Venezuela 2

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Venezuela 2

Continued from here.

Issues Pages: 

"Why can't Evo Morales walk around freely in Bolivia while Guaido does so in Venezuela? Cuz Bolivia is now a dictatorship and Venezuela isn't. Venezuela is actually less authoritarian than the USA where a Guaido equivalent would be quickly droned."

Canada is with the predators of both.


How Western Left Media Helped Legitimate US Regime Change in Venezuela

"Why is it that Trump is able to get away with what is effectively a policy of mass murder in Venezuela, similar to  simultaneous US economic warfare against Iran? Despite nominally opposing Washington's Venezuela policy and its corporate media gendarmerie, global North progressive media have, like during the recent coup in Bolivia, tended to repeat imperial ideological tropes, casting the Maduro government as authoritarian, corrupt and/or guilty of much worse human rights violations than the US and its allies.

Western progressive outlets have a peculiar habit of rolling out their 'critiques' of leftist or otherwise independent governments in the global south, right at the moment when these states are under imperial assault, echoing the corporate media's unanimous regime-change chorus..."


Perhaps because it is also the observable peculiar habit of some echoing western 'progressives' to do the same.


"YES, Guaido, tell us why do you support sanctions? (and vid)

...Against your own people.


Guaido & Lima Group Gangsters Plot in Ottawa


Two Washington Flunkies Flunkying

"Canada stands with the people of Venezuela as they pursue free and fair elections and human rights. In our meeting today, I commended interim President Juan Guaido for the leadership he's shown in his efforts to return democracy to Venezuela and offered him our continued support."

Shameful sellouts.


laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Horrible. Canada's official treatment of Venezuela and Bolivia is despicable. Instead, our government is backing authoritarian racists like Bolsonaro of Brazil. Globalization has become the new imperialism where supporting unfettered access to resources (be it natural resources, cheap labour or new markets for goods and services) is the main goal of foreign affairs.


Gorilla Radio With Chris Cook, Joe Emersberger, Feb 1, 2020 (and vid)

"Joe Emersberger sits down to talk about Canada's welcoming of the Venezuelan pretender, Juan Guaido.."


RedLines: Dems Unite To Support Imperial Venezuela Policy

"There is no better distillation of Washington DC than a State of the Union in which Nancy Pelosi having just led the impeachment of Donald 'All Roads Lead to Putin' Trump - twice joins in a rousing standing ovation of Juan Guaido, Trump's appointed 'president of Venezuela.'


"The US stole at least $12 billion from Venezuela by robbing its most valued foreign asset, CITGO, and giving it to the corrupt coup puppet Guaido. Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza says, 'With those figures we could pay for 5 full years of food and medicine for the Venezuelan people."



'Anti-Imperialism Doesn't Mean Defending Authoritarianism' [sounds just like a babbler defending imperialism!]

"It's useful of Jacobin to double down on this issue and make its function even more obvious. This article may as well have been written by the State Department." [Jacobin is the new Guardian]


Canada Trapped By Its Own Folly

"Canada walked itself into a political and diplomatic trap of its own making when it took upon itself to create a self appointed busybody lobby called the Group of Lima. The sole purpose of this group is to harass and discredit the government of Venezuela, alleging that they are thereby 'defending democracy..."


Guaido, US Seize Control of $342 Million (and vid)

"Gasoline shortages in Venezuela are rocking a nation already embattled by sanctions. Prof Richard Wolff: 'This is an attempt to impose terrible sanctions at a time when they are already suffering."

Our evil American ally with whom our government collaborates in this project...


I don't think many westerners want to admit/realize that their democratic/liberal rights projects are working as intended when they imperialize/colonize marginalized peoples.

That sort of thinking is expressly forbidden among higher institutions.


Defeat of a Dirty Military Incursion into Venezuela on a Sunday Morning

"...We cannot take any of their threats lightly,' said senior Venezuelan politician Diosdado Cabello. 'What happened today,' he said, 'is an example of the desperation of the United States and its allies. In August 2017, US President Donald Trump spoke openly about the 'military option' at the same time as the United States, Canada, Columbia and a list of other countries governed by the far-right and subordinated to Washington, formed the Lima Group...."

No wonder some Canadian faux liberals avert their eyes and pretend not to know.


WATCH: "In Venezuelan custody, ex-Green Beret and Silvercorp mercenary Luke Denman confirms contract with Juan Guaido, says plan was to kidnap Venezuelan President Maduro and fly him to the US as a captive."

