working conditions. This is also reflected in the first polls that have been published from an ongoing survey of gilets jaunes: many of them are caretakers, and home helpers, and many are single parents.

With the publicity given to the gilets jaunes movement, what may be changing is that the invisibility of women is lessening and being discussed (however, this remains only a general tendency; programs on conservative news channel BFMTV, for example, give far more space to men). This is perhaps related to the fact that the legitimacy of women speaking out has increased over recent months.

With feminist initiatives unfolding on a global scale, from the strike in Spain on International Women’s Day to the mobilizations for the right to abortion in Argentina, from #MeToo in the United States to the November 24 demonstration in France against violence against women, a new wave of feminist activism is developing. Central to this feminist initiative is the promotion of women’s voices in the media.

The composition of the gilets jaunes’ spokespeople is symptomatic of the tendency to invisibilize women’s involvement — they represented just one in four. But precisely the movement’s originality is that it does not have a leadership, through which men would be able to monopolize attention. The forms of democratic organization that have at times emerged in the movement have meant that women’s voices cannot be so easily disregarded. Feminist initiatives — general assemblies, processions during demonstrations — are also being advanced in order to make women and their demands even more visible within the movement.

In a context that makes managing the household increasingly difficult for many, mobilization makes it possible to reveal in public space what had been left in the private sphere. If many women burdened with these responsibilities can no longer get by, it is only right that the problems generally experienced as private issues are shown to have social causes and, indeed, that the personal is political.


Christmas with the gilets jaunes


Yellow and red

Here in Alès, members of the local anarcho-communist Exploités Énervés collective announced on December 5 that they had been talking to gilets jaunes on the roundabouts and found that this was a movement worth supporting, for all its flaws.

Nationally the influential Lundi Matin journal and website, linked to the left-wing insurrectionalist Invisible Committee, came out strongly (translation) in favour of the gilets jaunes’ revolt and described the radical left as forming part of the revolutionary arrière-garde (translation) with its slowness to take part.

Since then, there has been a much more obvious far-left involvement. Anti-fascists in Paris have chased extreme right-wingers out of demonstrations and parliamentary leftists such as Jean-Luc Mélenchon and François Ruffin have been prominent supporters of the gilets jaunes.

The movement is so raw that it still lacks any real ideological cohesion, but its general emphasis on participative democracy leaves the French left hoping that it can be steered away from the right-wing populism of the likes of Marine Le Pen, who has been courting the movement from the start.

The radical left’s support for the gilets jaunes has distanced it still further from the liberal left in France, whose distrust of the populist uprising is relayed to the public through mainstream media. A remarkable attack on the left-wing MP Ruffin in the liberal-left Libération newspaper claimed that by mixing the yellow of the gilets jaunes with the red and green of anti-capitalism, his politics had become ‘brown’, in other words fascist.

For grassroots gilets jaunes, this kind of criticism is what they have come to expect from the political and media classes. Patrick, in Alès, told me that the French ruling élite, invariably from well-off backgrounds and educated at the École nationale d’adminstration (ENA), 400 miles away in Paris, had no communication at all with the general public in places like this.

Various politicians, particularly from President Macron’s La République En Marche! party, were forever talking about reforms, he said. ‘But what sort of reforms have they got in mind? It is important that we know what is happening, that we can take part in the discussion, that decisions are not made in secret behind our backs.’

Gilets jaunes in Alès handing out free presents to children as part of their latest day of action


Yellow Vests Protests Held in Paris for 7th Week


Banque de France Set on Fire

"The entrance to the Banque de France has been set on fire by anti-Macron protesters."


Slavoj Zizek on Yellow Vests

"We have a clash between impossible demands and what the existing system can offer."


Slavoj Zizek on Yellow Vests

"We have a clash between impossible demands and what the existing system can offer."

..efficient bureaucracy was not what he called for when he spoke to the new york city occupy.  nor do i believe it is even possible without the repression that comes along with it. it's like calling for a benevolent dictator. a pure fantasy.

