Election 2021 Newfoundland

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Ken Burch wrote:

Anybody know anything about the four independents who were elected?  Any idea where they can be placed on the ideological spectrum?

(on edit) It was three independents, not four. My bad.


 Trimper resigned from cabinet on September 13, 2019 after comments critical of the Innu Nation were left on the voicemail of an Innu Nation staffer and publicly revealed.[8][9] 


On October 20, 2020, Trimper said homeless people in Happy Valley-Goose Bay were "choosing" a risky lifestyle, in the wake of a video that showed a homeless Inuk man being thrown to the ground during an arrest in the town by a municipal enforcement officer.[11]

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

And this Trimper person, called out as the racist he is, managed to get re-elected - wow.


A look at the polls before and after the election was suspended show an enormous shift in support away from the Liberals because of the election shambles. Even this does not fully cover the voter shift as the polls only run to the end of February, while people could vote until March 21st. 

At the beginning of 2021, the N.L. Liberals were in an enviable position. Due to the province's electoral law requiring a vote within one year of a new premier being sworn in, the Liberals had to call an election by August.

The party had a solid lead in the polls and the COVID-19 caseload in the province was negligible. Furey decided the time was right and the election was called for Feb. 13.

The party kicked off the campaign on track for a landslide. According to a poll conducted by Mainstreet Research at the end of January, the N.L. Liberals had 62 per cent support among decided voters, giving them a 36-point lead over the trailing Progressive Conservatives.

With those kinds of numbers, Furey's Liberals would easily win a majority government, perhaps with as many as 30 or more of the province's 40 seats.

As election day approached, the Liberals were still on solid footing. Narrative Research told CBC News that the Liberals still had 55 per cent support when it polled between Jan. 28 and Feb. 8, just before the spike in cases. Nearly three-quarters of respondents said they were satisfied with the government's performance.

The news of the spike in cases did not put a huge dent in Liberal support, according to another poll by Mainstreet Research conducted on Feb. 10 and 11 — but compared to the firm's earlier campaign polling, the Liberals had slipped eight points to 54 per cent.

Their lead over the PCs was down to 28 points — still majority territory, but now with a very-best-case scenario of around 30 seats.

Once the election was delayed, however, the Liberals saw their support slip.

In its final poll of the campaign conducted on Feb. 20 and 21, Mainstreet Research found there was a big difference between voters who already had cast ballots (in advance voting or by mail) and those who had not.

Among those who already had voted, the Liberals had 59 per cent support and a 29-point lead over the PCs. Among those who had not voted, the Liberals had 49 per cent support and a 15-point lead.

Furey's own personal approval ratings took a hit by the end of the campaign. According to the Angus Reid Institute, Furey's approval rating had slipped eight points between the end of November and a poll conducted Feb. 26 to Mar. 3. His disapproval rating had jumped by 18 points.



The St. Johns Telegram, Newfoundland's largest newspaper, has a hard-hitting editorial on the Newfoundland election shambles, not only for Newfoundlanders but for all Canadians. It calls for major electoral reform so that elections are not run to benefit the governing party, but for the people, and to introduce proportional representation. 

The 48.0% voter turnout was down 12.1% from the last election and 7% below the previous lowest turnout in Newfouundland reflecting the problems created by Covid and raising questions about legitimacy of the election, especially for voters, such as the poor, elderly, indigenous, those with disabilities, and those in Labrador, who found it more difficult if not impossible to vote. I predict this question will hang over the Furey Liberal government, and even more so if he brings in an austerity budget that he did not run on. 

With regard to how bad it became for marginalized groups to vote,  the riding of Torngat Mountains gives a vivid picture of the story. The voter turnout drop in Torngat Mountains, the northernmost riding in the province, which also is heavily indigenous, reflects the legitimacy problems created by Covid, especially for the economcially and digitally disadvantaged. I immediately noticed the low voter turnout of 473 votes (PC 420, NDP 37, Liberal 16) as the results came in and looked up the 2019 results when 1,117 people voted there (PC 623, Lib 478 spoiled 17, with no NDP candidate), resulting in a 58% drop in voter turnout from 2019. Just 22% of eligible voters voted. The collapse of the Liberal vote in just two years from 43.5% of the vote to 3.4% of the vote may also be reflecting the fact that many voters in Turngat Mountains protested that the set-up of the Covid mail-in vote was denying many of the ridings residents the right to vote and those who did vote therefore turned against the Liberals. 

