Time to light a fire under the federal NDP

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Time to light a fire under the federal NDP

With what appears to look like a resounding victory for the NDP in BC tonite, it's now time for an actual progressive working people's party to succeed in Ottawa. Let's light a fire under the federal NDP. Either we are in this to win, or else let's stop wasting everyone's time, close up shop, and go home.

The NDP just keep Trudeau in power for the second time since the last election, but what good did it do for the NDP, what did the NDP get out of it?



Here's as good a place as any to start with.

How could the NDP have handled this if they were the government:

Nova Scotia's Lobster War: How the Liberals set the Fire



We have an election coming, so no time like the present to get ready for it, eh!



There is no election coming. Neither the Conservatives nor the NDP are willing to allow it. They would likely lose seats which is their only measure of success. 

Nothing is going to help the Reform/Conservatives. O'Toole is determined to go with "the country is divided" and "Liberals are corrupt". The NDP is determined to go with "Trudeau is corrupt" and "we are better Liberals than the Liberals and we promise we won't run deficits but still give everyone all the goodies". 

I think at this point the NDP is so low they should call Trudeau's bluff on the next budget and go for the long view not that they will do it. 
