Horgan-led NDP Gov't in BC 1st Prov in Canada to Introduce Bill Implementing UNDRIP (UN Declaration Rights Indigenous Peoples)

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Horgan-led NDP Gov't in BC 1st Prov in Canada to Introduce Bill Implementing UNDRIP (UN Declaration Rights Indigenous Peoples)

Today, the BC Government made history as the first province in Canada to introduce a bill implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Indigenous rights are human rights. This landmark legislation is about our province taking real action on reconciliation.

The BCFED has a strong mandate from our membership in support of the implementation of Indigenous rights. BC workers are honoured to stand with Indigenous peoples as this groundbreaking legislation is brought into law.

We encourage all British Columbians to join us in showing their support by sharing our message of solidarityhttps://bcfed.ca/news/releases/bc-workers-welcome-introduction-indigenous-rights-legislation


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