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..i don't understand what is gained by creating one thread on strikes around pensions in france. struggles are connected. if you want a different thread title lets just change it. no need to lampoon this one where important content lives. 

France strikes against Macron's neoliberal war on pensions


The immediate cause of the strikes is Macron’s flagship attack on pensions, transforming the way they are calculated and effectively abolishing the final salary based pensions which are common in the public sector. This follows on from the raising of the pension age by President Sarkozy despite a huge fightback in 2010, and the increase in levels of worker contributions necessary for a full pension under President Hollande in 2013.

Students, who have already been mobilising since a 22-year-old set himself on fire in Lyon last month in protest against student poverty, will be joining the fray. Diverse spokespeople from the Yellow Vest movement, which has been blockading, rallying and sometimes rioting for a year now, have called for all-out support for the strikes, and the national Yellow Vest delegate meeting in Montpellier in November issued a call to action. Nurses, who have been striking en masse against understaffing and low pay for weeks, will be present, too. This week, a firefighters’ protest is occupying Republic Square in the centre of Paris day and night, while popular recent mobilisations against violence against women, and for action on climate change have helped build a combative atmosphere in the country. The major centre-left magazine Le Nouvel Observateur headlined last week: “Half Way through Macron’s Presidency: The Fear of Insurrection”.

Neoliberal governments have for decades been working at rolling back welfare state provision and installing full-spectrum Thatcherism, and workers have seen a number of defeats, though they have been able to protect provisions in several cases too. Sadly, important victories for workers over pensions in 1995 (after trains and metros were blocked for a month), and against a Youth Employment Contract in 2006 are fading from memories. 2016 saw a major defeat on labour contract laws, and a new victory is now sorely needed to restore some confidence.

War of position

There is a war of position going on in every sector of the economy. In education, short staffing, a harsh lack of capital investment and a sharp increase in temporary contracts have been pushed through. But in 2009, months of lecturer strikes buried the government’s plan for neoliberal personnel management in universities, and resistance has ensured that for the moment collegiate leadership and fixed national wage scales and promotion decisions, in both universities and schools, is the norm. Meanwhile, tuition fees for universities have stayed around three hundred euros: governments have not dared to raise them much.

Support for local government services from national funds has been cut sharply, using the excuse of lowering local taxation, though social housing is still being built at a far higher rate than in comparable countries. In Health, staff cuts and ward closures have been hitting hard, and the percentage of health costs which are not paid by public funds has been rising gradually.

What is Macron doing to pensions?

The new pension bill has been carefully written, with plenty of blanks “which we will fill in later after negotiations”, and the government is refusing to say which generation will be the first affected. The reform masquerades as a rationalisation of the present patchwork system, but few are fooled, though the government argument that pension costs must be reduced does find an echo at times. In fact, there is plenty of money available, as can be seen by the huge tax cuts for the richest which Macron has pushed through, the largest for decades.


French Unions and Yellow Vests Converge, Launch General Strike

On the eve of an “unlimited” (open-ended) General Strike called for Dec. 5, more and more unions and protest groups are pledging to join in.

Two things are unusual about this strike. The first is that it is open-ended, rather than the usual one-day of ritualistic protest marches, and may be prolonged from day to day by workers’ assemblies. The second is that the Yellow Vests, the self-organized, horizontal, social movement that sprung up spontaneously just over a year ago and is still popular despite severe repression, have decided to converge with the strike, and that the CGT’s Martinez, who had originally spurned the Yellow Vests, immediately welcomed them, making for a heady mix. For the union leaders, who try to control their followers tightly, the Yellow Vests are like a loose canon on the deck of a ship. Who knows what may result?

The Camel’s Back

This latest, and most sweeping of Macron’s two years’ string of neo-liberal attacks on social welfare may prove to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back; and camels are dangerously irascible animals known to bite or kick their masters to death when mistreated.

The French were already in an angry mood in the Spring of 2018 when Macron started pushing through his reforms, but they were disappointed when the CGT and other union leaders imposed only stop-and-go, limited, local strikes and failed utterly to counter-attack. It was on the grave of those defeats that the spontaneous Yellow Vest movements sprung up like mushrooms all over France last November, supported by over 70% of the French.