..where i agreed with zizek is when he said the existing system can't fix this.


UA 488 better known as the wolves of Odin is pushing yellow vests in Edmonton protests.

Scum bags.


..great sign!

voice of the damned

My French is a little rusty. As far as I can make out, they don't want to live in a republic, they want to live in a "direct democracy"? And they want more referenda?


..the piece that came with the sign. the guy in the middle of the pic is the author.

Seasons Greetings from France’s Yellow Vests: “We are not tired”

Is the Yellow Vest rebellion, now in its seventh week, “petering out?” Such was the near-unanimous pronouncement of the mainstream media, when I returned home to Montpellier, France, eager to participate and to observe first-hand this popular insurrection which I had been afraid of missing.

I needn’t have worried. By nine o’clock last Saturday morning (Dec. 22), hundreds of Yellow Vest demonstrators were gathering for a peaceful march to the Préfecture (local seat of government) chanting “We’re not tired” and carrying placards reading “We are not casseurs (vandals) or pyromaniacs. Peaceful” (see video[2]) The mood was bon enfant (“jolly”) with demonstrators en famille including the children and old folks in wheelchairs. Marching ten abreast, they filled the rue de la Loge, but when they arrived at the Préfecture, the police, apparently taunted by some radicals in the crowd, let loose with teargas, injuring children (see video[3]). Then all hell broke loose and continued all day, with marches, countermarches and gas in the air.

This indiscriminate use of gas was typical of the government’s tactic of preventing mass peaceful demonstrations by provoking violence and spreading fear. For example, “black block” casseurs and rock throwers have been identified as under-cover policemen by eyewitness and on videos. This was apparently the case last Saturday at the Montpellier Préfecture. (See video[4])

Meanwhile, my wife and I were out with the Yellow Vests at the main roundabout into Montpellier, where two thirds of the passing drivers were displaying yellow vests, giving the high-sign, or honking their approval. So much for the Yellow Vests decline in popularity. The sign we were handed shows the word “Republic” crossed out and replaced by “Direct Democracy. The Divorce is Consummated.”  Then: “Inform yourselves by Internet. 99% media owned by billionaires.” (see attached photo). At the same time, we were getting regular cellphone reports from downtown of tear-gassing continuing all day, capped by the triumphal arrival of more than 80 Yellow Vest motorcyclists who took over the main square as evening fell[R1] .

Similar actions, on a larger scale, were taking place in Paris, where, in a successful ruse, the Yellow Vest Facebook page convinced the police that they were going to attack the royal chateau out at Versailles, where hundreds CRS riot police were moved. In fact, the Yellow Vests organized a last-minuet, fast-moving wildcat march that began in Montmartre, snaked through the capital ahead of the police, and was only stopped at Macron’s Elysée Palace, heavily invested by the “forces of order.” At the very same time, the National Assembly in Paris was hastily approving a “Yellow Vest Law” designed to recognize their protesters’ grievances and embarrass President Macron, a number of whose party members voted with the majority. A measure of the President’s popularity.

Smaller Numbers

To be sure, the Yellow Vest demonstrations in Paris and the provinces yesterday and last Saturday (Dec. 15) were smaller than the previous four Saturdays. The reasons for this decline are obvious: 1. Massive police violence  2. The concessions already won from President Macron (who had vowed never to make any), 3.The shocking Dec. 11 terrorist killings in Strasbourg,  4. The pro-government bias of the media, and 5. Winter vacation (sacred in France). So I’m not sure this decline in numbers means the movement is “petering out” – as the talking heads in mainstream media keep proclaiming with undisguised relief.

In any case, one thing is certain. The French establishment, non-plussed by an incomprehensible leaderless movement which refuses to be coopted back into the system, has reacted crudely with an onslaught of violence and lies. Although partly successful, these repressive tactics have also backfired in a serious way, depriving the French political class, already weak and divided, of its legitimacy and threatening its hegemony. Let’s take a closer look at this campaign of state repression and establishment propaganda.