The citizens of Newfoundland and Labrador have now lived through the strangest election in our history and the engagement of the electorate during this election is worrisome for our democracy.

In terms of results, there wasn't a great deal of change. The Liberal Party won 20 seats in the 2019 election for a minority government, had one member kicked out of caucus to become an independent during their period of power, and won a slim majority this time around with 22 seats out of 40. This is similar to trends in other provinces that have held elections during the pandemic, where the party in power either gained or increased their majority during the election.

But that's about the only thing in common with other provinces during this strange election.

The system needs to be fixed so that future elections do not continue this trend of reduced participation of the voting public. The Election Act needs to be amended to clarify the rights and responsibilities of election officials to avoid the confusion and uncertainties that plagued this election.

While other provinces saw either a small drop or similar voter turnout in their elections, there was a significant drop in voter participation in this province, which accelerated a process that has been ongoing for a while. In 2015, voter turnout was 61 per cent; in 2019, it dropped to around 58 per cent, and in 2021, it was only around 48 per cent.

In a strange twist that few had predicted, two of the seats that the Liberals picked up were the seats of both opposition leaders, meaning that both the Progressive Conservatives and the New Democratic Party will not have leaders sitting in the house. A small change in number of seats has led to a big shift in power and this shift was based on the lowest voter turnout in this province's history; strange times indeed, and not a healthy sign for the troubled times we are facing in this province.

The system needs to be fixed so that future elections do not continue this trend of reduced participation of the voting public. The Election Act needs to be amended to clarify the rights and responsibilities of election officials to avoid the confusion and uncertainties that plagued this election.

The time is ripe to do a major overhaul of our elections and bring in proportional representation so all voters can feel their votes count. That people voted for three independent candidates, something that is unprecedented in Newfoundland, shows a level of frustration with the present system and a desire for members who can represent their constituents more than a political party.

In an odd juxtaposition, while we hope to increase voter participation here in Canada, many states in America are enacting laws that aim to restrict voter participation after the past election. I'm not sure which of us has the biggest problem, but neither is healthy for our democracies, and it appears that such decisions are being driven more in the self-interest of the political party over what is best for citizens.



NDP Leader Alison Coffin "says she is ready to fight what she contends are enormous mistakes in the balloting process that compromised both her ability to resume her seat as an MHA and the credibility of the entire election." in an election that she lost by 53 votes and in one where voter turnout dropped by 12% to 48%, the lowest in Newfoundland history. Furthermore, in the heavily indigenous riding of Torngat Mountains, the northernmost in the province, voter turnout dropped by 58%, reflecting the strong impediments to voting faced by all marginalized people. 

Coffin is considering a constitutional challenge to the election results based on the many problems that occurred during the election. 

Late last week Coffin asked for a recount in her district of St. John’s East-Quidi Vidi, which she lost by 53 votes. 

She talked Tuesday about a potential constitutional challenge to overturn the election, a battle that could take up to a year and would be a separate undertaking from the recount.

“This recount is 50 votes, but we have heard so many problems with people accessing the vote, people feeling disenfranchised, people getting the wrong ballots, people not getting ballots at all, too many people getting too many ballots, so just a variety of things that are happening,” Coffin said.

“The recount will give us a sense of what happened to some of the ballots and why were they rejected. … And from there we can determine, well, was there even more problems with this election. It’s about the numbers, but it’s also about let’s find out what is going on here and maybe we can decide whether we want to challenge this even further — like does this warrant a constitutional challenge."

Whatever the outcome, Coffin said she is dedicated to the party as long as it wants her. “I have a renewed sense of purpose. … Again, I am disappointed I did not get my seat, but realizing that I am in a very special place in that I have an opportunity to win my seat (in the recount), but I also have a cause that needs to be championed,” Coffin said.

“It’s not just St. John’s East-Quidi Vidi, and it’s not just New Democrats that are frustrated with this election, it’s people all across Newfoundland and Labrador (who) are so frustrated. And the phone calls and the emails that I’m getting and my family are getting and all the people around me are getting just says we are all so upset with how poorly this election was run, we need to do something about it. And I have been given time, I have an abundance of energy and now I have purpose. Could be dangerous.”