Although justifiably suspicious of unions, especially of the union leaders, the Yellow Vests, after suffering a year of police brutality and prejudiced media coverage, came around to the need for convergence. Thus, at our fourth national Assembly of Assemblies on Nov. 3, we voted to join and “be at the heart” of the Dec. 5 movement in the hope that “a defeat for the government would open the road to other victories for our camp.”

Will the union leaders like Martinez stay the course? If they try to settle with Macron piecemeal and divide the movement as they have in the past, will the workers’ assemblies be able to stop them? Will the strike over retirement benefits develop along broad social revolutionary lines like similar horizontal movements in South America, the Middle East and elsewhere? Will these international movements finally connect, as the Yellow Vests’ Assembly of Assembly proposed when it dedicated our first anniversary to social movements around the world?

The nation-wide strike was originally proposed by Philippe Martinez, Secretary General of CGT, France’s largest union federation, in response to the Macron Governments’ proposed neoliberal “reform” of the France retirement system. Macron’s reform would essentially gut France’s solidarity-based retirement system. Even more than U.S. Social Security, which even Trump and the Republicans don’t dare touch, retirement over here is a sacred cow. It was established at the end of WWII when the Resistance and the Communists were influential and the business class was in bad odor, having collaborated with the Nazis. Under Macron’s proposed new ‘point’ system, many will lose up to 30% according to estimates, and future governments could arbitrarily decide how much money each point is worth!....


Last Straw as Teachers in France Join Nationwide Strike

One of the many groups taking part in the massive general strike in France this week, and joining forces with the year-long Yellow Jackets movement, are the country’s public school teachers. The “coup de grâce” for teachers was the Macron administration’s proposed teacher pension reform, in which retirement payments would be calculated based upon salaries earned throughout a teacher’s career rather than their last paychecks.

In other words, a teacher’s earnings as a new graduate and during the years they gained experience and possibly pursued advanced training or specializations would carry equal weight in calculating the amount they would receive upon retiring from service in public education years and decades later.

One teacher’s union put it this way. A retiree with a 40 year career in teaching might have finally attained a salary of 3,200 euros a month. Right now, they would retire with 2,281 euros a month, but after the reforms, that would decrease to 1,803 euros.

All in all, it’s a disingenuous way for a neo-liberal government to claw back the final thanks offered to yet another group of civil servants in the name of budgets and saving costs. But it is also another example of neoliberalism’s war on public education....


And yet UK Labour fights tooth and nail to remain in such an EU enforced neoliberal butcher shop.


Yes, that is a huge cut. Jacobin also has a couple of articles that explain the movement well for people unfamiliar with French politics.


French workers' movement must really explode to beat Macron

Philippe Poutou was the New Anticapitalist Party’s (NPA) candidate in the in 2012 and 2017 presidential elections. He works in a Ford car factory in Bordeaux.


The national coordinating committee (intersyndicale) of France’s most important trade unions (which includes CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires, MNL, UNL and UNEF) has called for a new day of mobilizations (strikes and demonstrations) on Tuesday, December 10. The intersyndicale was encouraged by the magnitude of demonstrations and strikes that took place on December 5, and it is feeling the pressure to continue.

What a relief! This means there will be a sequel to Thursday’s outpouring, another focal point to build a social movement which playing for the highest stakes. If we want to force the government to bend on its pension reform and, beyond that, to compel it to respond to France’s social emergencies, confrontation is inevitable.

The trade union confederations’ leaderships are wavering between radical rhetoric (aiming for withdrawal of the pension reform) and tinkering with mobilization on a piecemeal basis without actually attempting to, in practice, coordinate struggle between different sectors, support general assemblies of strikers at the city-wide level, or help organize various actions between the December 5 and 10 demonstrations.

The huge demonstrations of Thursday 5 show that the anger is there for all to see. And trust between activists, strikers, and protesters is slowly recovering as are hopes that we might be able to change the game plan, to overcome the ludicrous idea that one day of protest will be enough to win the battle. At the same time, activists and strikers are feeling the stress, worried that we might fail to transform this confrontation into a fight that involves millions of people, one which allows us to train those who support the actions (69 percent, say the polls) so that they themselves become actors, so they participate in the demonstrations, strikes, and economic blockades.