Where is the outcry?


laine lowe laine lowe's picture

If they can prove that Juan Guaido, and not his advisor, actually engaged Silvercorp, his claim to the throne is over.


He has already engaged in treason with his failed coup attempt. He is now just a joke but not to our PM the great freedom fighter.


Guaido and the Failed Military Operation Against Venezuela: A Story of Betrayal and Financial Corruption

"...The trove of evidence makes it impossible for Guaido and his advisors to deny their involvement in the contract for services. Not only are copies of the 8-pages General Services Agreement circulating on the internet, also included in this article, there is also a recording of their phone conversation while they were signing it...Jordan Goudreau, owner of Florida, Silvercorp USA Inc, which has been around for two years, is revealing all the inside information for the simple reason that Guaido never paid the agreed upon fee, including a retainer of US $1.5 million. A native Canadian, Goudreau is a US Army combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan..."

Did Canada know?


Trump's 'Bay of Pigs' in Venezuela

"[Canadian-born] Goudreau has taken responsibility for the latest operation, claiming that it is still ongoing and its objective is 'to overthrow the government of Maduro.' He said that despite the abject failure of the maritime invasion, other elements remain active inside Venezuela and were 'going to start attacking tactical targets,' in other words, launch a wave of terrorism..."


How Chrystia Freeland Organized Donald Trump's [Failed] Coup in Venezuela

Playing a key role behind the scenes was Lima Group member Canada, whose foreign minister Chrystia Freeland spoke to Guaido [9, January, 2019] the night before Maduro's swearing-in ceremoney to offer her support should he confront the socialist leader Maduro. She along with US President Donald Trump, had all along, been the actual leaders of this international diplomatic effort to violate the Venezuelan Constitution, blatantly, so as to perpetrate the coup in Venezuela..."

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Someone described this event as "Bay of Pigs as executed by the Keystone Cops". Seems accurate.


Scott Taylor: Canada Should Cut Ties With The Venezuelan Pretender

"...The Canadian-born Goudreau served as a reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces before enlisting in the US military where he was eventually selected for the special forces. Goudreau claimed that his actions were part of a contract he had signed with a chap named Juan Guaido. When the attempted Rambo-style invasion literally washed up on the Venezuelan shores, Guaido was quick to deny any knowledge of the armed invasion. Unfortunately, for Guaido and other members of the Venezuelan opposition, there exists a signed contract between them and Silvercorp dated October 2019. The deliverable on that contract was the invasion of Venezuela and the overthow of Maduro in exchange for $213 million US...Hopefully Canada will cut its ties to Guaido now that his true colours have been revealed..."

I agree. What about it Jagmeet Singh? Will Hill & Knowlton agree?

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Good article from Scott Taylor. Hopefully it well be read and understood by our politicians, especially the idiots backing Juan Guaido.


"Justin Trudeau should also stop being guided by [Zio-lobbyist] Irwin Cotler and his group UN Watch -  a discredited right-wing group which has relentlessly targeted Venezuela ever since Chavez came out in support of Palestine."

Why Canada should NOT sit on UNSC - USrael doesn't need another UN errand boy.


What If Armed Terrorists Threatened the Prime Minister of Canada?

"...The plan is for Rambo and his mercenaries to arrive by boat at the Ottawa riverside, take possession of stored weapons and machine gun fitted vehicles, proceed to the Prime Minister's house, overcoming any armed defenders, and take him and his wife prisoner. Having also taken control of the Ottawa airport, they are to deliver the Prime Minister, his wife and any other politicians grabbed along with them to Stateland and claim their reward.

Then, taking over parliament by force, Mr Juan, the PM's political enemy, would declare himself the new prime minister and saviour of Canada. Ridiculous, you say? In Canada, yes. But in essence this is what has just been attempted in Venezuela, motive, contract, plan and all. The Canadian Federal government has not expressed a word of concern or sympathy for this violent terrorist attack on Venezuela. It has not condemned this ignominy to the Venezuelan Constitution, political institutions, its legitimate president and most of all, to the people of Venezuela.

The plot was designed and paid for by Canada's own preferred political puppet, Juan Guaido, who is now a political corpse and undoubtedly, the most despised man in Venezuela. It has come to this in Canada. Canadians have a right to expect more honour from our government. What are you going to do about it...?"