  1. Violence

The unprecedented violence unleashed by the “forces of order” over the previous five Saturday gatherings, invisible in the mainstream media, has been taking its toll on activists, as videos of police brutality and hideous injuries circulate on YouTube, on alternative new sites like Médiapart, and through the Yellow Vest Facebook pages.

These new tactics, officially named PROJECT FEAR, were explicitly designed to intimidate. So are the harsh sentences imposed on Yellow Vest demonstrators arrested as casseurs (vandals) for as little as possessing bike helmets, gas masks, and ski goggles considered “evidence” of “conspiracy” and “intention to attack the forces of order.” These items are now so common, that the local Bricorama (“Home Depot”) strategically displays ski goggles right next to yellow emergency vests, yet such demonstrators are routinely herded straight from the street into Room 24, a 24-hour emergency courtroom where they are sent to jail after summary trials.


..more from #342


What Next?

So apparently the Yellow Vest movement is not exactly “petering out.” After six weeks of daily roadblocks and disruptions in every corner of France, and after six (now seven) successive mass demonstrations of hundreds of thousands in Paris and the provinces, violently repressed, this spontaneous, self-organized rebellion, coordinated via social media, is still seriously challenging the political and economic order in France.

Not only has this rebellion persisted despite unprecedented police brutality, media misrepresentation, and rejection by labor union officials, it has retained its grass-roots popularity  and deepened its goals – from an initial rejection of a tax increase on Diesel fuel to explicit rejection of the established political/economic system and to near-unanimous call for the resignation of Macron and the creation of a new kind of democracy via referendum or constitutional convention.

Moreover, the French students have joined the uprising, protesting Macron’s introduction of anti-democratic selection in college admissions, with 170 high schools disrupted in answer to the “Black Tuesday” appeal by their union. There has also been a revival of strikes and protests among civil servants, nurses and educators, all inspired by the Yellow Vests’ success in wringing concessions from Macron, whose onslaught of pro-business, neo-liberal counter-reforms organized labor, hamstrung by its collaborationist leaders, failed to stop last Spring. The apparent rift with the ecological movement has been breached as demonstrations from the two movements combined in action under the slogan “End of the Month/End of the World: Same Cause/Same Enemy.” Likewise, marchers from the feminist “End Violence Against Women” have been honored and welcome by the Yellow Vests.

Meanwhile, the epidemic of Yellow Vest inspired revolts has spread to Belgium, Great Britain, Portugal, Holland, Hungary, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and beyond,[14] recalling the Internet-propagated contagion  of the 2011 Arab Spring and “Occupy” movements and even provoking the Egyptian military government to ban the sale of yellow emergency vests. But the numbers are smaller. See video of German Amazon workers wearing yellow vests during their annual Christmas attempt to strike and disrupt the company’s profits during the busiest time of the year in an international effort that includes Polish Amazon workers.[15]

Clearly, to achieve ultimate success this spontaneous, self-organized, uprising of the 99% against the 1%  will have to unite internationally as well as to  continue to deepen itself, to grow and to mutate – like similar popular movements in the history of France from the Jacqueries of the Middle Age through the Sans-culottes of 1789, the social-republicans of 1848, the Communards of 1871. Armed with social media on which to coordinate mass actions and to debate goals and methods from the local to the national and international levels, there is no technical reason why this self-organized insurrection cannot surpass the uncoordinated movements of 2011 and take root everywhere. So far, as far as France is concerned, the missing political elements are the full participation of the industrial working class and of the North African and African immigrant population, which have not yet showed up en masse.


Arrest of Yellow Vest Leader Drouet Slamed as 'Abuse of Power' & 'Dictatorship' (and vid)

"Shouts of 'dictatorship' were heard as one of the leaders of France's anti-government Yellow Vest movement was arrested in Paris late on Wednesday, after authorities charged him with organizing and leading an unauthorized protest. Eric Drouet was detained by police as some of the movement's supporters gathered in the capital's Place de la Concorde, near the iconic Arc de Triomphe monument. People left candles in remembrance of the movement's wounded in clashes with police. 