This is a showdown, and there is not much room for error. December 5 was already quite late on the calendar and the holidays can be complicated for us. But everything is possible today. We have reasons to doubt our strength, we have suffered many blows, we have suffered many defeats, both the number of work-place organizing teams and the overall number of militants have fallen. Yet we have many reasons to be hopeful because, for all the suffering and despair, the necessity of expressing our dignity is also apparent.

We know our movement must really explode, in the street, in neighborhoods, in workplaces. We must shake the government and the haves to their core. This is the only way to reverse the balance of power.

The government talks, it seeks to calm the situation, it adopts a more moderate stance, it speaks of negotiation, compromise. But no compromise is possible, no negotiation is possible.....


WATCH: "Macron 'negotiates' with demonstrators by getting his Riot Police thugs to bludgeon people on the picket line at the Pleyel Bus Depot in Paris."


"I'm just wondering why none of the mainstream media or press is reporting one of the biggest strikes in Europe!! I mean this has been going on EVERY day for a year or so!! Is this not what you would class as news anymore? I think it's pretty EPIC!!" (and vid)


Perhaps the msm don't wish to put ideas in our heads...

swallow swallow's picture

That's reported in the Toronto Star, National Post, Agence France Presse, The Guardian, Bloomberg, Al Jazeera and many other mainstream media outlets within the past 24 hours.

Perhaps your twitter friend simply isn't reading enough mainstream media. THIS IS TONGUE IN CHEEK, OF COURSE. 


It is in the news every day in Québec. Perhaps you'd have to learn French.


French Unions Revolting Against the Elite

"Protests by French trade unions have now joined the weekly Yellow Vest demonstrations, aiming to pressure President Emmanuel Macron to abandon his government's plans to alter the nation's pension system..."


'The People Shout in Paris!' (and vid)

(We should do the same.)


Understanding France's General Strike in the Context of the Yellow Vests and Global Class Warfare

"Labor and capital are at loggerheads in France. As the open-ended strike launched on December 5th against a neoliberal overhaul of the pension system continues to expand, the Macron regime has dug in its heels to defend the advantages this so-called reform would have for the wealthy (even though it has recently been forced to present what it considers to be a 'compromise' to the union leadership). In order to fully understand the nature and importance of this battle, it needs to be situated in relation to the recent history of the Yellow vests movement as well as the global context of contemporary class warfare...


"Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men"


Corporate Media is Ignoring the General Strike in France

"France is in turmoil and all we hear is crickets. What gives?"


While it should get more attention here than it has, it is not true here in Québec that there is a mass media boycott of the general strike in France. I read news reports and commentary about it every day here. Of course I read alternative and left media as well.


lagatta4 wrote:

While it should get more attention here than it has, it is not true here in Québec that there is a mass media boycott of the general strike in France. I read news reports and commentary about it every day here. Of course I read alternative and left media as well.

However it is very under reported on BC's media. I read about it from links provided by people on line. If you find pieces that are well written please share because it not an issue on the Tyee or our other progressive media either.


French Popular Uprising: Revolution or Frozen Conflict?

"The current ongoing social unrest in France appears to pit a majority of working people against President Emmanuel Macron. But since Macron is merely a technocratic tool of global financial governance, the conflict is essentially an uprising against policies that pit the avaricious demands of financial markets ahead of the needs of the people. This basic conflict is at the root of the weekly demonstrations of Yellow Vest protesters who have been demonstrating every Saturday for well over a year, despite brutal police repression. Now trade unionists, public sector workers and Yellow Vests demonstrate together...The Macron economic reform policy was essentially defined in Brussels. But Wall Street is interested as well..."


"Hey CNN, BBC! Are you going to show us these huge anti-government protests happening in France tonight? Or are you too busy telling lies about Iran?" (and vid)


"A ridiculously large crowd of anti-Macron protesterss are making their way to the Place De La Concorde in Paris. It's the place where the statue of Louis XV of France was torn down, the revolutionary government erected a guillotine and where Louis XV was executed on 21 January 1793."

A people's justice can be deservedly harsh on tyrants and autocrats who steal from the poor to give to the rich. Beware Macron...