[email protected]


Macdonald Stainsby: Socialism and Collective Responses: Attacking Venezuela in a Pandemic

"...When Canada's former foreign minister Chrystia Freeland began organizing the various rightwing governments that would help set up a 'parallel government', the goal of starving Venezuela into submission was well underway...Right now there is no other way to say it: The US, Canada and Colombia are trying to start a pandemic that will kill thousands and thousands of elders and disabled or otherwise compromised people, along with thousands of non-Chavistas. This is their strategy to conquer Venezuela for the sin of not following Washington and Ottawa and being economically and politically independent..."


Iran Breaking Through US Blockade To Deliver Oil To Venzuela

"The shipments of gasoline by Iran corresponds to the diplomatic strengthening and trade agreements between the two countries..."

The government supports the American enemy unfortunately.


Judge Approves Sale of Venezuela's Prized US-Refineries

"A US judge on Friday approved moving forward with the sale of Venezuela's prize US-based CITGO refineries, allowing a Canadian mining company to collect $1.4 billion it lost in a decade-old takeover in the South American nation by the late socialist President Hugo Chavez..."


"In this clip with Aaron Mate I explained how Juan Guaido's 'Attorney General' set the stage for the theft of CITGO. This week a judge rule the oil refinery can be sold off in order to make a $1.4 billion payment to a Canadian mining firm Crystallex." (and vid)

Another Ugly Canadian mining story. Won't see this on The National.


'Venezuela Oil is Making Its Way to China'

"Eliot Abrams on Venezuela's sale of its sovereign oil to sovereign China, avoiding US sanctions: 'The whole purpose is to evade.' Of course it is you moron. When someone walks home at night they tend to avoid muggers. Washington is a mugger posing as a cop."


Margaret Kimberley: Media Silent as Trump Declares Wars

"...While visiting the US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) in Florida, Trump gave an interview to Noticias Telemundo and said the following, 'Something will happen in Venezuela . That's all I can tell you. Something will be happening with Venezuela.' But the media who ordinarily pillory Trump are either silent or support these attacks. Trump's threats should have made headlines but his words garnered hardly any attention..."


Newly Revealed Documents Show How the AFL-CIO Aided US Interference in Venezuela

"The 'Solidarity Centre' of the US trade union federation worked hand in glove with the US government to undermine the Chavez led government in Venezuela."

Solidarity forever.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

That is depressing.


DOJ Confirms 'Largest Ever US Seizure of Iranian Fuel' on 4 Ships Bound For Venezuela

"The US has seized some 1.116 mn barrels of Iranian fuel aboard 4 ships headed for Venezuela the Justice Department has confirmed, hinting at 'assistance' from 'foreign partners' and declining to reveal where the grab took place. The agency hailed what it called the largest ever US seizure of Iranian fuel in a statement on Friday, revealing Washington had nabbed the [illegal] sanctions-skirting cargo enroute to Venezuela with the assistance of unspecified 'foreign partners'. The vessels were said to be re-routed to Houston, Texas, where they will reportedly be met by senior Trump administration officials.

Washington's high-seas score stems from a July court complaint demanding the four tankers in question 'forfeit all petroleum product cargo' due to its having been shipped by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), according to the statement. The US designated the IRGC a terrorist organization last year at the behest of Israel, as it ramped up its 'maximum pressure' campaign against Tehran.

Venezuela too has been subjected to punishing US sanctions as Washington has struggled to install its preferred opposition candidate, Juan Guaido. After a handfull of failed coup attempts left Guaido more unpopular than ever among Venezuelans, the Trump administration's special envoy to that nation Elliot Abrams, was last week promoted to oversee Iran as well."

 Trudeau Offers 'Canada's Continued Support' in Call with Venezuela's Guaido (2019)

Pirates, thieves & imperialism with collaborating bottom-feeding vassals in support.


"Discussing US piracy. The declining regime has removed its mask and gone rogue. It now simply mimics petty thieves. The ships and fuel weren't Iranian. Iran sends fuel with its own ships and flag. The US stole them from people who purchased the fuel legally."


Juan Guaido to Restore Venezuelan Ties With Israel

"According to the online newspaper Israel Hayom, the Venezuelan opposition leader will seek to resume relations with Tel Aviv again. The newspaper said Guaido has appointed a Venezuelan of Jewish origin, who is Rabbi Pinchas Brenner, who led the Jewish community in Venezuela for years, as an ambassador to Israel, and in preparation for this step, a virtual embassy was opened via the Internet..."