With the state of the economy, rate mitigation for Muskrat Falls still not negotiated and the Greene economic task force report still to come, as well as a budget, Coffin said it’s important to her to fight for democracy.

“Some very difficult decisions are on the horizon and I don’t think I would feel very comfortable or very proud of being a leader if I saw these things happening that are going to affect everyone all across Newfoundland and Labrador, and they are happening on the back of an election that no one has any faith in,” she said. “This is not over. This is about the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, this is about democracy, not so much about me.” ...

Court documents filed by the party last week set out a number of problems Coffin has with the balloting and scrutineer process.

In the recount application documents filed in Newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court, the NDP leader alleges that some ballots were counted improperly and others were improperly rejected, and non-compliant restrictions on the scrutineers gives rise to “a reasonable fear and concern that a returning officer has, in counting the votes, inadvertently made an incorrect statement of the number of ballots cast for a candidate or candidates.”

It includes affidavits by Coffin and NDP scrutineer Judy Vanta, who pointed out that in a typical election there are many scrutineers at polling stations across the province.

However, because this election was largely carried out by mail-in balloting, each party had a sole scrutineer overseeing the count at the Elections NL headquarters in St. John’s. (Election day having been cancelled by an outbreak of COVID-19 cases.) ...

“With all of these ballots being counted at the same time, from multiple districts in the province, I was unable to adequately observe the counting process or review each ballot cast for the district of St. John’s East-Quidi Vidi,” Vanta’s affidavit states.

“Due to restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, I was limited in my ability as scrutineer to clearly observe the counting of ballots, as is my right under the Elections Act."

Vanta also stated she was unable the first week of counting to view the tally sheets where counted ballots were recorded to be totalled for each candidate, adding they were shielded from view by Elections NL staff, a procedure later reversed after the party objected.

She stated some blue envelopes were left unopened because they were deemed to be invalid due to missing or misplaced signatures on the voter declaration form, and in her view at least some of them ought to have been opened and counted.

Vanta also stated she observed at least one error in tallying the vote, and was prevented from taking notes, contrary to previous elections. ...

Coffin, in her affidavit, alleges — among other concerns — that she has been told many individuals in the district were added to the voters list without being properly sworn, and without providing identification.

“Thousands of individuals were added to the voters list upon having a simple telephone call with Elections NL workers, and were provided with ballots, or in some cases were provided with multiple ballots, without producing proof of identity,” Coffin stated. She also said some ballots postmarked prior to March 25 — the deadline to be received at Elections NL — did not arrive in time to be counted, and some known NDP supporters didn't receive their requested mail-in ballots.


Ken Burch

Has the recount in Coffin's riding occurred yet, btw?  If so, what was the outcome?


NDP Leader Alison Coffin has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of Newfoundland that identifies 29 alleged irregularities and errors (see #43 in the url below) in the election. The lawsuit states that because "the number and severity of the aforementioned irregularities is so great, the results of the  Election must be voided and a new election must take place forthwith"  (#44). Furthermore, "the aforementioned irregularities and errors are not limited to the electoral district of St. John's-Quidi Vidi (Coffin's riding) and permeate all 40 electoral districts, thus calling into question the value of the Election results as a whole" (#45). 



Here's more on NDP Leader Alison Coffin's application  at the Newfoundland Supreme Court that argues that the provincial election was illegal and should not be considered valid.

The defeated head of Newfoundland and Labrador's New Democratic Party is leading the charge in a legal action demanding last month's election results be thrown out and a new vote ordered.

Alison Coffin and another applicant, a St. John's resident who claims he was denied the right to vote, jointly filed a court challenge Monday containing scathing accusations against Newfoundland and Labrador's elections agency, alleging widespread and illegal mishandling of the electoral process and demanding the province's Supreme Court void the election's outcome.

The 45-page application — a separate challenge from the one that Coffin filed earlier this month, requesting a vote recount in her district — argues that the process employed by Elections NL discriminated against voters on the basis of ethnicity, age or disability, disproportionately excluding people without access to the internet and people in Indigenous communities.

"We need to know what happened in this election to ensure that it does not go wrong in the next election," Coffin said Monday. "That is the impetus for this action today."