"There's a whole revolution exploding in France right now, but where is Western media? Workers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, firefighters and now, even tax inspectors are throwing down copies of the Tax Code and joining in the mass protest against Macron." (and vid)

Sean in Ottawa

NDPP wrote:

"There's a whole revolution exploding in France right now, but where is Western media? Workers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, firefighters and now, even tax inspectors are throwing down copies of the Tax Code and joining in the mass protest against Macron." (and vid)

I am not sure where the surprise is coming from in terms of the media. The media looks for specific things becuase that is what people read:

1) local applicability -- special to here more than elsewhere

2) relatability 

3) immediacy (what makes today special - disadvantaging long term stories)

4) human conflict and pain - "if it bleeds it leads"

This story has some elements but not a great deal of these. 

Sadly many other important stories including the environment also suffer for some of the above reasons.

Google "France protests" and see that there is still quite a bit of coverage.



I envy the strength of France's working class to rise up periodically and cut back on the upper class disease. “We work, we produce, we decide. Resistance.”  I love extreme statements backed up by direct action against collaborators.

Class Collaboration in the Dark

In a press release confirming that the action was carried out by a dozen branches of CGT-Énergie in the Paris region, the electrical workers pointed out the reasons for disconnecting power to the CFDT headquarters.

“Against the pension reform: The Robin Hoods deprive Berger of electricity,” the text begins. “Berger negotiates the terms and forms of our future chains and those of our children, without ever having participated in the indefinite strike against the pension reform. This morning, Monday, January 20, 2020, the electricity was cut off at the CFDT’s federal headquarters in Paris, and it was the class collaboration that went into darkness.”

The statement ends with a clear statement: “We work, we produce, we decide. Resistance.”

The CFDT came out publicly against the action that took their power. In a statement, it said, “The CFDT headquarters was again the victim of an intrusion on Monday morning. Some 15 hooded individuals entered the building to cut off the electricity. This new attack, which several CGT energy unions have claimed responsibility for on social media, is unacceptable.”

While the population maintains its support for the strikers, Berger’s popularity is dwindling. The same goes for Macron, who is finding it increasingly difficult to take to the streets or hold public events. Last week, a demonstration inside and outside a theater forced the police to urgently “extract” the president from the event he was attending inside.


Talk about setting your hair on fire just to try and get some Western media attention. This is quite the protest and a despicable fascist response that largely goes unreported

Wearing protective clothing, firefighters set themselves ablaze in the streets, performing perhaps the safest self-immolation protest in world history. Yet few outside France saw the action; protestors took to social media to decry the mainstream disinterest in the growing movement, the largest and most sustained protests in the country since May 1968.

Many asserted that if repression on this scale were happening in Venezuela or Iran, it would be the number one story in North America and across the globe. Yet a Wednesday morning search on the homepages of the New York Times, Google News and Yahoo! News found that there were zero links to coverage of the previous day’s events.

Firefighters in #Paris set themselves on fire in protest against their working conditions #greve28janvier #France #Macron #pompiers

— nonouzi (@Gerrrty) January 28, 2020


Nor have elites in other Western countries been stirred even as professional photographer Taha Gueffaf was rushed to hospital after police threw a grenade at him. Gueffaf shared an x-ray of his injuries on Twitter, asking Interior Minister Christophe Castaner why there were metal grenade fragments in his leg.

There has similarly been no reaction at all from professional human rights advocates like the Committee to Protect Journalists or Human Rights Watch, even as Iran continues to be a “trending” topic on the latter’s website.



"The French state has now sent heavily armed riot cops to high schools to intimidate students (and teachers) from joining the anti-government protests that are happening all around the country."


Will this political splintering benefit the extreme right-wing?

France's Macron loses majority as defectors form new party


Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity will be largely formed of seven MPs from La République en Marche (On the Move) and other ex-supporters of the president.

The defecting MPs want to focus on green issues and social inequality.

But their decision leaves Mr Macron's party with 288 seats, one short of a majority in the 577-seat lower house.

French commentators said La République en Marche (LREM) still had the backing of two other political allies, the centrist MoDem as well as Agir from the centre-right, which together make up another 56 seats in the National Assembly.

