Valérie Plante's momentum

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Valérie Plante's momentum

Today hell froze over and my borough of RDP-PAT, one of the most staunchly anti-Projet boroughs in Montreal voted for a Projet Montreal borough mayor. Now there are the legitimate caveats that this was a by-election with 13% or so turnout, Projet won by 2% (by no means a crushing victory) and the Ensemble Montreal candidate was particularly pathetic candidate whose campaign literature mentioned nothing he wanted to accomplish, rather it was just saying why Projet is bad (I personally believe that had Theo Veccera not dropped out due to a health issue, he would've won.)

All that being said, a Projet victory is pretty unexpected given how much the media has tried to tear down Plante.

Ken Burch

Always good to hear some sort of good news.


Yes, I was thrilled. I remember when people in RDP were opposed to building apartments or townhouses because it "cheapened " the area. Confess I've never set foot there and was thrilled when the Nelligan interlibrary loan system improved, as there is a large collection of books in Italian there and now I can get them delivered to my branch which is very close to my (typical Montréal triplex) apartment.

I have been to PAT, cycling there, but one had to go past the petroleum (cough, cough) refineries in Mtl-East. And along Gouin through Ahuntsic, but not as far east as RDP.

I'm disappointed that Projet didn't win the council seat in St-Michel, an area that really needs help, redevelopment and better public transport.