Has Rabble disabled comments on blog posts now?

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Ken Burch
Has Rabble disabled comments on blog posts now?

Just noticed the comments sections are suddenly not there.  Is this intentional, or a glitch?



must be you they're there for me.

Ken Burch

I'll check again.  Maybe it is me.


Nothing's been disabled as far as I know. The computer gods must have it in for you.

Ken Burch

It was happening on the Disqus comment pages.  I'll check again to see if it is still happening.

Ken Burch

I'm still not seeing the Disqus comments on Rabble blog posts.  Weird. 


I can see the Disqus comments. Here's one of yours - let me know what happens when you click this link: http://disq.us/p/1yggx3f


Ken Burch

I still can't.  Will try a restart, I guess.  Has this happened to anybody else?