Tweeting his support for the man, left-wing politician Jean-Luc Melenchon called the arrest an 'abuse of power' and the target of political policing. 'Enough of violence,  condemnation and arrests against the #YellowVests. Free Eric Drouet. make peace with the leaders of the people', he added..."

voice of the damned

For those of you who might have thought that May 68 was a spontaneous outpouring of youthful idealism against an authoritarian sociopolitcal order, apparaently it was actually a "coup" that overthrew all-around good-guy General De Gaulle. At least according to Sputnik News and

Is this the reverse of the 1968 Color Revolution (the French May) that led to a coup that forced President Charles de Gaulle to resign leaving the Elysee to the “former” Rothschild’s employee (just like Macron) Pompidou?

Is this the reverse of the French Revolution? Is this the real French Revolution?

The context is Sputnik suggesting that the the former Chief Of General Staff General De Villiers should somehow take power away from Macron in the event of the current situation evolving into an "emergency". They even call their desired scenario "the reverse of the French Revolution", just so we're all clear about where they stand ideologically.









NDPP wrote:

Arrest of Yellow Vest Leader Drouet Slamed as 'Abuse of Power' & 'Dictatorship' (and vid)

"Shouts of 'dictatorship' were heard as one of the leaders of France's anti-government Yellow Vest movement was arrested in Paris late on Wednesday, after authorities charged him with organizing and leading an unauthorized protest. Eric Drouet was detained by police as some of the movement's supporters gathered in the capital's Place de la Concorde, near the iconic Arc de Triomphe monument. People left candles in remembrance of the movement's wounded in clashes with police. 

Tweeting his support for the man, left-wing politician Jean-Luc Melenchon called the arrest an 'abuse of power' and the target of political policing. 'Enough of violence,  condemnation and arrests against the #YellowVests. Free Eric Drouet. make peace with the leaders of the people', he added..."

Maybe I haven’t said this before on babble so I’ll do it now. 

I’m going to speculate that communism will spread. I suspect Melenchon will run for president next election. 


I’m going to speculate that communism will spread....

This is extremely doubtful.....we have entered a totally different form of opposition politics...the left of the west has demonstrated its complete betrayal of its founding principles and will be shunned for some time to the populist forces, which may be called rightwing or leftwing, is neither but different. Where are the political theorists who have a sense of this?



WWWTT wrote:

I suspect Melenchon will run for president next election. 

He has an approval rating 13% below Macron.

Sean in Ottawa

WWWTT wrote:

NDPP wrote:

Arrest of Yellow Vest Leader Drouet Slamed as 'Abuse of Power' & 'Dictatorship' (and vid)

"Shouts of 'dictatorship' were heard as one of the leaders of France's anti-government Yellow Vest movement was arrested in Paris late on Wednesday, after authorities charged him with organizing and leading an unauthorized protest. Eric Drouet was detained by police as some of the movement's supporters gathered in the capital's Place de la Concorde, near the iconic Arc de Triomphe monument. People left candles in remembrance of the movement's wounded in clashes with police. 

Tweeting his support for the man, left-wing politician Jean-Luc Melenchon called the arrest an 'abuse of power' and the target of political policing. 'Enough of violence,  condemnation and arrests against the #YellowVests. Free Eric Drouet. make peace with the leaders of the people', he added..."

Maybe I haven’t said this before on babble so I’ll do it now. 

I’m going to speculate that communism will spread. I suspect Melenchon will run for president next election. 

wow. This is where your analysis has gone?


bekayne wrote:

WWWTT wrote:

I suspect Melenchon will run for president next election. 

He has an approval rating 13% below Macron.

From my understanding he’s still in a good position. 2022 is a long way off still. Hey, just some speculation (like throwing shit against the wall, sometimes some of it sticks). Also, I believe that he is a good speaker and intellect. I wouldn’t be so quick to write the guy off.