There is even a chance that the party could regain its absolute majority if another defector who leaves the assembly is replaced by a pro-Macron MP.

The Macron camp has been plagued by a series of defections in recent months, and French media said the seven latest departing MPs had come under intense pressure to stay.

Two MPs who had originally planned to join EDS backed down at the last minute, Le Figaro reported.


'No Repentence nor Apologies' for Colonial Abuses in Algeria says Macron

"Macron doesn't think France should apologize for murdering over 10 million people during its 132-year colonial occupation of Algeria. And this is the same man who has the audacity to lecture the entire planet about human rights."

Warcriminals like Macron are so outrageously bold because they think themselves unaccountable. One day things could change. What a perfect match for Madame Guillotine.


And don't forget Trump!


All warcriminal US presidents are also cordially invited to attend.


French generals who called for military rule if President Macron cannot stop 'Islamists' from 'disintegrating society' will be punished, government declares

"Emmanuel Macron has threatened to punish generals who signed an open letter warning that the country is heading for 'civil war' because of radical Islam. The open letter, published in Valeurs Actuelles, a right-wing magazine, claims a military coup might be necessary to stop a 'civil war' in France.

Macron also came under fire with the retired officers blaming the state for allowing brutal police action against yellow vest protesters in the country. In a chilling call, the letter claimed that the country would 'explode' into civil war if 'nothing was done,' which would lead to the deaths of thousands.

They also claimed they had broad support in the the military and were 'ready to support' politicians who focused on the 'safety of the nation'. Le Pen's National Rally gave the letter their backing..."


Michael Moriarity

Jacobin has an ineresting interview with Benoît Hamon, the Socialist Party candidate in the last French presidential election. He discusses the current situation in French politics and the prospects for the left in the 2022 elections.

Michael Moriarity

Here is an update on the French presidential election campaign from Jacobin.

Michael Moriarity

The polls close in France at 8:00pm local time, which is 2:00pm EDT. Shortly after that time, there should be estimates of the result, based on exit polls and partial returns. One place to follow this is Bloomberg.


. . . and it's going to be Macron (28.1%) vs. Le Pen (23.3%) once again; Melenchon came close (20.1%) but didn't make it. Nobody else got above 10%.

A better result for both Macron & Melenchon than I was expecting.


Good articles MM, so thank you for them.

By-the-way, when is Fox News coming to  Canada?

With all the challenges the left has, in comparison to the right in terms of money, media, police and military, etc., it's a long shot for progressives to win elections. But, by not compromising, and being under one left banner, as suggested by Benoît Hamon, it is almost impossible.  


To miss the 2nd round by just over 3%, Progressives will be furious with the egotisical Left leaders for not compromising and running under one Left banner. 


What a shame!

Melenchon missed the second round by only 2.3% now.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon Is Fighting to Be France’s Last President
Emmanuel Macron claimed that France was missing a “king figure” — then spent five years ruling it like a monarch. His record has fueled Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s pledge to get rid of the presidency entirely and rebuild French democracy from the bottom up.


1.5% now!


The left should unite and change France's political presidential system and replace it with a parliamentary system using proportional representation. If they can't do that they should at least change to instant runoff voting for their presidential elections.


NorthReport wrote:

1.5% now!

A 1.5 percentage points difference would be ok if the final result was 50.8 to 49.2% but not the 23.0 - 20.5% result that it is between second and third place that will eliminate all candidates not in the top two. Only half the candidates voted for the top two candidates.


Le Pen is leading Melenchon by only 0.8% now.


Now the gap has widened again to 2.6% with 96% of the polls reporting.


Yes, over 5% of the vote went to other parties on the left.  Of course, 7% of LePen's potential vote went to Zemmour.


According to PredictIt Macron's chances of winning are currently 82%.


Obviously the first round is now over but this by Richard Medhurst is still a worthwhile view. As well some excellent observations on US backed Pakistan regime-change machinations.

Live French Presidential Election Results


Thank You, Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Jean-Luc Mélenchon narrowly failed to make the runoff in France’s presidential election. But there are signs that the French left can come back stronger than ever.


In a race between the center right and the far right the right always wins.


True dat!


It can be too much for one person to have so much responsibility.

My preference is to support a collective leadership and spokespeople like QS