Venezuelanalysis Taken Down By Twitter

"Twitter has suspended hundreds of accounts associated with the Venezuelan government...This is deranged censorship and it's accelerating..."

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

They won't give up until they destroy Venezuela like they did Bolivia (and many other Latin American nations before that as well as Haiti).

An exerpt posted yesterday on Venezuela Analysis:


However, the press statement issued by the US State Department and GAC is notable because of the dwindling number of ally countries that are now “committed to the restoration of democracy in Venezuela.” What used to be a long list of more than 50 nations is now down to just 19: Albania, Australia, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Israel, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Republic of Korea, Saint Lucia, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

This is a far cry from the formerly extensive coalition of dozens of states that have heretofore unequivocally recognized and supported Guaidó. The State Department could not even get sign-on from all of the members of the Lima Group—the multilateral body consisting of 14 countries, including Canada, that is dedicated to a “peaceful exit to the ongoing crisis in Venezuela.” Thus, the list of partner states now includes Israel, along with some of the most servile allies of the US (and notable violators of human rights and democracy) such as Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, and Haiti.

More intriguingly, the two rivals to Canada’s defeated bid for a United Nations Security Council Seat last June, Norway and Ireland, do not appear on the list of countries dedicated to “an end to the Maduro dictatorship.” This appears to vindicate those who had lobbied the UN and other international organizations to reject Canada’s campaign for a UNSC seat, citing the Trudeau government’s support for anti-democratic actions in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Haiti, to name just a few examples."


"United States will not recognize the election in Venezuela..." - Pompeo


"Bernie Sanders consistently endorsed and propagated the (ongoing) imperialist lies that slander Maduro as a dictator and the Venezuelan Government as illegitimate. Here for instance, in 2019, he shamefully called Maduro 'a vicious tyrant' and called for 'free elections'.

Right & Left US imperialists.


"By continuing to back the US government's unelected, undemocratic, violent right-wing coup puppets in Venezuela, Canada is shamefully, publicly, displaying what the US embassy in Ottawa privately gloats about: Canada has subjugated itself to Washington."

And everybody knows...


Russia Offers its Support to Venezuela's New Assembly

"Russia's Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Wednesday announced that her country will cooperate closely with the new National Assembly of Venezuela. 'We confirm our readiness to cooperate closely with Venezuela, its people and legitimate authorities. We will keep on strengthening our strategic partnership which has been developing in a variety of fields of mutual interest,' she said.

These statements came a day after the inauguration of the new lawmakers who were elected on Dec 6, 2020, when the forces of the Left, led by The Simon Bolivar Great Patriotic Pole, achieved 91 percent of the parliamentary seating. 'The elections were boycotted by US backed opposition leader Juan Guaido's bloc', Sputnik recalled, adding that the EU, the US and Canada have so far refused to recognize the election result." *

* The EU has just announced it will no longer recognize the Ugly American puppet Juan Guaido. Good doggy Canada, eager to brownose the new US regime will continue its Venezuelan foreign policy kneeling  to Warshington.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Good to hear that the EU is not continuing with the farce of Guaido being a legitimate leader.


"Seems like the perfect time to recall the many instances of establishment media hacks praising Trump for inciting violence and orchestrating coups against elected leaders abroad."


Engler: Guyana, Venezuela & Exxon

"Despite claiming to be a 'force for good' in the world, Ottawa is helping wealthy and powerful corporations grab Guyana's oil and is pushing the country into conflict with Venezuela as part of a push to destabilize an enemy of Washington.Maybe this time though unions and other social activists will try to stop rather than cheer on, Canada's imperialist behaviour..."

I'm sure the NDP will get right on it.


WaPo: 'The World Must Act to Stop Venezuela's Environmental Destruction'

"One of the empire's most trusted propaganda weapons, The Washington Post, is back at it. Regime-change propaganda now has a shiny environmental cover. And 'world must act' is code for 'military intervention' to return decadent elites to power."


Venezuela: 3.7 m houses built for poor families in last 10 yrs

"Venezuela's Great Housing Mission (GMVV) reached a new milestone with 3.7 million homes built and delivered to Venezuelan families."

Even despite the United Snakes' sanction/blockade war -the power of socialism for people not profits for an oligarchy. meanwhile, back at the ranch...

'Ontario needs to build 1 million new homes to address supply gap' - CBC