NDP provincial president Kyle Rees clarified Monday afternoon the application will target the St. John's East-Quidi Vidi district. Liberal candidate John Abbott unseated Coffin by 53 votes. 

"We are specifically bringing evidence related to that district, but there's no reason why the lessons that we learn from this district … can't be applied broadly across the province," said Rees, adding that a judge could overturn results in all 40 districts based on this application.

In addition to voiding results, the application demands an unspecified payment of damages to the joint applicants. ...

The application specifically names Elections NL head Bruce Chaulk as a respondent, alleging that Chaulk "failed to discharge [his legal] duties in the manner required of him, most notably with respect to his duty to ensure that the election proceeded with fairness, impartiality, and in compliance with the [Elections] Act, and that [Chaulk] failed to act in good faith."

Abbott, now the Liberal MHA for St. John's East-Quidi Vidi, is also named in the application as a respondent, alongside returning electoral officer Sherry Morrissey.

In the document reviewed by CBC News, Coffin submitted an affidavit alleging that she heard from more than one registered voter who requested a ballot and did not receive one, and that there were "many individuals" who were added to the voters' list by phone "without being properly sworn and providing proper identification." ...

Coffin's co-applicant, Whymarrh Whitby of St. John's, also swore an affidavit saying that he submitted a request for a special ballot on Feb. 13, just hours after chief electoral officer Bruce Chaulk cancelled in-person voting.  Whitby says he did not receive a ballot before the deadline to return votes to the elections agency, and therefore was denied his right to vote. ... Whitby alleges he called the agency twice in the days leading up to that deadline but was not called back and was not offered an alternative means to vote.

The document lists 28 specific "irregularities," any one of which it says "would be sufficient to call into question the validity of the results of an election."

That list includes Chaulk's decision to hand-deliver ballots, including to at least two candidates: former PC leader Ches Crosbie and Liberal cabinet minister Siobhan Coady.

The application also alleges that the process of issuing ballots broke the law, and contains an affidavit from a special ballot co-ordinator, who claims officials processed a "large number" of ballot requests by phone and observed elections staff mailing ballots without verifying the identity of the voter.  ...

Some callers also requested ballots for family members, although it wasn't confirmed any family members lived at the given address, that affidavit said.

Jud Vanta, an experienced NDP scrutineer, claimed in another affidavit that she was prevented from fully observing the act of vote-counting by COVID-19 restrictions, and was not permitted to look at vote tallies or summaries.  "When I tried to view these tally and summary sheets, Elections NL staff would shield the papers from view with their bodies," Vanta's statement says. 

Vanta, who described encountering various other obstructions in trying to carry out her duties, said she was later permitted to review some summary sheets, and noticed at least one tallying error when she did so.

She also described seeing a number of rejected ballots she believed did not qualify as spoilage. At least 1,337 ballots were rejected, according to data published Monday by the Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette, the official publication of the provincial government. In comparison, Elections NL rejected 899 ballots in the 2015 election. ...

In her own legal statement, Coffin outlined various other grievances with the election, including "multiple extensions of the writ period, the failure of [Chaulk] to facilitate in-person voting on polling day, [and] multiple changes to voting day," as well as Chaulk's refusal to meet with the party to discuss these concerns.  Chaulk said at the time his office was an independent institution that "will not become involved in political partisanship between the parties." The chief electoral officer continues to refuse all interview requests from CBC. He has not granted an interview to the public broadcaster since early March. ...

Immediately after filing the application, Coffin and Rees addressed reporters, defending their submission by framing it as an act of "duty" to electors frustrated by obstacles to voting at every turn. Rees said a court challenge supplied benefits that other avenues did not, including legally compelling respondents to speak to the raised issues.



Ken Burch

laine lowe wrote:

And this Trimper person, called out as the racist he is, managed to get re-elected - wow.

Not only that- Trimper took a higher share of the vote as an independent than he did two years earlier as a Liberal-  49.87%, compared to 45.8%.   He cut heavily into the Liberal vote and took a significant number of the votes of those who'd voted PC in '19.

Must be a lot of truly nasty poorbashing types in that riding.


Another candidate, PC Jim Lester, in addition to NDP leader Alison Coffin, is asking the courts to void the election in his riding because of the way the election was run. 

