It’s official, the ICM will now promote the conservatives in the 2019 October federal election

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Here’s a comment jerrym wrote in another thread I’ll paste here

The Liberals scheduled the next committee meeting for March 19th which is Budget Day. There counting on voting down further inquiries on Wilson-Raybould in the committee disappearing in the budget coverage. They may succeed in reducing the media coverage but this issue will stick in voters' minds because it runs strongly against Trudeau's manufactured image. 

This move by the liberals will guarantee the icm will now all turn against the liberals. 

If any government believes that they can control the icm, it’s their last term in office. 

I’m 50% sure now, that Justin will retire after the next election. 


What is the difference between IMC being pro-Scheer and the Unifor and thier journalists being anti-Scheer?

I thought the press wasn't supposed to have bias in their reporting. Them being the corner stone of democracy.


Webgear wrote:

What is the difference between IMC being pro-Scheer and the Unifor and thier journalists being anti-Scheer?

I thought the press wasn't supposed to have bias in their reporting. Them being the corner stone of democracy.

Do you really believe that journalism in North America has every been unbiased?





"I thought the press wasn't supposed to have bias in their reporting. Them being the corner stone of democracy."

That's funny.   Thanks for the laugh.

IMO, the postmillential article is much ado about nothing.   Of course Unifor is correct in identifying the CPC as the worst party for unions and workers.   Journalists shouldn't fear their union membership will be held against them by the trusting public -- we don't trust them now, and most people don't know or care about their union affilation.


Kropotkin and Mobo

Of course, I don’t believe the media is non-bias. Every media organization has its slant on the facts, the question is how much slant.

I believe it has gotten worst under the most recent wave of technology and professional titles. There are not many reports left but there is a good number of columnists, bloggers and activists reporting on the news.

I just found this thread a bit of a joke because of the terms and slants of the media and those that work in the media being slanted.


Webgear wrote:

What is the difference between IMC being pro-Scheer and the Unifor and thier journalists being anti-Scheer?

I thought the press wasn't supposed to have bias in their reporting. Them being the corner stone of democracy.

You think unions representing journalists dictate to their members what to think and write?

Or are you just worried that any journalist of integrity would naturally hate a shithead like Andrew Scheer?

Perhaps unions representing auto workers and oilfield workers shouldn't publicly promote a green economy?

You have an odd perception of how unions work. Or maybe not.


What journalists may or may not write I believe is irrelevant. The icm controls what is published and broadcast. 