After losing his seat by 109 votes in last month's provincial election, PC candidate Jim Lester is turning to the courts in the hopes of having the results voided and a new election called in his former district, but he also wants a ruling on whether the vote adhered to Newfoundland and Labrador legislation. 

"It's very important to have faith in the outcome of elections," Lester told reporters on Wednesday. 

Liberal Lucy Stoyles won the district of Mount Pearl North with 2,428 votes, compared with 2,319 cast for Lester.  ...

He's asking the courts to examine whether the campaign process was "in line with what's constitutionally and legally accepted" under the province's Elections Act.

"One of the biggest concerns that I have … is the sign-up of voters by phone," Lester said. But, he said, he heard of other problems that plagued the 10-plus week campaign. He said a senior told him they repeatedly called Elections NL when their ballot didn't arrive, despite registering several weeks ahead of time.  "What really affected our voters was the outbreak of the COVID virus," he added. 

He said a lot of his supporters are working families, people who had a lot of "stress factors" that affected their ability to sign up for mail-in ballots.  ...

NDP Leader Alison Coffin filed court papers on April 1 for a recount in the district of St. John's East-Quidi Vidi, where she lost her seat to Liberal John Abbott by 53 votes. ...

Less than two weeks after that, Coffin and another applicant, filed a separate legal action demanding last month's election results be thrown out and a new vote ordered. Alison Coffin and another applicant, a St. John's resident who claims he was denied the right to vote, jointly filed a court challenge Monday containing scathing accusations against Newfoundland and Labrador's elections agency, alleging widespread and illegal mishandling of the electoral process and demanding the province's Supreme Court void the election's outcome. ...

NDP provincial president Kyle Rees clarified Monday afternoon the application will target the St. John's East-Quidi Vidi district.  "We are specifically bringing evidence related to that district, but there's no reason why the lessons that we learn from this district … can't be applied broadly across the province," said Rees, adding that a judge could overturn results in all 40 districts based on this application.



A political scientist wonders why Elections Newfoundland is standing in the way of a recount in NDP leader Alison Coffin's riding. 

A political scientist at Memorial University is bewildered as to why Elections NL would stand in the way of a judicial recount in St. John’s East-Quidi Vidi. 

NDP Leader Alison Coffin is challenging her loss to Liberal John Abbott by 53 votes. The margin for an automatic recount has to be within 10 votes so Coffin is appealing directly to the Supreme Court. 

Elections NL intends to counter some of her arguments with the next hearing set for May 10.

Kelly Blidook is puzzled as to why Elections NL would not want a recount.

He says we’re going to hear about this from the court in another month, so he doesn’t see the value in that, or why they are holding out on this. Blidook says Abbott cannot take his seat until his election is confirmed, presuming that is the eventual outcome.

Two other defeated candidates—Jim Lester in Mount Pearl North and Sheila Fitzgerald on the Northern Peninsula —are also challenging the election outcome.



NDP leader Alison Coffin's application for a recount in the St. John's riding she lost by 53 votes was turned down last week. She still has filed a companion application that seeks a controverted election under Part II of the election act, which could void the results of the general election, as have two PC candidates. 

The COVID-19 pandemic caused delays in the Liberal leadership race in 2020 when he faced off against Premier Andrew Furey, and then the pandemic caused delays this past winter in the provincial election and a court application asking for a recount in his district delayed him being sworn in as an MHA.

That court case ended last week, with the court turning down the application.

Abbott had unseated NDP Leader Alison Coffin in the district by 53 votes, and Coffin asked the court for a recount.

With no recount forthcoming, Abbott was finally sworn in as a member of the House of Assembly on Tuesday — more than seven weeks since the results of the provincial election were announced. ...

There is, however, another hurdle that could trip Abbott’s path ahead.

There are three other applications before the court arising from the election. 

Former Progressive Conservative candidates Sheila Fitzgerald and Jim Lester have also filed applications with the court to have the results in their districts overturned. They hope to have the general election results in these districts voided. If successful, it could affect the entire election.

In addition, the NDP filed a companion application that seeks a controverted election under Part II of the act, which could void the results of the general election.

Abbott says he is optimistic that process will come out in his favour.

